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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. Typically, you don't take a different routine to each competition. You learn a few routines, go to a competition, look at the critiques, clean up the dances and go to the next competition. They have set the challenge for these kids to learn a new dance each week for entertainment. Who wants to watch the same dances for a whole season? The girls are very talented for their age, they do dance for 4+ hours a day, every day. I would have young dancers at their level of I made them come in that much. I dont see the need for 8 year olds to dance 20+ hours a week. They are still babies really, they don't know that this is what they want for their life, but they have no other options. Dancers don't peak at 14-16 like gymnastics do. You can have a successful dance career into your 30s maybe even 40s if you take care of your body. Dancing that intense at that age can lead to life long injuries (as Brooke is experiencing). The pressure to keep dancing compounds the problem. I don't ask kids to make that commitment until they are older. At 12 they can start pointe, they must commit to multiple days at that time. If they decide they want to compete and do theatre, that adds days. We don't ask for preprofessional commitment until high school. At that point, they are dancing daily. We have had kids decide that it was not the life they wanted after giving us two or three years of commitment, that is fine, but tuwy were old enough to decide.....okay rant over.....I really hate dance moms...it has greatly affected my business, not always in positive ways. (It has however helped focus a few of my talented but flighty dancers ;)
  2. What I have seen, the grammar, punctuation and spelling are awful. I know it is done purposely, but I would not give them to a child who struggles with spelling and punctuation.
  3. Going to a few competitions is not a career killer. If you have a solid technical background, you can get hired. I have friends from high school who did 1-2 a year and they have toured the world with musicals. I would not make that the highlight of a resume, but a few competitions are fine if you have solid training. I take my kids to two a year. It pushes them. They also perform in musicals and take multiple technique classes and tumbling at a qualified gym. They will leave my studio with well rounded, solid training and a few fun comps under their belt. They will be ready for high pressure auditions.
  4. Not all dance studios are like that! In fact, most are not! I love my students, I guide them with gentle correction and positive feedback. Developing the person is as important as devwloping the dancer!
  5. $20 for AT&T. It would be $5-10 more, but we do combined billing with our cell service and get a discount.
  6. I worked 4 hours a day, 4 days a week when DS was a baby. He took two bottles while I was gone. I pumped whenever I could. I had a break at work every night, I pumped two bottles at that time. I pumped before bed, I pumped if I woke up before DS. When he was 2, I finally threw out the last of the milk. (I have a sub zero that keeps it for a year, I stopped pumping at about 12 months.) I had enough milk to feed a new born for a month....all expired. I cried. I will have to pump with this next baby, I is that important to me, that I will pump as much as possible.
  7. My first grader does 1.5-2 hours a day, I sit with home for all of ot.
  8. When I was in Jr high and high school, we wrote multiple papers in English class, plus lots of short essays, etc. We were also required to write papers in history, science, amd Spanish. My senior year I wrote 2, 10 page literary analysis papers, one in English, one in history. There was also plenty of other short assignments. I was well prepared for college and writing up to two papers a week at times. I will not purchase another program, but I will assign a history paper, a theatre paper, and possibly something else. I have a while before we get there.
  9. I had my first at 26, I will be 33 when number 3 arrives in August. We might have one more, but I will be done at 35 or 36.
  10. If kids in school can earn a credit for something similar in school, I would give credit. My high school had play production class. We earned a grade for being in the plays. We did help on set and costumes. If you want to expand on the performance do some of the following: Read a book on acting technique. The Stanislavsky Method by Sonia Moore is a good one, or Stanislavsky's books themselves (they can be hard to get through). Sanford Meisner on Acting. Read The Dramatic Imagination by Robert Edmond Jones (one of my personal favorites!) Read a biography of one of the three men above. Study script analysis, Backwards and Forwards by David Ball is a great book. Read a history of the theatre. Learn about set design by volunteering on set construction. Community theatres always need help. Take a faux painting class at Home Depot or Lowe's, most of the paimtimg techniques originated in theatrical set design. There are also great books on scenic lighting. The McCandles method is not hard to learn. You would only need to pick one or two to make a good high school credit. In addition to those, add a short paper about the experience. It can be an analysis of the production, the process, analysis of his character, or just a narrative of the experience. This wpuld be.above and beyond what a typical high school class does, and of is not much.
