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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Thanks for all the suggestions. I will be investigating options over the weekend. I do want him to take classes at the local community college. I wasn't sure if 9th grade was too young for that.
  2. Ds is going to be starting 9th grade in the Fall. Dh sent me an email with the fact that NJ is offering a free virtual academy. I explained why I feel it is not a good fit for us. He comes out with he feels it is important that ds gets some cookie cutter class experience to prepare him for the reality of college. I explain that ds will be doing foreign language online next year. Dh feels he should do one other class this way. I don't disagree that outsourcing something else would be a good idea but I don't know what to outsource. So far, I am comfortable teaching science, and english, and math. So I am taking it to the hive for suggestions on online classes appropriate for a 9th grader who is bright but an average student.
  3. Ds and I find the English ones easy. The math, not so much. Although, he gets more of them correct then I do.
  4. I have 2. The big one (which I want to replace because I think it is too hot) and a smaller one for dishes only dh and I like.
  5. Where is the other option? Not as often as I should. I spot clean daily. Bathrooms are cleaned weekly. Deep clean is done bi-weekly unless company is expected.
  6. My 14 year old has been campaigning for a tv in his room since he was 4. We have 3 tvs in the house already and I think that is enough. Both my sister and I had tvs in our rooms when we were growing up and I think it was a detriment to our relationship. We didn't have to interact with anyone. We just watched what we wanted in our own rooms. Of course, back then there were fewer channels to choose from and not as much on as there is today.
  7. I am right there with you. My 8th grader is very bright but compared to some our schooling is very light. But when I look at him as a whole person he is well rounded. I try not to compare him to some on these boards or even one of his best friends (that boy is a genius). I can easily make myself crazy. I just continue educating myself on what he needs for college and plod along on my course.
  8. Based on that article (which I don't agree with) I am a better mother. I know I neglect my dh something fierce most days. I do try to take the time to connect with him when we are both home (he works a lot of hours). If we are going for total honesty, based on the article I have always been a pretty lousy wife. However, my dh is on board with the kids taking up most of my time and energy. We are in complete agreement that we only get these wonderful people for a short amount of time and we should be doing everything in our power to teach them to be productive members of society who know how to follow their bliss. Our oldest starts high school next year. Dd is only 2 years behind. Then they will be off to college and it will just be dh and I. Then we will have all the time in the world for each other and we are looking forward to it.
  9. Not unreasonable. No electronics allowed until all schoolwork is done has always been the rule in our house. It does take a few miserable days of adjustment.
  10. I had my daughter's done at Claire's. If I had it to do over again I would go to a piercing studio.
  11. I usually buy sea salt and kosher salt which is why I don't have iodized salt. I have no objection to iodized salt it is just not on my radar.
  12. Does the child not receiving the money need the assistance? If not, then no, the parents are not playing favorites. They are helping the child who needs help.
  13. Great, now I am sitting here staring at penguins. First there were the barn owls, then the eagles, then the bear, and now penguins.
  14. My dh was just diagnosed with diabetes. Some things you can do to help: Drink Hibiscus tea 3 times a day. Take 2 Tbl. of apple cider vinegar before meals (My dh likes it straight up but you can dilute it with water) Coconut oil also lowered his blood sugar after meals but it was temporary for him.
  15. These days I eat it cut in half with nothing added. As a kid and a teenager I liked a little sprinkle of sugar, maybe 1/4 of a teaspoon.
  16. I didn't start seeing those things until I became an adult. I think it is a normal part of development.
  17. I want a separate home (A townhome would be ok) with my own kitchen and the communal kitchen. As an introvert I want to be able to have my own space with the availibility of communal dining.
  18. My daughter has the 1970's AG doll. I die a little on the inside every time I look at it. My youth is not a historical era!
  19. Can you store everything for the garage sale in the garage? That will move it out of your living space at least until the sale.
  20. If I don't do it and put it in his hands as he walks out the door it just won't happen.
  21. Another venue is estate sales. That is where I purchased my wedding gown. I hate the strapless trend. Truth be told, not everyone looks good in it. For me, I do not find it fun to spend an evening pulling up my dress.
  22. Me too. Although, when dh and I saw some teens at the mall in their 80's regalia I looked at him and wondered "Did we look that stupid? They look pretty stupid."
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