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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. If you found a teacher with education in vocal anatomy and speech, it might help. Most are just musically trained, it could be hard to find the right person. My SIL has all that training and has worked with students with speech issues and seen real improvement.
  2. I found this. There were several others that popped up.
  3. We were going to get up every morning and do school at the same time with no argument....we start anywhere between 10 am and 2 pm....school has happened at 9 pm some days. Sometimes we just need to sleep in a watch tv - today we watched "How It's Made" instead of school :) It's educational...right? (we only need 4 more days before January 1st and we will be at 90 days, half way there. We deserved a day off). School with my first grader is a lot harder with my preschooler around! I thought I could entertain her with coloring books. That worked for a couple of weeks. Now she wants to do school the whole time bubby does and he needs my help on a lot of things. I wouldn't send him to school for anything, but it is a lot harder than I thought it would be. I keep hoping it will get easier :) And then I read the High School boards!
  4. Good to know! We have an expired infant seat and will need a replacement in August :) All the other car seats are only 2 years old because insurance replaced them after a wreck (I had the seats, but not the kids in the car with me.)
  5. My cookies started coming out flat after years of fluffy cookies....I bought brand new flour amd baking soda and tried that....still flat. I used good butter....still flat! I have a friend who always has soft fluffy cookies, and they are Yummy! I need to find out her secret. I always use the recipe on toll house chocolate chips. I add avlittle flour and baking soda. :(
  6. I was beginning to think I was alone in hating the elf on the shelf. The whole idea just creeps me out. I have a friend who sets up elaborate scenes for him everynight and takes pictures. He wrote a note to her son about going back to the North Pole until the little boy could behave. We dont own one.
  7. We got a six month old male. We have had no problems with him. He does not smell amd his bedding needs changed once a week. I bought a bag of brdding at petsmart for $11 and we are going on 3 months with it and it is not half gone. The family we got him from gave us a bag of hay and pellets, and we have not finished that yet. They love grass. We just walk outside amd pick some every few days. You have to give them fruit amd veggies everyday, but they eat so little....a giant bag of carrots has lasted two weeks, and we eat a few of them. Ours loves celery, carrots, and lettuce. My 3 year old loves to snuggle with him. He has peed on me once. He went back to the cshe and has not done it since. They are social and like to be held. You tame them by handling them, so lots of handling is important. They do meed time to run outside of their cage. They can be litter trained, but the poop pellets are no big deal to pick up from a tile floor. Lenny is the cheapest pet we have owned :)
  8. I have been told by many experienced hsers that you should plan on 1 hour a day per year of school. K -30-1 hr 1st - 1hr 2nd - 2 hrs And so on, making out around 6-7 hours. High school may take longer, bit can be done in that length of time with a focused student. It really depends on what you are doing, but it would be possible for aome older student to finish quickly if they pick things up fast.
  9. We use Singapore with the IP and CWP. DS tolerates the text and workbook so that we can get to the "fun stuff" in the more challenging books. He loves a challenge:)
  10. :iagree: I voted for the first, but only because the second choice is not mu view at all. The first does not fit well, but it is closer.
  11. Thanks for the suggestions. The marshmallow shooters look like fun. I will talk to dh about those for the little boys. Any other suggestions?
  12. I may have just changed my mind. I pulled out my Brockett's History of the Theatre and in the Medieval section I have found as much if not more secular drama. Cycle plays were religipus, but the morality play os actually secular as are farces,the plays of the Chambers of Rhetoric, interludes, street pageant, and a full secular theatrical movememt of which we have several surviving scripts. The surviving religous plays are more numerous than secular plays. It was the late middle ages before the religious plays were given outside of the church. So, now I would say false.....Greek plays may have had secular themes, but overall I think the theater was more religious in ancient Greece. Their plays were written for religious festivals. Still, it is a tough question that really deserves an essay.
  13. I think it is a poorly worded question. I could write a lengthy essay discussing the topic. Religion in theatre is huge. The statement is too general. I would assume the answer they are looking for is true. It seems mostly true, but not fully. But it is also not truly a false statement. I hate vague questions. I was not allowed to use t/f questions for my classes as a grad assistant for just this reason. :glare: I would go true, but want to write an explanation of my thoughts ;)
  14. I have 8 nieces amd 8 nephews, all on one side of the family. I am making Owl Purses (from a previous gift post.) For all the girls. Now I need ideas for boys. Their ages are 6 almost 7 8 9 10 (2) 11 12 14 I don't know what they are all interested in and I would love to male something simple.....but any ideas are good....
  15. Most cards I get are photo cards that have been sent by the card company. You design your card, upload your addresses and they do it all. I still get the cute family pictures....I would not even be offended by printed wedding invites though. I prefer efficiency. (I did hand-wright all 500+ of my wedding invites; I just would not be offended if they came to me printed. My sister actually had hers printed.)
  16. I get vertigo if I am dehydration. Even if you have been drinking water, drink more.
  17. I only dip storebought cookies, and that is to make them soft. I have never dipped a homemade cookie! Why ruin perfection ;)
  18. Soft and chew, no matter what kind of cookie.
  19. We are doing CC at home, not in a group. Memorizing the timeline that fits with SOTW 1 was very easy and a good review of what we are learning. Past that, he struggles more. We go over the 8 weekly cards three times a day, and the whole set twice on Fridays. He has about 40 down really well. The rest Jrs needs a little prompting. My goal is to really have ot down after 4 years. On the other work, he loves some of the history songs, others he can't handle listening too. I feel the same way - we are a musical family, so some just don't work for us. He has memorized a few of them. I don't stress about any of it. We will do it all twice. The second time, when he is older, we will learn of better. I want him to be familiar with the material amd memorize what we have expanded on in our other studies.
  20. Wow. I am not a huge advocate of CIO, but I have left my kids to cry at times. As I said before, with DS, it worked and he stopped crying and went right to sleep after a couple of days. DD, however, cried for 45 minutes for two nights, with me in the room, just not her in hed woth me and not me holding her. She was not ready, she came back to our bed. A couple of months later, she started sleeping on her own. I have not seen anyone advocating leaving a child in a room with the door shut, screaming for hours everynight for days or weeks. Most have noted that it took a couple of days. If sleep issues don't resolve in a few days, you try something else. "A pox" on those who let their child cry or fuss a bit seems a little strong. I am sure we all do things as parents that would make others cringe. That does not mean we throw curses around or call each other names.
  21. We are using Spelling Plus and the Dictation book that goes with it. I spent less than $20 total on Amazon.com. it is really helping my son. He is a pretty good speller, but for the words and rules he struggles with, the repeated use in dictation helps tremendously!
  22. Every other week we do dictation for three to five days. We just started paragraphs. Other than that, he does R&S orally and writes his spelling words two days in non-dictation weeks. He writes cards and notes to friends and family on his own. He is a young first grader amd his stamina for writing is low.
  23. My mathy child is doing SM with CWP and IP. He begs to do the CWP!
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