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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. :iagree: I have to schedule our musicals, recitals, rehearsals, start and end dates and camps every uear. I don't find it crazy to change the dates each year. We just do the first week of Dec, third week of June, etc. I would rather keep the calendar the way it is and adjust my dates.
  2. We were preapproved for a loan and had the paperwork. We needed to be approved for $2000 more to make the offer we wanted. We had to wait for a new document from the bank.
  3. We met while in high school, but did not go to school together. DH was homeschooled, we met doing theatre. We went on our first date to my senior prom. We had been friends for over a year and had a large group of friends we had been hanging out with before dating. We married one month after my college graduation. We will celebrate our 11th anniversary in Jan.
  4. I told family the day I found out...at 4 weeks this time! I told everyone else about a week later. I was already having a lot of symptoms. I wanted people to know why I was tired amd feeling sick. With the first two, I waited a little while.
  5. We generally fill the can and hang another bag on the door....when that fills, we take both out. :blush: I am not the best house keeper....
  6. They have to work out what they will offer, what they want from you, get papers from the lender, approval by the RE office owner/manager, get it signed by all appropriate parties, then get it to you. It can be done fast, but when there is no rush (multiple offers coming in, concern you have another offer) they may take their time getting it finalized. It took two days to get the offer on our house when we sold it; bit we had our offer in on Tue house we purchased in 2 hours because we knew they had three other offers and they were looking at them that night.
  7. I would like to finish the children's play I wrote five years ago amd submit it to my alma mater's writing contest. They produce.the winning play each fall while working with the writter to fine tune it for production. There is a cash prize and possibility of publishing after that. I have wanted to do this for years.
  8. I have a husband who is can adjust his work schedule however he wants. He has 5 siblings nearby. My parents are 20 minutes away. I teach dance and have several responsible teenage girls who I have trust my children with, I have know them for years. Not everyone is that blessed. Most people need help with their kids at some point. When I am in the hospital having my baby, DH will stay with me the whole time. My kids will stay with my parents. If a woman does not have family or friends nearby, when they need help, they male the best choices they can. Someone who cannot afford a good sitter will be in an even tighter spot. There are people with whom you can leave your children, people you can trust. I had an amazing babysitter growing up, she is like a big sister. I was as safe with her as I was with my parents. I hate that we live in a world where so many horrible things can happen to our children. But I cannot imagine living my life trusting noone! I am careful who I choose to care for my children. Maybe this mom had noone. I have been so sick I could not care for the kids. If I was on my own, I might have had to find a neighbor who could help with my babies.
  9. RS4K is 10 chapters meant to be done in one semester. The levels follow the same topics, level one just goes more in depth and the experiments are different. You could buy both levels. Do pre level one reading together, have your older child read level one on his own and talk about it. The chapters are short. You could read the whole thing in 15 minutes. Then do both experiments in one week. For physics they are pretty easy.
  10. I have the US Edition and think it is fine. Someone posted some pages from the Standards Edition a while back. I did not see a difference. Maybe someone with more experience will both will share. So far, I have not seen anything that makes it worth the awful pictures in the standards text.
  11. My name is Cheryl. For my 18th birthday a very good friend gave me a keychain with my name in beads. When she bought beads, they had no Rs. She bought a P and added a line in black sharpie. The line wore off, and my nickname became chepyl.
  12. Starting Wed, I have a week to get my house in order. I am cleaning out toys, kitchen, and any clutter I can find. I want to start the new year with a clean house. DH is cleaning the garage to male room to bring in the new fridge. We have a lot to do!!
  13. We had a great Christmas! My mom got DH a Waring Pro double waffle iron! It flips and beeps when it is done. She got me a new set of Caliphon pots and pans!!! I have never been so excited about a gift!!!! I was completely surprised. I have wanted absent for years. I currently have my mom's pans from before she got Caliphon. They are older than me. I also have a set of Pampered Chef pans from my wedding shower, but they are in bad shape after 11 years or use. DH is getting me (us) a new fridge because ours is too small for what will soon be a family of 5 and again...it OS older than me! DS loved Lego Pirates of the Caribbean for Wii from us, his Slave trader legos from my parents, and Mario Yatzee from my sister. DD has played constantly with her Hello Kitty duplo doll house from us, and loved the giant bag of hair accessories, bracelets, rings, and necklaces from my sister. The kids also received a box of art supplies from my parents!! Miss.....bikes. :( So far they have each done two pedals and then come inside. Maybe they will like them when it warms up. At least we got a good deal on Craigslist. $20 each is better than $60 each for something they don't like. The biggest hit were the gifts for my nieces and nephews. They girls did not put their purses down all night after I gave them to them. Two of my SILs have asked me to make them for their birthdays. :) I was so happy, I spent hours making the bags. We gave the boys Beyblades and sent them to the garage. It was the quietest family get together ever.
  14. I always had to put it. It was not optional.
  15. I think they were just trying be very family oriented, they picked something they were going to do as a family, that may be important to them, and use it for a joke in there message. Cheesy?? Yes, but not a big deal.
  16. It seemed a little too staged and unnatural, especially the way he was holding the gun; but I don't see the problem. I have some of their products and I love them. I also grew up with hunters and my dad had guns locked away in our house.
  17. Okay....I am only 8 weeks....but I know that I am feeling the baby move!!! This is my third baby. I have to be sitting in a certain position to feel it. I first felt it last night :) it made my Christmas!
  18. We do PJ's. I love getting new ones each year! My mom does that part.
  19. Ground turkey and cabbage. We buy the 1lb packages that come packages like sausage. Cook the meat, shred the cabbage and saute. We cook it in olive oil and balsalmic vinegar, but you .could season however you want. We like the tang it gives! Black beans and rice
  20. This is what my son's k-first class does at co-op. I would plan more than 15 minutes for a craft. I have walled in to pick him up and many kids are not done yet. Some kids are slow, even if it is just coloring, add cutting and pasting and the perfections come out ;) My son is one of them. Even the simplest craft can take time. Some kids will need help cuttinng and flying. I think your ideas sound great, I just know from experience that even what seems like a simple craft can take much longer than we think :)
  21. Never. I personally hate writting in cursive. I write in a combo of print/cursive, bit mostly print. My DS 6 is learning cursive, but mainly to sign his name. I will teach him keyboarding in the next year or so. I think proper typing tech and clear printing are more important than cursive. We are learning it, but not pushing it.
  22. A Walk to Remember Beaches (watched it when it came out on video with my mom and sister....what a mess we were!) Up Finale of The Wonder Years You've Got Mail and so many more. Anything sad or happy or about a mom and child!!! I cry so easily!
  23. Quell is very amusing! We like Apples to Apples and Catchphrase Battle of the Sexes can be fun as well.
  24. I would go get a test. If you don't and it is a UTI, you could end up with a miserable holiday! I am 8 weeks pg, I had one at t weeks and again this weekend. I am trying to rest and drink lots of water this week. I am avoiding all sugary drinks and foods if I can. I want it to me completely gone for the weekend! I hope you get some relief.
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