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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. I eas the same way with DD, and this pregnancy. I feel high and I am just 9 weeks. Ultrasound today....just one. But I told the OB that I was constantly sick, all day and she said it is heartburn. I took zantac with my dd and felt much better. I will be starting It again tonight :) Talk to your Dr about heartburn.
  2. I ate peanut butter and strawberries all through my pregancies, my son lives on peanut butter, dd eats it on apples. No allergies. I also did not delay trying peanut butter with my kids. I did do it during the day, ready to ryn to the very nearby hospital if something happened the first time. I think ds was actually in his carseat, buckles in ready to go shopping when I gave him a cracker. We were two minutes from tue doctor and hospital. No reactions. My friend delayed introducing allergy foods until 2 and avoided them all during pregnancy and nursing. Her kids do have food allergies. It is a crazy mess.
  3. At 20, my two best friends and I drove from OKC to Memphis, Birmingham, Atlanta, Macon, Savannah, Charleston, Knoxville and home. We had no GPS, just phones, maps, and a plan. I had been to three of the cities. We wandered Memphis and Atlanta at night on our own. I understand being fearful after what happened with your son, but eventually your DD will be on her own. She needs to learn to navigate through new areas at some point. Better 30 minutes from home than 3 hours, right?
  4. I applied to a lot of east coast schools 15 years ago and had to take the SAT, for stayed schools in the Midwest, I needed ACT. I started taking the ACT in 7th grade. I took it 3 times my Jr year and once senior year. I took the SAT almost as many times. My scores definitely improved each time. No matter how you try, you cannot recreate that environment. It is stressful. I would have her take the test as many times as she can.
  5. Water is making me sick! I have started adding lemon to my water and that helps me. I eat little bots all day. I still feel awful! I hope it will get better in a few weeks! Eat protein in the morning. The more protein I get, the better I feel. I am also steering clear of sweets. They make me sick this time around.
  6. I use my magic bullet to make a fruit smoothie everything morning. I use frozen fruit to keep it cold, a banana for texture, and milk with the yogurt for the liquid. I know the magic bullet needs a certain amount of liquid to blend correctly. I don't know if other blender are that way too.
  7. My son is in first. I plan to Homeschool him all the way through right now. Partly because he wants to. If he changes his mind, we will consider it. We will always consider school district when we buy a house, I want to have a choice if we need to make a change.
  8. I am seriously contemplating taking January off! We started Aug first to he done May first. I am having a rough first trimester and we have another show at the studio coming up. If we take this month off, I will be.second trimester when we start back, shows will be over, life will be normal. Plus I am due the first week of August, so we will not start second grade until labor day ;) We do start co-op this week.....
  9. I am using Brightly Beaming's letter of the week curriculum. It had poems, songs, letters, numbers, shapes, colors, and animals. It has motor skill activities amd an outline of each days activities. I do not do it all, but it gives me something fun for my little one to do. And the best part....it is free! Just the cost to print. I so.t feel had of we dont do it all, because I did not pay anything. It has no Bible integrated, but we add in Bible stories and they do Bible based studies at co-op, we ecan expand on those. Se also get to join in with her brother's Bible verses things when we practice.
  10. I am going to try to do this this year! It has been about one year since I finished a book for pleasure! I read The Historian this time last year. I could not find another book to get into after that, plus I just never made time for reading. I would recommend The Historian if you like mysteries!! It was a fascinating read! I am off to a good start this year. I finished The Help, which I loved! I am now starting on We Bought a Zoo. So far, it is enjoyable. Next up, I am trying The Hunger Games. It has been recommended my some friends. Things I hope to read (including a few from high school that I want to reread as an adult): To Kill a Mockingbird Crime and Punishment Little Women Little Men Jo's Boys And the rest of Luisa May Alcott's books, they are all on my shelf! Some Jane Austen Some of the John Grisham books I have not finished. And many more wonderful books I have owned for years and never read!
  11. In the last two weeks I have had less than 36 ounces of coke! I used to drink mote than 36 ounces a day!! I went one week with no soda, then I had morning sickness at work and the only think to settle my stomache was a can of coke. Then a few days later I had a glass with pizza, again to help with feeling sick. Bit I don't crave it anymore!! If I feel Tue need for something sweet, I go for some juice. But I have done well with a little tea and as much water as I can stand. Good luck and I hope your head is much better!
