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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. I had a sore chest 3 days post ovulation. I knew within days of conception. I got a faint positive test 5 days before my period and a stronger positive a few days later.
  2. My son does that! I tell him the next problem is going to be hard and he laughs and does it In his head!
  3. They would each get 1/4 of each pizza, 3 pizzas means a total of 3/4 of a pizza.
  4. I feel like we have rigorous academic standards, I just don't do school 6 hours a day. My son is kindergarten age doing 2nd - 3rd grade work. I don't want him doing algebra in 4th grade. If I did an hour of math a day (we would both go insane) and we would go through two grade levels a year. I want him to really get it. We do two lessons/exercises a day. It takes 20 min max. We do the same with grammar. Rigorous does not have to equal time. Especially in lower grades. When we finish seat work, there is lots of time for legos, painting, drawing, creative writing, and yes.....video games (some educational, some just fun). He works hard so he can play hard.
  5. Yes! The fresh air and sun will do them good. Vitamin D is good for the immune system and the best way to get it is time in the sun.
  6. I love our co-op. I teach a Shakespeare class to 12+ kids. It is all reading outloud. One student has dyslexia. He struggles with reading aloud, the other kids are great. When he skips a line they gently say, oops and someone gets him back on track. Everyone ignores minor mistakes and he laughs at his big mistakes. They are all great friends and we have a lot of fun.
  7. I never took physics. I understand and appreciate the mass of a car and breaking distance. We learned that in physical science and driver's ed. In my high school 8 of 56 members of my graduating class took physics and we had an amazing teacher. My husband never took physics and he is perfectly able to keep our case in good working order. I chose to take anatomy and physiology because it was more interesting. I also did not want two difficult math based classes my senior year when I did not need them. I took calculus and skipped physics. FWIW I was accepted into several highly selective colleges amd universities and received scholarships from every school to which I applied. I also only took one AP test.
  8. My son loves reading them. We have learned a few things, but not basic math skills. He finds them very funny. I think it a fun and silly way to get a kid to like math. The elementary books are definitely supplementary. Also, an alteration has been made to Dogs. The story has been fixed to appease the many unhappy parents.
  9. We finished the text and wkbk, then did the IP and then the CWP. I tried mixing it in, bit it was too much repitition all at once. Now it is review and a little challenge.
  10. I would take a break, then get the first Bob Books. We used them starting around lesson 20. I think the combo helped. It gave some variety to our lessons. If you need, go back a few lessons and review.
  11. 4 years of science does not have to include physics. I did physical science, biology, chemistry, and anatomy and physiology. Geology or astronomy would fulfill the requirement. My high school offered astronomy, physics, adv chem, and adv bio as 4th year sciences. Math does not have to include calculus either. Some kids did adv mathematical functions. Alg 1, geometry, Alg 2, and trig would also work. It depends on the child's abilities, interests, and goals.
  12. Your standards. When you define right and wrong by your standards, if not agreed to by the other party, you are judging them based on your standards. She did not really leave him. He has the mental capacity of an 11 year old. He does not remember their life together. She cared for him for 8 years, then divorced and remarried while continuing the same standard of care for her first husband.
  13. We just started 2b in Singapore. My son would easily score 100% on the TT 3 placement test. He would get a 50% on the TT 4 placement test. Some of the material for that is not covered until SM 3a&b. I have read that SM is considered to be a year ahead of most PS programs. So if you look at it that way, TT is in line with the PS, it just depends ob what kind of kid you have. How they learn math, do they need the why? I know many people who are happy with the program.
  14. I hate to drive. I don't go anywhere more than 10 minutes from my house on a regular basis.
  15. I said before, it is not a decision I would make, but it Is not our place to judge them. There are many lifestyles that I don't agree with or would not chose for myself, but I will not call someone disgusting for their choices. No one has been hurt, they are not asking you to do the same. People do what is right for them, if it works and they are happy and everyone is well cared for, leave them to their choice.
  16. If tou want spelling grouped around spelling rules that takes very little time, look at Spelling Plus by Susan Anthony. There is a dictation book to go with it. Both books go through 6th grade. Each list has 15 words. We study the list one week. The next week we use the dictation sentences for the list we just finished. The week we do the dictation, that is our handwriting practice. It also provides practice for punctuation rules, they are explained for each list. This has been so easy for us. We use our white board for a lot of the work.
  17. I would not judge a person for that choice. He is not the man she married, her first husband was supportive. I don't know that it is a choice I would make, but she is still taking care of him, just not on her own.
  18. No, it was something different....ugh, I wish i could remember the name!! We have not had to buy it for two years, if I went to walmart, I could find it.... I just looked it up-Hibiclens!! It was driving me nuts! This stuff worked great. When DD had an infection, we all washed with it. I used it as a body wash on her and me. It prevented the spread the last few times.
  19. We have a bunch of this stuff. DD loves them. We found my little pony books too.
  20. Oh, and baking soda packs really pull the pus out. It hurts as it tightens when it dries. We never did them on the baby, but if your daughter can handle it, they work really well.
  21. My dd had 5+ mrsa infections between 6 months and 2 years. Her diaper rash turned into mrsa infections. The doctors kept telling us there was no way to prevent it until we switched pediatricians, the new one told is to get a presurgical antibiotic wash and use it on her diaper area. I cannot remember what it is called, but it was a blue bottle and we picked it up at WalMart, in the pharmacy section. The soap was a red liquid. After she bathed, bleach the shower/bath before anyone uses it. She nedds a fresh towel for each use. Put a little bleach in the wash with the towels. Use warm compresses on the infection. It draws out the pus and relieves the pain. We always drained, cleaned with peroxide, then covered in Neosporin and a large bandage. Use gloves or wash your hands with the presurgical scrub after dressing. It is very easily spread by contact! I got two and DH got 3 before we got really good at the disinfecting everything!! (We were also in a one room, one bathroom, apartment for most of that time.) FYI....they generally had dark spots that made them look like bites, but none of them were bites.
  22. School zone has a huge variety of workbooks, you can pick them up at WalMart for a couple of dollars each. I also grabbed some at the dollar store that dd loves. Most of the school so.e books have letter amd number practice, color review, comparisons, some early phonics, sequencing, and more. My kids love the variety. My absolute favorites are the Comprehensive Curriculum Books. I love the phonics pages and reading comprehension pages in the first and second grade books. I picked them up at Sams for about $10.
  23. A math game lapbook Experiments for science....we do the chapters and discuss, watch videos, but have yet to do one experiment this year. We did several last year and loved them. Drawing with Children. We did it once and I have not pulled it out since then.
  24. He stood in a chair and hauled it all over the kitchen to reach the cabinets. After he was all done, he asked to be paid! That's when he got the smoother rather than money. He has been taking me being sick very seriously, he wants me and the baby to be rested. I have been pretty pathetic for 6 weeks.....
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