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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. Sometimes parenting has to be about the parent. You can't properly care for your kids if you are sleep deprived or hungry. I could not handle my kids crying, but 10 minutes of fussing while they fell asleep was fine. DD slept with us until she was two so that 'I' could get enough sleep. We had a pool and an hour of driving daily at the time. I had to be well rested to keep my babies safe. If the OP needs to sleep to be a better parent who can keep her children safe, letting the baby cry a bit is fine. I would make sure the child knows you are around, but do what you need to sleep. Sleep deprivation leads to slowed reaction times, with a 10 month old, you need quick reflexes.
  2. I voted other, I had not read the whole thread yet. If it had been done as a part of a lesson on safety, I would be a little less upset by it. It is still not really the best way to approach the subject. But, now that I have read more of a description of the situation....I owuld complain to the school.
  3. I would try it for a couple of nights. Of it Is going to work, it takes a few days, not weeks. My son cried for 2-3 days, then he went right to sleep. My daughter however, cried non-stop for 2 days. We went back to co-sleeping with her. We co-slept with both kids. DS was ready to go to .sleep alone at 10 months, DD was not ready until 18 months. Totally different personalities - one independent and one not so much ;) If you are going to co-sleep go ahead and nurse. DD needed it to get back to sleep until she was over a year.
  4. I loved my Hyundai! I was very sad when it was totaled, but it was an awesome car! I know how it feels to lose a car you love :(
  5. These three were in a row when I went to the new posts listing.... Do breast buds require a bra? What would you name your milk cow? What is your 4-8 year old daughter getting for Christmas?
  6. I would try it again at your house. If they have never slept somewhere else, it will take some training. And for their parents sanity, they need to be able to sleep elsewhere. Otherwise, say yes, but ypur kids are coming to and DH if he wants. You should not have to give up your family time to babysit. Ask him to watch your kids sometime. If you have never asked, you don't know what he will say. We babysit on Sat nights. We trade out. They generally come to us, or we take the kids to them. I do disagree that if you can't afford a babysitter you should not go out. Every couple needs time alone regardless of financial situation. Dinner and a movie can be cheap if you do a dollar movie, we can do that for less than $30, add a sitter and the night totals closer to $60. If you have family willing to help each other out...why not?
  7. There is a list of transition books ob the back. It tells you how to procede once you have finished the book .
  8. Daily: SM 2-8 pages fewer if a new topic, more for review R&S 2 Daily, done orally or on worksheets I type Classical Conversations memory work and history timeline 2-3 days a week, rotating SOTW 1 RS4K Biology Spelling Plus and the dictation companion (alternating weeks, list one week, dictation the next) Handwriting (only during list weeks, when we have a week of dictation that is his handwriting) Extracurriculars: Co-op PE, art and lit classes once a week Gymnastics once a week Dance twice a week Musical theatre once a week
  9. :iagree: They have a child who wants to learn math, the child cannot do.so because he/she cannot read and no one is helping with the math. None of the kids have completed elementary math. They need to know the four basic operations, order off operations, fractions, decimal, and percents. There is a problem when the parents are purposely holding the kids back! Yes, kids can catch up if they start learning late; but someone needs to teach them and guide them.
  10. We are at about 80. We will be over 90 by January. AR just took two weeks off and we will work up to Christmas eve.
  11. Oops....I did not read the whole question. I voted 3-4....but that is total in my 16 years driving. Zero times in the last year.
  12. DH and I were both 21. We will celebrate 11 years in Jan.
  13. I got the CAT test through Sewon testing. It was $30 with a a prep book and the scoring. You give it at home and mail it in and they mail the results back to you.
  14. We tossleftovers after a week. I don't touch them after 5 days, but DH will eat them at a week if they don't smell.
  15. We have a Mercury Villager (same engine and body as the quest) and it did pretty well in the snow last year.
  16. You should take the placement tests on the SM website. It will give you correct placement. We did a little review but the test put my son in the right book.
  17. My 6yo is doing very well with SM 2. We just finished a and will start b in January. He loves the IP and CWP. He actually begs to do CWP pages. We move quickly through the text and work book then go back and cover the other books.
  18. Everything we have done thos year has worked great, we will be sticking with the same programs, just moving up a level. R&S English 3 SM 3a and b with IP and CWP, unless we finish Life of Fred this summer, we will continue with the elementary books, or read them all again. SOTW 2 RS4K chemistry pre-level 1 and the science section of What Your 2nd Grader Needs to Know Spelling Plus, finish second grade and continue with third grade lists Continue learning cursive. Daily silent reading. We will be getting a piano from my parents, so we will start piano lessons. Continue with dance, gymnastics, and theatre.
  19. I went in there once in high school and have never been back. They sent my sister the back to school college guide when she was 12 or 13, my mom was furious! It was the most ridiculous thing I have seen! I can believe they had that picture on the wall. I would honestly never by theory clothes for my kids.
  20. I am 5 and half weeks, due first of August and I feel the same way! This is my third and I have felt pregnant since I would have been three weeks.....basically since conception!! I had symptoms immediately!! Now I am already starving...craving, then turned off by food when it is finally ready....running to the bathroom constantly....and eating without thinking. Yesterday I bought fried pickles to share with DH....waiting for him to get home.....I finished the box....I looked down and they were gone! I also have severe memory loss! I am a mess now, what will I be like in July?!?!
  21. Sinus rinses or a Neti pot. I prefer a homemade rinses of salt, baking soda, amd warm water. I use a nasal bulb lime you use for a baby. It helps clear congestion and soothe the sinuses. Hot tea with honey. Don't drink extremes.....hot to cold to hot amd don't do lemon, orange juice, and milk products. Lots of warm water. Steam will help as well. Some people like a salt water gargle.
  22. I have been following this thread all day, and have been unable to respond until now. Until I read the above post, I was with the group that said "don't report." But the idea that you feel the just "can't be bothered" to educate their children is a HUGE problem. It is one thing to unschool and let your child follow their interests - to do so, they need to read and will want to learn. My understanding of unschooling is that when the child shows interest, you teach. These kids will learn a lot. The family you are talking about seems to be purposely holding their kids back. IF they were sitting at the table each reading a chapter or two aloud to the family and then discussing it...I might feel a little differently. BUT the fact that they only listen to the dad read, and read nothing for themselves bothers me. I also know that there are children who have learned to read later, but at 12-13, not being a proficient reader is a real problem! For the 10 year old who is good at, and enjoys math - they are doing him/her and great disservice. If these kids decide they want to go to college, they will have a long way to go. They may have no other option than a GED to get into college. If they are still weak readers, they will struggle to finish that test. They are causing their children physical harm, not immediately; but if their children are unable to function in society and unable to get jobs when they are adults, they will be unable to provide food, clothing and shelter for themselves. Are mom and dad going to support them forever? I would have to pray a lot about reporting, but something needs to be done. I agree that I think a warning to the family, is in order. Then a call to CPS if they don't make changes. If they were part of a church, I would try to reach the pastor of the church and express my concerns. This is a tough situation, I hope you are able to make peace with the situation and your decision.
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