  12. My parents were pretty involved. They helped us with homework, studied for tests with us, and read to is when we were little. My mom was on tue board of the Friends of the Library until I was in Jr high. She was president for two years. We wejt to the library a lot! We met Bill Wallace and had all of our books signed by him. They are still some of my favorites. We also went to the book sale every year. She would come home from working it with a box of books. Mom and Dad read all the time, and we never lacked good books. In 6th grade my mom dropped my best friend and I off at the library once a week, we had a study carrol reserved. We checked out books and did research for school. We learned very quickly to always have something we learned to share at dinner. Every night my dad asked what we learned that day. If we said, "nothing" or "I don't know," he gave us an assignment. We liked up events in the encyclopedia, words in the dictionary, and current events in the paper. If we asked what a word meant, we were sent to the dictionary. My dad spent hours helping me study for my first final exams in 6th grade. We were also paid for good grades. $10 per A and $5 per B. I had many $80 report card days. He knew how to motivate us ;) My mom stayed up late with me to type my papers before I could type fast. She would watch me painfully type a paragraph and then decide I would he up too late. I graduated with honors, fifth in my class. Our school also had an amazing counselor. In our sophomore year she met with every student and their parents. We discussed the whole process before it ever began. I am so thankful for that service. She made everything so easy! I graduated in 1997.
  13. I downloaded a Baby Center app for my phone, I am using it to track my pregnancy. It have a great picture for each week and videos for every 8-10 week period. My kids were fascinated by the transition from a "ball" to a baby in weeks 1-9. You could get the free app and use it, or probably find it all on babycenter.com. OR you could get the book of illustrations of baby development. I cannot remember the title and my copy is in a box in the garage. It is a beautiful picture book!
  14. It is another excuse to get together with DH's siblings. We had munchies, played games, and some had a few drinks. The kids played until after 1 am. One year, we went downtown. We were a smaller group then, but still 10 adults and 10 kids....we could not agree on where to go amd what shows to see! Now.....it would be a nightmare. We have a good time, watch the ball drop and kiss our spouses. We had champagne and sparkling grape juice this year. :)
  15. How old is he?? I love my "Dance Technique and Injury Prevention" book. It has lots of pics, black and white, showing good tech, bad tech, proper placement, how to prevent major amd minor injuries, and lots of exercises! I also love Rhee Gold's "Teaching Dance." As a teacher it is very inspiring. As a dancer of was a good read too. My go to dictionary is "The technical manual and dictionary of classical ballet." By Gail Grant The story of Jerome Robbing is interesting. I would not recommend Dance with Demons for young kids, it has some very adult material. But anything you can find on him is great. His dance and choreography careers were amazing. Ballet 101 has a good history of dance, stories of major ballets, and a dictionary. The History of Dance is more dry, my sister read it in college. Kristin's "The Classic Ballet" has great illustrations of dance steps. And I recommend Robert Edmund Jones's "The Dramatic Imagination" for any performer. His description of how ot feels to he in the theatre is wonderful!
  16. My Christmas present arrived today!!! I have been waiting a week and I am soooooo excited. When we bought our house two years ago, we were given a 20+ year old fridge. It was great to not have that expense right away, but the freezer was going and it is 15 cubic ft. That barely cut it when we were a family of three, as four, we had to limit cold foods....as five.....it was not going to be enough. Now I have a beautiful, black, 26 cu ft fridge with ice and water in the door!! My bubby picked well :) Now we can see what is in the fridge. :party:
  17. I planned to start back Monday....I may wait until my first trimester is over and do school in May. (Original plan had us do.e in April.)
  18. We chose BC to delay having anymore children for a few years. We were starting two businesses. We needed to delay for our sanity and the well being of our other two. My Mom always says, "You get the kids God means for you to have." It took 5 years of surgery and fertility drugs for my parents to have me, with my sister.....my Mom was of the pull. Have have two cousins who were born after their Moms had their tubes tied. I also know some post vasectomy kids. Whatever a couple chooses is up the them, but no bc is 100%.
  19. Normally, you are not supposed to use soap.....I continually season mine, so it can't hurt it. I always store mine with a layer of Crisco in it.
  20. For one, it says Tuesday, December 30, 2011. I'm guessing she did not order these items.
  21. We started dating 15 years ago. We have been together for 15 years and married for 11. We did not live together until we were married.
  22. We met at 16, started dating at 17, and married at 21. We did not rush into a wedding. We knew we would get married when we were 18.
  23. We have a Boston Terrier. He does not shed, he has put up with everything our three year old does to him. He loves to be part of the family. He is great (although he is now a grumpy old man ;) ) They are easy to groom, except nails. Ours has mostly black and I cut the quick one time and he is now very protective of his paws when I have slippers! It takes a lot of bribing! They are smart and can be protective. He only barks when someone is at the door. Evidence training goes a long way with the breed.
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