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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. I used this. Aidan started playing tye computer games at 4.5 and we started the book for Kindergarten. We also used some hand manipulatives. We finished the book in a little over a year and he tested into Singapore 2a (only because we had not covered the multiplication. It Is great for pictorial learning. It also covers time and fractions. I think it worked well for K. Plus, it is cheap.
  2. 1.5-2 hours gets us through our full schedule. 30 minutes is all we have done for a week due to my exhaustion. That gets us two or three math lessons and one or two grammar lessons. My son is 6 and in first grade.
  3. We really only have math workbooks. I leave them whole. SM books are so small, it OS not much to pack and take of with me. I also don' t have to pull pahes, just grab Tue book when we head out. Our AG for SOTW is in a three ring binder, but it was too bulky to give him the whole book. We only do thos at home.
  4. We will be sticking with the curriculum in my signature, just moving up to the next level.
  5. We had a 6 week break and have started week to of math and grammar only. Today....2 math and 1 grammar lesson. We have 71 grammar lessons left to finish the book and 45 math lessons. If we do 2 of each every day we will be done and then do just history, science and CWP for the test of the year. This week we will hit 100 days for the school year!
  6. You can get the CAT-E from Seton testing. It is quick and easy. It might be better to use placement tests from the different math curriculum companies. You can't test her with the CAT and get a result that she is at a 3rd grade level and then just buy a third grade math program. They all have different scope and sequence. She might be at level 2b for Singapore, level 3 for Saxon, and level 4 for Teaching Textbooks (just example....no idea how they all line up). For history and science you just need to pick the subject you want to cover. Ancients and biology, modern times and chemistry, or do you wamt general overviews of each subject? For reading, pick a few books she reads and understands. Have her read out loud to you to check her fluency and pronunciation. Then plug them into the scholastic book wizard. It will tell you what level the books are (5.6, 2.4, etc). There are other reading tests, but I think this is the easiest and most helpful, you can make a list of other books at that level and a little higher amd then head to the.library, or buy them through scholastic. Hope the helps!
  7. I have the same problem. I am also 12 weeks pregnant. I am starting to feel better, but my son got a 6 week vacation between holidays and me feeling sick. A few.weeks of tv won't cause permanent damage. Have him bring you a book or two to read. Tale turns reading out loud to each other. Buy some new arts supplies. My kids will play with paint and playdough for hours!
  8. Many times opening night is a final dress/tech rehearsal....first time woth some costumes amd set pieces....closing night can be very emotional and the show can be better or hard for the actors. (For community and semi-pro). I would love to he at opening night of a Broadway show! And I have been at a nearly closing show on Broadway.....it was awesome. Local theatre, can be different. They are on a tighter timetable with less time to work. Go in the middle.
  9. I really like Rod and Staff's books. I would getevel 3.
  10. Lots of people need to be told. My psyc class did a project in college where we took turns watching a bathroom to see how many people washed their hands. With someone watching, you would be surprised how many people did NOT wash their hands. Adults!
  11. It looks like someone wanted to make a cute sign to get people's attention, but they failed. Help them out, make a cute attention getting sign....use the Russell Crowe idea. The sign is not offensive. It is disgusting to not was your hands.
  12. If someone wears PJ pants, at least they are covered! I would much rather see pjs than some of thebother ensembles we have seen at Walmart! I really don't concern myself with what other people wear. It is not my business. It irritated me when people get upset about someone elses choice of clothing. Yes, I have worn pjs out of the house. I teach dance daily, my dance pants are a similar xut to most pjs. Many of you would probably think tue way I dress is awful, bit I am comfy and it is appropriate to my job. For example....many of my dance pants are capri length. I wear Ugg style boots with them in the winter to stay warm. I have gone to walmart like that.
