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Everything posted by skeeterbug

  1. Agreed. You are asking her to do an oral narration and then write it down by herself? That's too much if you are new to narration. She probably can't remember what she said for long enough to get it written. I would write down her oral narration, helping her narrow it down if needed, and then let her copy it. Do you have access to the text that goes with WWE? I think it's called The Complete Writer (someone correct me if I'm wrong). Your library might have it. It will give you specifics on how to progress from oral to written, and ideas on how long that should take.
  2. If you are looking for mainly handwriting instruction/practice, you won't get much value for the $$ out of these. There's very little practice writing the letters. If I wanted to teach lowercase first, I'd use the HWOT K book and just start midway through the book where the lowercase letters start. If I thought seeing all those unused pages would be too distracting for the child I'd tear apart the book and remove those pages.
  3. I resent having to file US taxes on principle, not because of difficulty. I'm the US citizen but I'm not the wage earner, and yet we will have to file every year even if we never set foot in the country again. The automatic extension is only two (and a half?) months. If you need longer you can file an extension to get six months.
  4. I just watched it without sound because I'm in bed with my sleeping baby and husband, no headphones within reach. I thought it was sweet. But I'm so glad my husband isn't the type to do have done something like this! I spent the whole video wondering who was going to show up at the end to do the proposing-a man or a woman? :D
  5. I can't see it. :mad: I read about it in the news but can't access it, I guess because I'm in Australia? I wanted to try it! Eta: Found it! http://www.google.com/doodles/googles-15th-birthday
  6. We rarely have a lights out rule, they are free to read with a lamp for awhile. Occasionally one will fall asleep with the light on and their book open in their lap. :wub: They are all very good about not making noise. If we've had a long, tiring day or need to get up early we will ask them to turn off their lights after a certain amount of time. I've got all three sharing a room right now due to visitors, they are still all very good about being quiet. I think it helps that they have a late bedtime.
  7. Another one that hasn't aired here in Australia yet. Although I saw a commercial for it, I think it airs next week. I only started watching this the last few episodes of last season. Thank you for the spolier alert, I scrolled down to avoid it and will come back after the season has started here!
  8. I love this advice. I struggle with the line between letting them be kids/enjoy themselves/make noise and QUIET! I can't take it anymore! :D I think I do need to correct mine more in this area so that my feral kids can live amongst us humans more. ;) (They're not really all that bad, it's just more noticeable now that it's spring here and they're running around more!)
  9. I'm glad it's done and wish you well with your healing-both physically and emotionally. :grouphug:
  10. Scrolling down so as not to read spoilers but subbing to thread so I can come back after i've seen it. I have no idea when it airs here (Australia), I just saw last season's finale this week! Some shows we get immediately, some are delayed it seems until the season is over in the US. Hoping it will air here soon! Resisting temptation to read thread...:leaving:
  11. Do you have your 5yo do an afternoon rest time? If you don't, start it now! Time it so that 2yo can nap and you can lay down with baby. :) 5yo doesn't have to sleep, but must be quiet on his/her bed with books, colouring, or an audiobook. Afternoon rest time keeps me sane! ;)
  12. Melissa, I'm in Australia also. I had a small, painful lump the end of last year. My dr sent me for an ultrasound. I'm 38. I think I paid $40 after medicare. It was a cyst, but they found something else. I had a biopsy and it was not cancerous. Worth it for peace of mind. :) Go back to your dr and ask for a referral for an ultrasound, or go to another doctor and ask for one. Then come back and let us all know the good news when it's nothing! ;)
  13. Would you consider a different approach to naps? For an 8-month old I'd lay down next to him in my bed and nurse him to sleep. Gently detach and roll over for my own nap or get up and have some time to myself. Line the bed with pillows so that he won't roll off. Carry a baby monitor so I can hear when he wakes up and I can catch him before he moves. We co-sleep and this is what I've done with all of mine. I know co-sleeping isn't for everyone, so even if it isn't an option for you at night, you might consider it for naps. Anything to get you some rest, dear mama. ;) :grouphug:
  14. Three weeks on Thursday for me! Two and a half to go. Not that I'm counting or anything. ;) I'm trying to do school 2-3 days a week. They came a long way to see us and it's not often we see them, so just trying to enjoy it.
  15. I've never had my house cleaned by someone, so can I ask a question? What do you do while they are cleaning? Every time I try to imagine someone cleaning my house I picture myself guiltily standing nearby wringing my hands. :D
  16. I'm nominating this for 'Weirdest Thread Ever'. And I read all of it (scrolling quickly through freaky pictures) and I still have no satisfying answer to the original question. C'mon people, F-O-C-U-S!
  17. I wanted to 'like' your post but it didn't seem right. What I 'like' is that you could be there for her family and that you care so much for her. What a beautiful friendship. :grouphug:
  18. I wouldn't use it for kids that young. It's a lot of reading, a lot of info. It's textbook-y, but conversational. The style drives some people batty, I find the conversational tone annoying sometimes and I often edit it on the fly. I've read many call it dry and boring, but it is packed with info. I'd wait until your oldest are 7 & 8, or 6 & 7 at the youngest. Astronomy is supposed to be the easiest, so it's a good one to start with. (Very YE if that matters to you.) Anatomy and Chem/Physics are supposed to be harder so save those for when they are older. I'm happy I didn't start until 2nd grade, though you will find users here who did it with young'uns. I don't require my 6yo to listen to all the reading I am doing with my 8yo, and he doesn't do a notebook, but if he is working nearby he will usually pick up on something. He does enjoy the hands-on bits, but he is my hands-on boy! It is open and go except for the experiments, you have to look ahead to make sure you have what is needed like with most science programs. You can buy kits to make it even more open and go. We read a few pages from the text and work in the notebook each day. We spend 30mins to an hour, several times a week. There is typically some kind of project/activity for each chapter and an experiment. Each book is about fourteen lessons. There is a schedule in the notebook for two days a week, two weeks per lesson, so 28 weeks. You can go faster/slower, spend the whole year on one book or try to do two, or even one and a half. I was going to write a quick, short response and here I've written a book! ;)
  19. Ooooooooh, I like your new avatar almost as much as I liked the old one of that gorgeous hair...and I'm not a heart person at all. :wub: Um, I'm so not helpful here, OP! I tried re-using worksheets but didn't like any of the things I tried. If the copyright allows for copies I scan it, I have a printer with a document feeder for the scanner/copier, makes it so easy! This saves me time over copying for each subsequent kid. I guess my youngest will get to use the originals! (And then I'll delete my electronic copy.). If the copyright doesn't allow for copying I buy more workbooks (Explode the Code) or write on separate paper (Song School Latin).
  20. Not inappropriate at all. It will also be just fine for you to ask at some future point whether her daughter has had the baby and whether she had to have the c-section. :)
  21. In hymns you might see the word heaven shortened to heav'n to make it fit the line in the song. Would that be an example of a one-word contraction?
  22. I think that you are right, it won't show anything in your feed because you aren't following anyone. It is social media, so you are missing the whole point (from Pinterest's perspective, anyway). Maybe find some people who aren't very active? Then maybe Pinterest would be happy you are following someone and make your feed active again? I know I have several friends I follow who are not active at all, they have set up an account but only have a few pins/boards. An alternative would be to set up a board called 'active projects' and have a bookmark that leads directly there, bypassing the login or home pages. Then as you complete something you would move or delete the pins. That way you could see all the pins you want to keep fresh in your mind, and they'd be only your pins. I have a bookmark that leads directly to my boards so that I don't get caught up looking at my feed all the time!
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