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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Master the phrase: Please pass the bean dip. You do not have to justify or explain your decision to anyone. Asking questions you don't like: Thank you for your concern, please pass the bean dip. When you first start out you will go to any and all homeschooling outings looking for people you click with. This is dating. It can be quite awful. It may take a lot of time but eventually you will find people.
  2. Oh, no drying off in the shower. I step out into my nice steamy bathroom. I shudder at the thought of my nice warm body touching the cold tile wall. I don't have a sopping wet bath mat. My kids step out, too. Dh does most of his drying in the shower.
  3. I consider it South Jersey but it is probably officially central jersey.
  4. I usually think they are about to say something judgemental..
  5. Even with all the new details I think you overreacted. Obviously your instincts were correct about the girl having issues. Next time follow your own rules about sleepovers. Have a conversation with your daughter about house rules and how to handle this type of situation in the future. Your daughter is a good kid who need guidance in this situation. Remove lock from bedroom door. I think it may be time for a man in kilt in photo.
  6. No locked bedroom doors here. Mostly due to concern that if something should go wrong I wouldn't be able to get in there. Our current house all the doors require a skelton key that have long been lost by the original owner. If the bathroom door is closed -knock first.
  7. 1. Library/most awesome librarians ever 2. Proximity to NYC 3. Food of all kinds
  8. 1. Our Constitution 2. Freedom to criticize the government and to try and change it 3. Variety of climates, topography On a State level: 1. Homeschool laws 2. Access to variety of foods 3. Acces to variety of cultural experiences
  9. We eat dinner as a family on weekends. Dh's work schedule is too unpredictable and the kids are hungry by 6pm.
  10. A combination of sunblock and rashguards. When they were younger-always a hat. Now that they are older I have decided the hat is not the hill I want to die on.
  11. If my two dare to say I'm bored during non-tv hours I hand them the cleaning supplies. It is amazing how quickly they can find something to do.
  12. Dh would probably like a chair but there is no chair ownership going on. We do all have our preferred spots on the couch. My dad had a chair. It was a recliner. He did not view it as disrespect if we did not jump out of the chair when he entered. He would simply tell us to get out of the chair or he would sit on us. Now that I am thinking about it, both of grandpa's had chairs, too.
  13. I haven't ditched it totally but I do carry a small purse. Wallet, keys, a pen, phone. Depending on where I am going sometimes I just grab my id and phone and go.
  14. Deal breakers for me: HOA. Don't need the headache. Smells like cat pee/cigarette-cigar smoke Only 1 bathroom. Bath and a half is ok. Flood zone infestation of any kind messy/loud neighbors bad neighborhood
  15. Our house came with a glass top. When it dies I will probably go back to gas. I grew up on electric. It is not the worst thing in the world and I certainly manage to cook wonderfully on it but I prefer gas.
  16. Routinely: Carrots Cucumber Red Peppers Green Peppers Celery Kale Brussel Sprouts Cabbage Bok Choy Turnips Parsnip Potatoes Tomatoes Broccoli Cauliflower Mushrooms On occasion I will buy: Asparagus Bean Sprouts Zucchini Radishes Beets Kohlrabi Celeriac Spaghetti Squash Butternut Squash Something that looks interesting Never, ever, ever, willingly buy: Eggplant
  17. Lately we have been watching: Mission Impossible Quantum Leap Quincy
  18. Love it. But I still think the Big Metal Chicken is the winner.
  19. So true. I wish someone would have mentioned that my almost a teen daughter would eat as much as her teenage brother. I also wish someone would have mentioned that my teenage son would take longer then his sister to do his hair and make sure his clothes are just right.
  20. Even though I have already settled on what I am doing in the upcoming year I love that phone book catalog.
  21. No, I did not have sealants put on my kids teeth. They are not cavity prone and I did not like the idea of chemicals on their teeth.
  22. I do some sorting. For clothes I sort as I remove them from the hamper. I end up with 4 piles at my feet. Jeans/shorts, darks, brights, and whites. If there is only a small load of one of the piles I will either throw it in with something else or wait if it doesn't need to be done that day. If there is a relatively new dark dyed item in the wash then I will not mix lighter colors in that load. Towels and sheets are done separately on a different day.
  23. Pitbull or Pitbull mix. My rescue is the sweetest dog. Short hair and not a big shedder. Rarely barks. He is great with the kids and all their friends. He is thrilled to be part of the gang when everyone is over. He loves to go on walks and see people and other dogs. He is also content to hang in the yard. He is very helpful when I weed. I show him what I want pulled out and he pulls it out. If a burgler came I think he might let him in and show the crook where all the valuables are as long as the criminal played with him.
  24. I just had a similar conversation with a tween at the pool who was waiting for her friend. She said she didn't know where her friend was and she was not answering her texts. I said "you know, you could just call her. The ringing phone may alert her that you are really trying to reach her."
  25. Personally, I think the people attending know the couple and know that they are combining households and don't really need stuff. They would probably give money anyway (I know I probably would) or a gift card to the hardware store or something along those lines. If I got an invite asking for money I wouldn't be offended but it is not something I would do.
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