  11. The version of TWTM I have also says you don't need a separate writing program with it. That is why I chose R&S. I wanted an all inclusive. I have 2-5, the writting really seams to pick up in 4. Prior to that it is more solid grammar and diagraming. I would think that you would use any writing program across your curriculum as your child gets older. I plan to have my son start writing papers in 5th-6th grade. I will expect his grammar to carry over from one subject to the next.
  12. He is six, I require 15 minutes. Somedays he reads longer. He does not read books for longer, but he will read game instructions and internet pages with hints for his Wii games. He has not yet developed am interest in reading much, so I let him read whatever he will read.
  13. Around 12 I started sleeping a lot. I could not sleep in since I had school and I could not go to Ned early because of dance and theatre. Instead I slept in the car everywhere we went. If you are concerned, take her to the doctor.
  14. My grandparents have lived around the corner from the old Duggar house (now part of the Baptist church) for 50 years. They have had amazing gardens And using a can of Aqua Net a day can be great for anyone ;)
  15. I would call. With the mother's attitude and the fact that they are never seen, I would call.
  16. we had a restraunt here that was completely self serve buffet. Silverware, plates, everything accept your drink. The server brought your first drink, then you refilled it on your own! The napkins.were on the table, you cleared your own table. We did not tip. Another resturant, the waitress brings you clean plates and your drink. If you order a.steak they bring it to you, but they don't take the order. They do clear the table and refill drinks. We tip lower there than at a full service restaurant.
  17. It generally has to do with covering certain topics before taking the ACT. If you start Algebra 1 in 9th grade, it is best to tale geometry next to be sure you have covered all topics on the ACT/SAT. Also, taking Algebra 2 after Geometry gives a good review of topics needed for PreCalc or calculus. It can be done other ways, you just have to consider several factors.
  18. I combine a lot of work so that we can spend less time at a desk. Math: Singapore 2a&2b with CWP and IP, we read Life of Fred together once a week (as bedtime.read aloud). Grammar: R&S 2, he reads the lesson aloud to me and we do the exercises orally. We cover grammar and him reading to me. Spelling/dictation/handwriting: spelling plus word list one week, dictation book the next week. Dictation is where we do handwriting practice. It also reviews punctuation rules. History/science: we alternate SOTW three days a week and RS4K twice a week. He reads silently for at least 15 minutes per day. He does arts and crafts at co-op once a.week. He has dance twice a week, musical theatre once a week, gymnastics once a week. We finish in about 1.5 hours a day.
  19. My son begs to read more. I limit it to three chapters a week, usually all on Friday!
  20. Mine is my baby girl in her first dance recital! She was Ariel.
  21. 1.5-2 hours. We have even been known to get it done in an hour if he is motivated. We don't have a dedicated phonics program any more, he reads at an 8th grade level (decoding abilities). He reads for 15-20 minutes a day. That is usually 2+ books. He does not like to read uet, so I require, but I dont push. We cover a full math lesson, 1-2 grammar lessons, memory work and history timeline, and dictation or handwriting daily. We alternate science and history. The rest of the day OS pastime woth legos, playdough, paints, computer or Wii games, the dog, guinea pig, and lots of time with sister. We also do extracurriculars.
  22. We do 15% for avg service and 20% for great service. If they don't charge for our drinks, we add the drink price to our tip. We have left no tip or a few pennies for awful service. We don't tip because it is expected, if the server ignores us, we may not tip or it will be 10% or less. We have had some awful service when we were the only table in the resturaunt (and not at close). My husband does get upset of theybstart trying to run is out 15 minutes before closing time, too.
  23. We have a photo release on our enrollment agreement. If someone says nowe just don't use those pics. We have only had one family opt out and It was for foster children. We put show pics on our website in slideshows. Pictures are the best way to attract new customers. Our students fight to be in our advertising! When we did a billboard with one little girl, we got specific permission. They went and took pictures under it. Pictures are an important part of advertising for kids activities. Most bisinesses will use pics of students/participants. They also want the pics to male.them .look good. Most businesses will not use a.shot where a kid.flashes the camera in a turn. I know we are.very careful, you still have to be careful and pay attention, but unless you have your kids with the who.g kind of people to begin with, the pictures will be tasteful and show kids having a good time.
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