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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I go on and off with baking my own bread. I mill my own flour. Love my nutrimill. I usually go off when I don't plan ahead to soak my flour. I much prefer soaked grains. I too use the passionate homemakers recipe. I also make our hot dog and hamburger buns.
  2. Oh, I agree with the little ones. Total cosleepers here. I just can't sleep with another adult.
  3. That's sweet. Okay, I will revise my position. Some human beings are not meant to share sleep space.
  4. I voted other. For my daughter. No way, no how. She can pierce whatever she wants after she turns 18. I allow one hole per ear. For anyone else's daughter, sure it is fine if that is what they want.
  5. Dh will randomly get me a gift. It is not expected and I don't care either way. What is important to me is the breakfast in bed my kids make me and everyone pitching in without complaint so I can relax.
  6. Goodness, we go to bed angry all the time and we are going on 20 years. It helps us clear our heads after a good nights sleep. If we had an extra bedroom dh would move into it. We sleep better alone and have since day 1. I am convinced that human beings are not designed to share sleeping space.
  7. DS. 14 1. What is your favorite song? Bohemian Rhapsody 2. If you had some extra money, would you be more likely to spend it on video games or clothing? Clothes
  8. I think I have finally nailed down my 9th graders classes for next year. Math: Algebra-Math-U-See English-Oak Meadow/Bi-monthly discussion group History-Oak Meadow Science-Oak Meadow Foreign Language-Spanish through OSU PE: Swim Team & Ballroom Dancing Art History: The Great Courses- Museum Masterpieces Health-The Great Courses-Nutrition Made Clear. Assorted resources-human sexuality, STD's, Drugs Music Theory-Ongoing Music Class that meets 2x per month Philosophy-ongoing class that meets 2x per month I can almost guarantee that Art History will be the first thing that gets dropped when squeezed for time.
  9. They absolutely do drive by. We had to repair our sidewalk where a tree root lifted it or our insurance company was going to drop us.
  10. For me it is not the fact that it is time consuming. It is the fact that I hate it and don't want to do it. Old house with character equals lots of nooks and crannies.
  11. I would reach out to her. The worst thing that will happen is she does not accept the request.
  12. A friend of mine had the ablation and it did not work. She ended up having a hysterectomy. When the pathology came back it turns out she had adenomyosis. It is similar to endometriosis only it stays in the uterus. The only way to diagnose is with a biopsy. Doing a biopsy pre-surgery is hit or miss.
  13. I think when you accept the future invitation that you need to tell her that you will all be there an hour earlier so that you can learn how to cook what she is preparing.
  14. I have no idea what my kids blood types are. I know they are either O+ or B+. Because dh is O+ and I am B+. I asked my pediatrician the last time we were there and they don't know because my kids were born in another state. They did say I could probably find out from the hospital where they were born.
  15. Oh how I miss my enthusiastic dusters. I abhor dusting. The best thing to do is cut down on knick knacks and bric a brac. I can dust empty surfaces in no time flat. It is most unfortunate that most of my surfaces have stacks of stuff on them.
  16. 1. do you let kids and their friends wrestle and jump in your bedroom on your bed? Absolutely not. No guests are allowed upstairs where the bedrooms are located. If I found a guest jumping on any bed they would be told to get down. 2. what do you think about shoes being worn in your house? Don't care. The dog tracks in so much dirt shoes don't matter. However, my children know to follow the rules of the house they are guests in if they want to be invited back. 3. what if two of your kids share a room and one kids friend messes up the room while neat freak child is yelling and upset? what if you told visitor to not go in room and he keeps going in there? Visitor who repeats an action they have been told not do is sent home. 4. should 9 year old boys be wrestling in the house? Not unless you have the space for it. 5. what about friends opening up gerbil cage without asking and playing with gerbil? They would be instructed to close the door and reminded that one must ask prior to doing. 6. do you let 9 year olds run around slamming doors on each other? Absolutely not. Doors are not toys. Someone could get hurt. It sounds like you need to set ground rules when kids come over and let them know upfront that breaking the rules means they go home immediately. This does require follow through when they test it out.
  17. Yes, go to an endocrinologist. There are other things the doc will look at besides your blood work. I have been on synthroid since I was 15. I started seeing my endo at 13. It took two years of testing frequently until my thyroid settled into hypo. My symptoms were subtle and not consistent. I am watching the same pattern in my dd.
  18. I would say try the diet and exercise for 3 months and if it is not enough start taking the Metformin.
  19. I had mine about 6 weeks ago. Seeing as how it was not that long ago, you would think I would remember. I believe it was 1 week no exercise and then 2 weeks light exercise. Relations was 3 weeks. I did get my first period since the procedure a week ago. I had some period is coming twinges. Some mild cramping the first day and my period only stuck around for 3 days. And it was very light. I am hoping that this is how it will be for now on. Of course, I was also hoping I would be one of the ones who never gets her period again. My doc told me that it will take about 6 months for my period to settle in to what it will be.
  20. You say it will be useless, but has anyone tried talking to the parents? If the parents truly won't do something then I see only 2 options: 1. Call the cops. 2. No unsupervised visits to the park.
  21. What do I think is reasonable? I don't tell him how to do his job. He doesn't tell me how to mine. I made it very clear early on that if he does not like the way I do something he has 2 choices. Accept how I do it or do it himself. This is true for me as well. 20 years later I still grit my teeth and remind myself to be thankful he put his dishes in the dishwasher even though the way he did it is clearly wrong.
  22. The going rate around here is $80-$110. The higher range ones usually will also do a couple of loads of laundry while they are cleaning.
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