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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I insist on tv and lights out at midnight. What they do after that is up to them but if I hear them I will tell them to go to sleep because now they are interfering with my sleep.
  2. I just ignore the drama creators. Few things irk me more then cryptic please ask me what is wrong status updates.
  3. It doesn't happen to my anymore but when I was kid, all the time. Sometimes, it is a pia to have a nickname as a name. I can still remember the conversation with teachers: Teacher: Kathy. Is that short for anything. Katherine, Kathleen. me: No. It is just Kathy. Teacher: Are you sure? Ok, I can understand the "are you sure" when you are a little kid and you hate your name. But it happened all the way through high school. It doesn't bother me when people want to insist my name is something else. I just politely correct them until they get it.
  4. I am with you on the coffee. Blech. I won't eat cake made with coffee, either. I think candy corn is gross, too.
  5. Mary Jane. Yuck! The worst candy ever (IMO)
  6. I detest that word. My children and dh say it with glee. I don't have a contemporary replacement. I use "pass gas" Sometimes I will use tooted or pooted. My dd called them grumpies when she was little.
  7. I like 1 & 2 (and I am over 40, but under 50) # 1 could def. be considered old ladyish. I do like #3 but I don't think it would look right on my body type. As for dancing, if you feel like dancing get up and dance. You should not let the fact that no one else your age is dancing stop you from doing what you want. You know what they say..dance like nobody is watching.
  8. You can't go wrong with any of the museums. My kids love both The Met and The Museum of Natural History. A stroll through central park if it is not too cold. Top of the Empire State Building Top of the Rock (If you are planning to see the tree, it is right there) Serendippity for Frozen Hot Chocolate (make a reservation) Dylan's Candy Bar As for dress for the theatre, anything goes these days (personally, I think that is a crime). For us, when we go to the theatre we dress. Not like we are going to a cocktail party, but nicer then my stomping around the city togs. That would mean either a skirt or slacks for me and ds wears khakis and a nice button down.
  9. I've heard different reports. I figure I will know when it gets here.
  10. That was a fun few minutes of looking stuff up. In our family I am the only one who was born on a Tuesday. We've got 2 Sundays and a Friday.
  11. I enjoyed this. I agree with the thoughts in it.
  12. I started going noticeable grey a few years ago. I color and cut every 7 weeks. I don't have enough grey to start rocking the salt and pepper look. I just have an ugly clump by my temple and then bizarre other groupings scattered about. I just look bizarre and old without coloring.
  13. This was why I pushed so hard for my teen to be allowed to participate on the high school swim team. I am glad it is working out for your dd. I am hoping for similar results for my son. He wants those local friends for hanging out (as I noted earlier).
  14. I don't understand why the twin was grounded. That sounds a little wonky to me. I guess my question is, does the other mother know that your dd is really only friends with the one twin. As for them always being a twofer, I don't have twins but I have known some. The families I did know the twins had their own interests and friends. As for your dd apologizing, I don't think she needs to but if the mother is going to behave like this it may be necessary to salvage the relationship between the girls.
  15. Well, Dr. Huxtable has his office downstairs so he is nearby. I just assumed that Mrs. Huxtable has some kind of flex time arrangement.
  16. It does seem like he would be Dr. Frankenstein but that is probably not it.
  17. Maybe she has ppd. Honestly though, the poor thing is probably exhausted and just wants a few minutes of peace and quiet.
  18. Clearly, the man in the yellow hat is a poacher. At least that is what I told my ds one day when we were reading the book and he asked why the man in the yellow hat was trapping George in his hat. We then had a discussion on poaching. What it is and why people do it. It is obvious that people poach because it pays well. My dh was quite horrified. I have spent hours wondering if Phineas and Ferb are remotely successful in the school environment. I imagine they attend a hippie dippie private school. Why don't Spongebob and Patrick have some kind of social worker visit them periodically? Ok, spongebob can hold down a job but there is something not quite right with that sponge. And why is he shaped like a household sponge instead of a sea sponge? I wonder why anyone is friends with Arthur. That is one whiny aardvark.
  19. Chicken Pox parties were quite common when I was growing up. I don't have an issue with it. I had them as a baby and don't remember them. I do remember the case of shingles I got a few years ago. It has taught me to be less stressed. Whenever I feel very stressed the spot where the shingles were starts to tingle. It is like my spider sense letting me know to relax.
  20. If you ask my teen his answer will be "not enough". It is a frequent complaint from him that he does not have enough local friends to hang out with. We are busy with outside activity: Sun-Thurs evening-swim practice. Friday: Ballroom dancing. Wed. we have discussion group or philosophy Once a month: Book Club at the library Once a month: TAB at the library Throw in swim meets, the youth group outings, family obligations and the reality is, he does not have a lot of down time for hanging out but when he does have it he wants to fill it with hanging out. It is an ongoing struggle that I have difficulty understanding since I am an introvert. He takes after his father and loves to be surrounded by friends all the time. One of the things that has helped some is having him invite friends over once a month for a movie night. Snacks and a movie-you can't go wrong.
  21. I arrive early so I can get an aisle seat. It is my preference and if the seating is not assigned I will take the seat I want. We were once at a movie theatre and we arrived early to get the seats we wanted. The theatre filled up and a couple of minutes before it was supposed to start an employee asked my dh if we would all shift over one space so there would be 2 seats together. Dh politely told him we would not be moving. We arrived early to get the seats we wanted and were not about to be penalized because someone else decided to arrive 2 minutes before it starts.
  22. I have a quilt that I throw over the comforter. Keeps the comforter from smelling like dog and is easy to throw in the washer.
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