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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I use a msn.com as my start page. I read the news and then start my day.
  2. Just recently we went 2 weeks just using supplies on hand. Okay, I did pick up a couple of onions but other than that I used my bulk goods, what I had in the freezer, and my pantry. By the 2nd week pickings were a bit slim. I don't think my kids want waffles or eggs for awhile.
  3. Hands down-The Time Traveler's Wife. I despised that book and was honest with my book club. My book club went the way of the dodo last year. Everyone just got too busy. I really should try to start it up again.
  4. What is done is done. Just make sure dd knows that if it happens again that friend will have to go home no matter what the circumstances.
  5. Have discussed with your doctor? There could be another medical reason for the hair loss.
  6. This is coming from someone who couldn't carry a tune even if it had a handle, however, I think we are talking genetics. You may be able to improve their singing but I don't know that they will ever sing on key.
  7. Yep, storm door. Usually comes with screens to replace the glass in the warmer months. They also help protect your wood front door from the elements.
  8. Love amazon prime for the shipping. The streaming is a bonus. Between netflix and amazon we barely miss cable.
  9. It is easy to make sushi. It does take some practice to get the rice ratio correct.
  10. My kids are very similar in looks but one of my friends is from Guatemala and her husband is blond hair, blue eyed German. One kid looks like her and the other looks like the father. She is often assumed to be the nanny of the blond hair/blue eyed child.
  11. Yes, I ask my children to do things during the day. I am not consistent about it. Some days it is just easier to do it myself.
  12. My dh stays away from carbs and potatoes and rice. Lots of protein, greens and berries. He also drinks hibiscus tea 3x a day. He tries to remember to take a tbl of apple cider vinegar before he eats. Exercise also makes a huge difference.
  13. None of the above. I did love tomato and cream cheese sandwiches when I was kid.
  14. Oh, that made me spit out my drink. Well, I can't promise he won't lick his man parts but he has been trained not to jump and hump legs.
  15. That is great for your dh. Diet absolutely matters. Within a few months my dh has made great progress on reversing his type 2 diabetes with diet.
  16. I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty. I use mine fairly regularly. But not every week. I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts. Depends on my mood and how far from the corral I am. I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not. I hear ya. I like the Duggars. Indifferent to the Duggar family. I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade. Nothing to add. I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical. I can see that. I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop. Total train wreck that I can't turn away from. I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass. Agreed I still have unschooling tendencies. I've got those, too. I wear shoes in the house and I don't make my guests take their shoes off. If you give me advance notice that you are a shoe off family I have no issue with it. Toilet paper goes under, but truthfully, I am just thankful there is tp at all. I have a dog. I have a big dog. If you don't like dogs, I get that, but do not demand that I lock my dog up for you to visit. I will gladly honor your request but if you are pushy I will tell you this is his home, too.
  17. I am in touch with the athletic coach at my town high school. It seems I am the first person to inquire. He is researching it.
  18. Yes, the daycare my kids attended had a Reggio Emilia inspired art studio and art teacher. It was wonderful the way they explored life through art.
  19. http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/schooled_in_sports/2011/11/homeschooled_nj_students_can_now_play_public_high_school_sports.html According to this, as long as your homeschooled student meets the requirements they are allowed to participate.
  20. You are assuming it was the mother's idea to only invite your older dd. It is quite possible that even though this girl does enjoy your younger daughters company that she does not truly consider her a friend. She may view her as her friends tag a long little sister and wants your dd to sleep over at her house without the distraction of said tag a long little sister. Do something special with your younger dd that evening. It is a life lesson-we are not always included or invited. That is life. Sometimes it is rotten.
  21. I am not one for decorating for Holidays. Too much clutter and no place to store it all.
  22. We have been in NJ for 14 years now. There are many things I love about the State. It has everything. Mountains, beaches, lakes, and the city. I live in Bergen County which is close to the city and well developed. It is cramped in places, loaded with traffic, and has high property taxes. On the flip side-whatever kind of food I want is within 20 minutes, I don't have to drive far to run errands of any kind, and I am close to the city. We love NYC and go in fairly frequently. As for IT jobs, being close to the city gives more opportunity then some of the areas that are more rural. For years my dh was a consultant and he found it fairly easy to get consulting jobs in NJ and in the city. I know there are websites dedicated to IT and consulting in the area. Salary and cost of living will depend on what area you settle in. People-all kinds of people. Diversity abounds.
  23. This is what my son does. I don't know where he picked that trick up but it works for him. I just give them pills in a spoonful of applesauce. They will both take with water if necessary but they prefer the applesauce. This was cemented for them when my mother showed them that she takes her pills that way.
  24. They say it because they feel the need to say something. They know other people who do not have a job at all and would be grateful to take a pay cut just to be employed. They think they are somehow being supportive. It does suck.
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