  13. I love our co-op. It offers a lot of different things. It is a support group with meetings, monthly field trips, weekly co-op, park days, MNOs, a teen group, a tween group, and a meal ministry for members in need. You pick and choose how you are involved. I go to some MNOs, and we do co-op. So far, we have not attended any field trips. In the co-op we have PE, kung fu, knitting, candy making, jewelry making, careers, Shakespeare, science experiments, first aid, themed history, music, impoverished acting, and math tutors. For the prekers, they do a music class, a Bible lesson, arts and crafts and playing. The young elementary kids do PE and a lit study. This week they read Ping, learned about China, and colored a map and flag. It OS a mix of fluff, PE, and good content. Each mom works for one hour and spends the other two in the mom room, just hanging out. We have a co-op near us that is strictly academic for older students. You just have to find what works for you.
  14. Get a Folger Library edition and read Merchant of Venice or Twelfth Night. They are both very funny. Have you done any study of Shakespeare's language? I iambic parameter, wordplay, and pronunciation? It helps with reading and understanding. I like the Folger books because they give a mini synopsis of each scene and define the really odd words and phrases. It gives you room to enjoy the language and poetry. The more you read, the easier they get. The stories are not in themselves amazing, it is the beautiful language and fantastic play on words that make the plays. You read Shakespeare for the language. It is also best read aloud. They are plays, plays are meant to be heard. Find someone to read with, it makes a high difference! MacBeth is good if you want a tragedy, as is Hamlet.
  15. I never learned syllabication. I have no clue! What do you use to teach it and what benefit does it have?
  16. Those roasted xhixkens at Walmart are $5 here. They feed our family of four with leftoovrs. That is about $1 per person. But you would need plates, etc.
  17. My son's birthday is Sept 23rd. He would have started Kindy this year. I opted to do K last year because he was already reading and writing. Many kids learn to read and write in K, if you think your son is ready, do K. If he is not ready for first grade after a year, continue with K level work. In my mind, there is not much difference in prek and K. It does not differentiate much until a child reads, writes and understands numbers. Call him what you want and work on the basics for 30 minutes a day.
  18. Testing a year ahead still keeps them with kids of approx the same age. There is more than a year age range in any given grade. My son scored stained 8&9 on all but one area testing a year ahead. I would not have had an accurate assessment of gaps had I given him the kindergarten test. He was doing first grade work. Testing should happen at the level in which the child is working. Of your state requires testing each year, I would not tesy more than a year a head.
  19. It depends on what test. Look to see what is covered. I knew I would not get a good representation of abilities if I had given DS the kindergarten test last year. We did first grade last year and we will do second this year. I would not do now than one year ahead.
  20. I think it is pretty straightforward. You read or listen to a section, narrate or answer questions. Pick some other reading and/or activities from the AG. Do some map work and coloring pages, it is all there.
  21. I haven't bogged in a while, but we started back this week after 6 weeks off. We accomplished 9 math lessons and 6 grammar lessons so far. We will see how today goes. Tonight both kids are off to sleepovers so Mom and Dad can go out for our anniversary. :) Next week....we add history and memory work back into the schedule.
  22. His dictation for spelling is his handwriting practice. I also expect neatness in his other writing, but we don't do much.
  23. I did not buy a curriculum for print and I will not for cursive. I tried a program I got from Scholastics dollar days, my son hated it. He wanted to wrote like me and the worksheets were not like me. I taught him his name first. That is really as far as we got. I think we will just do a letter at a time, connecting that letter to itself across the page. Then start doing words when he knows enough letters.
  24. I generally like things neater than DH....that makes our current situation difficult. I have "given up" for now. We have a path through the house. I run a load of dishes every day if I can...otherwise the cabinets are empty. I wash clothes as needed. BUT, right now, thinking about a dirty dish makes me physically ill. I have ZERO energy and DH is exhausted from the show we had last week. I am hoping for an anniversary gift of a clean kitchen tomorrow.... When DH cleans, he cleans better than me. He scrubs the toilets with an old toothbrush...but it takes a lot of motivation to get to that. I currently hate the state of our house and hope that I start feeling better in a few weeks. It is very trying on a relationship when it bothers one more than the other. But, we deal.
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