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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Gas and food is where my $$ are going. It is very frustrating because thankfully with his new job my dh makes a decent salary and yet we are still unable to get ahead of the curve. For every step forward I feel like we take 2 steps back.
  2. Speedo Vanquisher here, too. They work the best on my kids.
  3. Both my kids have trichotillomania (hair pulling) and they are helped enormously by taking 5-htp daily and Inositol (in powdered form).
  4. It depends. Some things he does independently. Other things we do together. If his independent work is showing a lack of understanding I step in and we do it together until he is back on the independent track.
  5. To be honest, I don't bother with them. The worksheets tell me if they understand the material. I only give the Final at the end of the book.
  6. A very frustrating time. He is 14 now and his brain has not fully returned yet.
  7. Where I live now: Elementary: K-5 Middle School: 6-8 High School:9-12 Where I grew up: Elementary: K-6 Junior High: 7-9 High School: 10-12 Although, I understand from friends who still live where I grew up, that is some sort of bizarre centralized thing. Such as one school dedicated k-2, another is 3-5, etc.
  8. My father's girlfriend. I always felt like I was in a museum and was afraid I would sully the furniture. My Mother-in-law is pretty close in museum stature. I think my house might be the worst. Dust bunnies are my favorite pet. I don't have to feed them, water them, or play with them and they grow and grow.
  9. Before we were a swim team family my kids loved to use the wii fit. They also talk a homeschool gym class 1x per week at our local y. It was a great class. The gym teacher did a great job of teaching basic sports rules for hockey, basketball, tennis, etc. and a mix of athletic challenges-scooterboard races, obstacle courses, agility races, etc.
  10. We were at Comic Con all day yesterday so today everyone (myself included) is dragging. No one is motivated. We got through math and english and then I pretty much declared school over for the day.
  11. Do the kids do any kind of prep work prior to getting together? We have a couple of quiet ones in our teen group but over the years we have noticed a few things. 1. If asked a direct question they usually have something to say. 2. When we break the group off into smaller groups to complete an activity the quiet ones usually have a voice. to Peer on peer without an adult leader seems to get them talking. We have also done a lot of working on making sure everyone gets a turn, patience while the quieter ones form thoughts, etc.
  12. Since I am the only one is the family who will eat brown rice, no, I am not switching. I am continuing to rinse as usual.
  13. My rice cooker is not lined with teflon (although I think the pot is aluminum which is not so great). I bought it costco a few years ago. I use it a few times a week and never have a problem with rice sticking to it. I usually cook jasmine or basmati rice. When I have the $$ I am investing in a vitaclay. http://vitaclaychef.com/
  14. Ok, I had to revive this so I can say I finally saw something other then a bird or a rabbit. I saw a gazelle taking a drink. My dd saw it too so I am not making this up.
  15. This is the recipe I use. It is easily tweaked. The barefoot contessa has not let me down yet.
  16. Are you living with my spouse? It drives me nuts that I am up at 5 and he is snoozing for the next 2 hours.
  17. I tend to do a mix of candy and non-candy. I find the moms of younger kids appreciate the alternative and the older kids like a choice (although most pick the candy).
  18. My library carries some of them and I buy when they are deeply discounted. They have sales fairly frequently.
  19. My electrolux cannister is still going strong and it is 20 years old. If I was replacing it I would probably get an Oreck because I do not think electrolux is what it used to be.
  20. :iagree: The Life game my kids have is awful (although they like it) Kerplunk is also lousy. I ended up throwing ours away it was so cheaply made. Othello is still good but I don't like the changes they made to the storage. Mine had covers. Our set does not, the pieces are just really snug.
  21. Our dog loves to lick your legs when you just got out of the shower. He will lick my dh anytime he allows it.
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