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Everything posted by raceNzanesmom

  1. I switched to Reading Reflex about 6 weeks ago. The book is kind of teacher unfriendly, but I like how it teaches. It teaches all the ways a sound can be represented and the different sounds the same spelling can make. That way if they get to a particular letter combo, like ow, they know it can say <oe>, like in show, or <ow> like in cow, and they can try it both ways if they don't remember. For my ds, this makes sense to him a LOT more than other things we've tried. If you decide to get an inexpensive used copy I'd make sure it isn't cut up (they have you do that when teaching basic code, which your dd sounds like she gets). Or, you could try your own hand at it.
  2. This is what I was thinking too. Try it without the Beyond guide and see how it goes. If you need it later then buy it. I bought mine mid-year for a great price. Ds started showing spelling readiness, so it was nice to have it here. I could have survived without it had I not had it.
  3. If you want seats for the longest use and all the same then Radians are the way to go. I have an XT and 80SL and love them. My ds has used his 2 years past his Britax seat. We chose it because I have to get three across and I wanted him harnessed as long as possible. I've only used the seat belt to install, so can't comment on the LATCH issue. For your FF kids you might want to also seriously consider the Britax Frontier 85 if you have room for it (like in a van). It has the highest harness slots on the market and makes a great booster later on. Add it with a Radian or even a Marathon or Boulevard and you'd have a nice set up for quite some time. I do recommend you buy where you can easily return (even if online) and try whatever seat in the RF and FF position to know it installs well. You can nearly always find good deals online. If you have trouble with insurance INSIST they replace your seats, don't take no for an answer. hth. ~Angie CPST for almost a decade ETA: If they repair the vehicle make sure they check all seat belts in use for any sign they need replaced.
  4. We get ours at Promise Checks- http://www.promisechecks.com/ They're mostly Christian, if that matters. Great prices and fairly fast shipping. I've used them for many years and never had any problems. We don't use many checks now, so they last a looong time.
  5. We use HWT paper. He was using the wide double line paper. About mid-year he asked to move to narrower paper, so he now uses the regular double line.
  6. Mine is all lined up on the shelf for the fall. :D If you're buying new and don't need to look for deals you can order most things anytime. I have to order as I find deals and have the cash, so I order early. I'm also 100% positive on what we're using so that helps too.
  7. My print shop does it for under $5 (but I hate having it cut and will never do it again).
  8. I think any lower priced RF seat will need help with the recline- a pool noodle or newspaper rolled tightly and taped- placed in the bight (seat crack) of the vehicle seat. The Scenera installs ok in most vehicles. Seat belt probably being easier than LATCH (lower anchors) in most cases. You might look at the Titan too. I can't remember the specs, but I think it's similar, size and price. Let me find a link for you. Here ya go: http://sites.google.com/site/carseatmeasurements/ That should give you an idea for size. Then once you're truly ready to turn him FF, or he outgrows the 40 lb seat, you can look for a FF harnessed seat. Right now the Maestro is the best for low cost, light weight, decent harness height/weight. Who knows what will be available by the time you need it. Something that makes a better booster would be nice! Kudos to you for keeping your ds RF!! So few parents go past a year.
  9. JSYK, it won't last as a booster. It's not a great booster to begin with and certainly won't fit kids until they're ready for the seat belt. http://www.carseat.org/Boosters/630.htm I'd use while you can with the harness and plan on buying a better booster later on. I have found some of the head tipping while sleeping can be corrected with training. Teach them to lean their head to the side before they fall asleep. Deep sleep, however, is hard in any FF seat since the head does want to drop forward.
  10. The only path to God is Jesus Christ- no one comes to the Father except through Him. Church is good for teaching, fellowship, serving, etc, but it won't ever get you to heaven.
  11. My teen and I enjoyed this book. We used it and Beautifully and Wonderfully Made as our "health" credit.
  12. We don't allow HP and I would be VERY upset if anyone (including ILs, siblings, etc) went behind my back and allowed it.
  13. A friend sang this at church this morning. What an awesome song!
  14. Sure. Anytime you buy look for sales then Google for coupon codes- diapers.com and elsewhere. 1st time buyers usually get the best deals at diapers.com. PM me anytime if I can be of help.
  15. HI! Car seat tech here. To keep him RF, the Scenera, OnAir and Tribute are under $100. All max out at 40 lbs FF. Graco MyRide and Evenflo Triumph would last longer, can usually be found for under $130. My friend bought a Roundabout 55 for $139 shipped at diapers.com with codes, so that's an option too if you can find sales and coupon codes, and have the extra $. All RF seats are outgrown when the head has less than 1" of seat shell above it OR they exceed the weight limit. Here's a link for measuring height. http://www.car-seat.org/showthread.php?t=30201 The Maestro is FF only. It, and other FF seats, are outgrown when the top of the ears are above the seat back OR shoulders are above the top slots OR weight limit is exceeded. *The exception is the Radian. It can be used to a full 53" OR until the top of the ears are above the seat back, even if the shoulders are above the top slots. Weight limit, obviously, still applies. HTH.
  16. My ds, 17, saves info on his phone and the sticky on our desktop. A reminder would be appreciated, but not 100% necessary.
  17. I love flats on newborns, then flats or prefolds when they fit the infant size better. I prefer unbleached Indian or Chinese. I did use a Snappi, but found I loved pins once I got the hang of them. I used a combo of PUL covers and wool. I esp liked wool when used alone (as shorts or pants) and at night. However, proper folding is essential to keep the poop in. I like this site for folding flats: http://www.thenappylady.co.uk/articleGalleryAll.asp ETA: For older babies, receiving blankets make great flats.
  18. Our church no longer gives baby showers. Our senior pastor and his wife felt it was too easy to overlook someone and feelings would get hurt. Instead, they offer the fellowship hall free of charge for anyone that asks to have a shower there, members or regular attendees (1.5 years would be considered regular).
  19. I agree. We use MUS and Mr. Demme doesn't teach that as re-grouping. 14-9 is the difference between 9 and 10 is 1 plus 4 = 5.
  20. We use it as written except I add in an extra Bible study when we aren't studying Bible history. In the future I may add if needed (especially extra spelling help and Bible), but I won't take away any of what Carrie has planned.
  21. I switched to HOD for my youngest and it has been such a blessing! I had pieced together my own for my oldest for 6 years. It is so refreshing to have all that planning done for me. Plus, Carrie adds way more (crafts, planned narration, etc) than I ever got around to doing. My 7 y/o LOVES everything about HOD. I love how easy it is to use and totally Christ centered. I also love the I can easily tailor the phonics/reading and math to his level without messing with any of Carrie's plans. I, too, plan to use HOD as long as there are guides or graduation.
  22. We made the switch to Eco-Dent tooth powders about 4 months ago. I'll never use anything else. They're fluoride free, glycerin free and SLS free. Plus, you can't beat the price. That little bottle really does last over 200 brushings. We like all the flavors. My 3 y/o daycare boy prefers the lemon-lime. The rest of us like the mint or cinnamon.
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