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Everything posted by raceNzanesmom

  1. Are you sure it's a DVD? The ones we used were audio CDs to help with pronunciation, vocab, etc. If you're sure it's a DVD I'd call Apologia. ETA: If it's a CD-rom course make sure what you're playing it in can read CD-roms. hth.
  2. We found this to be true too. And just recently we found that not all generics are equal. Our pharm switched brands and it was a nightmare. We found a pharm with the previous brand and all is well again. Praying you find a solution!
  3. Baby cereal is nasty- yuck. We start with really ripe banana and/or avocado, baked sweet potato or squash, and other soft table foods that can be smashed. You can always thin with a little breastmilk if needed. Once they get that down, we start them on half Cheerios, organic yogurt, etc. My oldest never ate any "baby food", my youngest had a bit of homemade (freeze in ice cube trays) because he went to day care from 4-14 months. Oldest started table food around 10 months (his choice), youngest around 7- 7 1/2 (also his choice).
  4. We love HOD too! We used Little Hearts last year for 1st. It was a great foundation for Beyond this year. Even the things that seemed baby'ish taught good skills for this year. Enjoy! and be blessed!
  5. IDK what's most important, but my ds did a cow's eyeball (free from farmer), fish (free from a nearby lake), and a frog (from the above site). I felt it was enough. He learned a lot, got to experience the joy of dissection (yes, he loved it), and it wasn't too $$. Here's a good site I have bookmarked: http://biology.about.com/od/onlinedissections/a/aa112805a.htm
  6. One of the sweetest young ladies I know is named Anika. Beautiful name for a beautiful girl! :D I did think of one I love but wouldn't use- Henry. Love the name, but not with dh's Hispanic last name. Btw, dh wanted our oldest to be named Geronimo (seriously, still today gets huffy about it). I'm glad we went with Race.
  7. I can't think of any right off that I like but wouldn't use other than dh not liking them. I don't much care what others think. I do look at meanings and initials, but haven't come across any issues in the past. I've also found that people often don't like a name when given, but they get used to it over time. Nearly everyone thought we were crazy for naming our oldest Race. They learned to like it and it fits him to a t. :D
  8. Our sons will pay their own way through college (just like I did). We'll support them with a place to live (if they attend college here and behave appropriately), our love and non-financial support. They're expected to pay for college, their clothes and other personal items and their car. If we had plenty of money we wouldn't mind helping with a portion. However, our children are not entitled to us paying (no matter how much money we had).
  9. Always soak and rinse. Never add salt until the end. We like pinto with a piece of beef, northern with ham, or any with a little stock and veggies. A big savings for us has been buying tortillas at a Mexican store vs the regular grocers. Dh gets corn tortillas 3pk/$1 and excellent flour ones for .79. Not necessarily a health benefit, but when you go through as many as we do the savings as been huge. Save bread ends in the freezer. Make your own bread crumbs when needed. Healthier and cheaper than store bought. Add a little ground flax to everything. I also make our elderberry syrup for cold season. Super cheap to make, lots of health benefits. I buy the berries in bulk from Frontier co-op. Same with tooth powder, cod liver oil, etc. Saves a ton. Make sure everyone gets some daily sunshine. Freeze bananas and blend with a little milk for a delicious ice cream like treat. Toss veggies in everything. Even ends- leave whole, spoon out before serving. Bone broth!
  10. I think it depends on the student. My oldest loves history and art so adding them at home wouldn't be an issue. He'd think of it as "fun". Have you talked to her about it? Perhaps try it and see.
  11. I'd offer them free to someone (Freecycle, Craigslist, friends, etc), or find a no kill shelter. Until then set them up in the garage.
  12. Wow! $1/skein would be awesome even for cheap stuff. It looks like you have some nice quality yarn there. How sweet of you to share. :D To neenee7: quality yarn can easily be $10 or more per skein. Ultra nice is $$$$. Even cheap stuff can run $5-6 per skein.
  13. Right now- 10:30 pm my time, oldest ds is in his room, probably not asleep; youngest ds is asleep and has been for about an hour and half or so. However, when you posted at 7:30'ish we were all watching Thor on DVD (came out today, $1 at Redbox :D).
  14. Our oldest is welcomed to live at home as long as he goes to school, works enough to cover his expenses, and acts according to the rules in our home. Once he finishes school, we'll see.
  15. I've found it to be about the same because I buy used whenever possible. If we continue with HOD through high school it will likely be more expensive that what I used for my now graduate. I pieced his. It worked- but was a lot of work. I'm appreciating having the work done for me with HOD, plus it's flexible enough I can switch up if I want (like using MUS for math).
  16. We use Heart of Dakota with Math U See. It's a good fit for both of us and we enjoy it. We'll continue with Reading Reflex for now. And, we also use Bible Study Guide for All Ages. We started it last year and ds loves it. We only use the worksheets since HOD has some Bible study in it. One side per day 4 days a week is working great.
  17. Right around 3 hours for my 2nd grader, slightly less on Fridays.
  18. No clue about the program or even AAS, but my ds has the Cobweb the Cat book and LOVES it. I wish they weren't so expensive.
  19. It really depends on the kid and what you can afford. Mine prefers Nordic Naturals, but they're out of our price range. He takes liquid fish oil everyday. He doesn't like the taste, but takes it because he knows it's good for him. He chases it with juice or water, so it isn't "too" bad. I get fish burps, so I keep my gel tabs in the freezer. Helps a ton. And, I agree with the PP re: omega 6s and 9s. We don't need to supplement them. Look for quality omega 3s. ETA: Look at doseage and amount of omegas when you buy. One can seem like a deal, but you have to take a lot to get the daily recommendations. For Carlsons or similar, my 7 y/o takes 1 tsp, my 18 y/o takes 1 tbl.
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