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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. The past four weeks has been pretty miserable. By yhe end of thos week we will have put up two muaical productions, had the holidays of course, and me with constant morning sickness!! We are walking on clothes everywhere! The kitchen is just as bad. DH just gets frustrated and throws things around, but does not clean.....I am trying to get an hour a day of cleaning.....it will take a month at that rate!! ******I thought of a big one********* At the age of 12, my parents let me be in a university production of Hair. I was in the nude scene! We wore flesh colored body suits and there was lots of fog. All but 2 dancers were 12-13. I can't believe my parents let me do it. I learned A LOT that semester!!!
  2. Never noticed ads. I have this too....may be why I did not notice ads.
  3. We just have a solitaire cheap game on my iPod. My son started playing it on his own. He learned how everything moved and then asked to play on our real chess set one day. I don't see anything wrong with using an app. I don't play chess, I am not a good person to teach him. The.computer worked great.
  4. I love gmail!!! It has the best spam filter!!! It also automatically syncs to my Android phone.
  5. My kids are both very outgoing. They do dance, theatre, gymnastics, and a homeschool co-op. They are leary of strangers, but as soon as a trusted adult introduces them to a new person, they are ready to play or talk. A note about time in upper grades.....I teach dance and theatre. Our older students who Homeschool have so much more time to pursue their passions. They can dance every night and rarely miss. On the other hand, those in PS must limit activities becaise of homework. What classes they do take they miss for projects, homework, and study groups. They may see their friends at school, but have no time for other things. I would say that homeschooled atudents have more time to socialize.
  6. I did PreCalc with trig. Basically it was like amd Algebra 3 and trig class. I would have hated a full year of trig. We only took PreCalc if we did algebra in 8th grade. Those who took algebra in 9th took Math analysis as seniors.
  7. I took 7th grade math, then Algebra. Half of our class did this, half did pre-algebra in 8th grade. Class placement was based on math grades and test scores. I went through calculus with all A's. It is only necessary if someone does not quite understand all of the math concepts yet.
  8. I bet I am the only one who spent a week sleeping the hard floor of a theatre with three other people while we attempted to build the set and male costumes for Beauty and the Beast in one week. My kids camped out with us, they still beg to sleep at the theatre again!!
  9. The book is fiction, that incident was a part of the plot of a book. It was important to the book, no one claimed it was a true incident Historical fiction is set in a time period, may include some real people, but are fiction none the less.
  10. As a dance teacher, I would very much appreciaye it if you kept her home. I have my kids at home, they usually get anything weird I bring home from the studio. We would much rather a kid miss class than expose the whole class to the germs. Do thwy allow make-up classes?
  11. I have pierced ears, but rarely wear earrings. I teach dance to kids of all ages. I have only had a few preschoolers with pierced ears in the 12 years I have taught. Most get them done between 8&12. I would never pierce a baby's ears. That is just one more thibg to keep clean, my dd was prone to stash and mrsa infections as a baby, constant for two years! A piercing woyld have been one more worry.
  12. We just put our dog in the tub. We have a removable shower head that makes it easy. Then we keep him inside until he is dry, even in the summer. He would immediatley go roll in the mud if we sent him out wet. :)
  13. I am completely happy with my choices. We will be sticking with the same programs next year as well...just move up a level.
  14. We studied a pizza business in a college class my senior year. They paid well, and gave an allowance toward insurance and gas. This may not have been for part time employees.
  15. If they charge a delivery fee, I don't tip. If I order in bad weather, I do tip, but I generally go get my own pizza. I voted zero.....but I really needed an other.
  16. You should do some samples with manipulatives. We did this first, then I taught him borrowing in the written problems. He got it very quickly. He did need extra practice with borrowing.
  17. We spent a lot of time practicing this in 2a.
  18. It was not until second trimester with my first two. 6 weeks this time around and I have actually lost 5 lbs! First two were 8lbs 9oz and 8lbs 14 oz. I am 10 weeks and a belly bamd won't work to hold up regular clothes. My hips spread immediately! The Dr did an ultrasound yesterday and only found one.....I hope we stay under 9 lbs!
  19. I accomplish more in 1.5 hours with my first grader than public schools do in 6. I have had many people say that a general rule of thumb is 1 hour for each grade level until Jr high, making out at 5-6 hours in high school. The difference is in one on one teaching. I explain a math concept, he understands, we practice - 20 minutes most days. In school, the explanation would be 20 minutes, some kids don't get it, teacher explains again, they do problems together, they work alone....1 hour plus homework. It takes us 1/3 of the time. We do a lot, but we do it much faster. 2 hours can be equal to 6. In school teachers spend a lot of time on classroom management. Sit down, pledge, announcements, line up walk to PE or music, line up, walk back to class, sit down be quiet, line up for recess, line up after recess, sit down, be quiet, line up for lunch, lunch, line up, come back to class, sit down, be quiet, gather belongings, line up go home. How much school time is really in there? We do PE, music, and art away from home. We spend 1.5 hours on concentrated academics. Reading, silent and read-alouds, are not done in that time. It's not quantity, it's quality.
  20. With kids that young, I would get one room. If nothing else, the baby can sleep with you. Generally you can get a crib or roll away. In a few years you can start gettingadjoining rooms. Then you can put kids in one and you and dh in the other. Leave the doors open and you can always get to them.
  21. We did premarital counseling. It was a group class, it was okay. I would not consider counseling at this point....if we ever did need it, it would be through church.
  22. I am using R&S 2 with my 6 year old this year. We have moved very fast (many days of two lessons a day) and we only spend 15 minutes. He is remembering and applying the lessons as well. If I had waited until he was in 2nd grade, he would have been bored. If you want R&S, I would start with 3. I have flipped through the book and it still looks pretty simple, but not quite as repetitive.
  23. I would cut 3 languages. I think it would be better to do one at a time.
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