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Everything posted by raceNzanesmom

  1. We used Handwriting Without Tears wide line at the beginning of the year, then switched to regular line around Feb or so. What is best is really what you prefer. Some use no line, others wide ruled notebook, others primary paper. Are you using a handwriting curriculum? If so, I'd stick with whatever they use. If not, you can find various paper to print at donnayoung.org.
  2. R&S is going to continually build on itself. I'd stick with grade level, even when it seems easy. They'll learn what they need as they progress through the course, and, if you stick with it, will have a rock solid education in english when it's all done.
  3. Honestly, I used my now graduate as a guinea pig, poor kid. When we first started hsing I thought it was school at home, so I went all textbooks, every drill, quiz, test possible. :glare: We both hated it. So then I started researching, not just curriculum, but styles of learning and teaching. That lead us to living books. I pieced it together for middle school and high school for my oldest, and it worked well. When I started doing the same for my youngest I was overwhelmed and felt like I was missing it. So I started researching living book based curriculums, decided on Heart of Dakota, and love it. I continue to read a little here and there when I see something I haven't heard of, but mostly I stay away from it. I have a great curriculum that works for us and that's all I need. IF the time comes when I need a change I'll seek it out.
  4. This was us. I wanted his GPA to reflect the same as others in public/private schools for similar work. I wish it wasn't that way. But it is. I didn't want to reduce possible opportunities simply because I wish it was different. Wishing won't pay for college. .02 ETA: We did AP, not Honors. I have his AP results with his transcript.
  5. I use Scrapbook Max 2.0 (because I can't figure out Photoshop to save my life). I think the one made my Creative Memories is very nice also. I download all the freebie papers, elements, alphabets, fonts, etc I can get my hands on. I do buy occasionally, but only if it's a good deal and I really need the theme (like when my ds played basketball). I then print my pages at Scrapping Simply (Persnickety Prints has similar prices). I try to wait until pages are on sale. Then I place the pages in albums I buy, usually at JoAnns for 50% off. I keep my files so if I get a good deal on books (like at Snapfish, etc) I can upload them and make books for grandparents, aunts, etc. ETA: I make 8x8 pages. As much as I would love to do 12x12, and I know they'd be nicer, I just can't afford twice the cost when I know I wouldn't fill the pages. Now, often times, my page is pretty full of pics, so not a lot of room left for cute layouts-- but I pay 99 cents a page or less for printing (and could technically print them myself if needed).
  6. He he used to this style of learning science? It may be that you need to do less until he gets used to it. If you're reading 4 pages, read 2. If you're reading it all, perhaps take turns. If you're doing it everyday, back off to 2-3 days a week for a while. It may also be that you need to get a bit deeper into the book. Often times the beginning is setting up the rest of the book- what is science, vocab, etc. Once you get into a bit more it may be more interesting to him. There's also lapbooks and notebooking that can be added.
  7. John and Ephesians are my favorite books of the Bible. If you find any of them hard to teach I'd get a study guide. I find they help even me, they pull things out I might have missed.
  8. I haven't read it in ages, but when I did we liked it.
  9. We don't use it as part of "school". I just have them here and when he/we sit down to draw we use them. My oldest is a gifted artist and he really likes how they teach younger kids. Simple, inexpensive, yet effective. We don't use the writing portion.
  10. Use whatever handwriting you think is best. Many like ARFH. We use HWT and love it. I think using DITHOR depends on the child and your teaching style. My oldest would have easily been ready for it by 2nd grade. He was an accelerated reader and loved digging into books. My youngest is a struggling reader. It will likley be 4th grade, maybe even 5th, before he starts DITHOR.
  11. It would be too much for me. Our co-op was 3 hours and that was plenty for me.
  12. We love this one too! At 5, he often colored pictures that went along with the event we were reading about. Once he moved to listening to the regular Bible we started reading out of his 2:52 Bible.
  13. I think it takes most women time to adjust with the Diva Cup. Keep trying. Google for tips. I used sea sponges for years and loved them. Much, much nicer than tampons! I now use cloth pads 100% of the time. Love them too. I've had the same ones for over 2 years. Can't beat that for saving money. I can't comment on flow, personally, because mine has been pretty light since the birth of my last son. I've heard great testimonies from others tho.
  14. I keep mine well moisturized, trimmed in layers (more often is best, but I don't always have the extra $), air dry about 1/3 of the way then add a generous amount of mousse for curly hair. I try to leave it alone until it's almost dry then just finger toss a bit. That keeps it looking good most of the time. In the super hot, humid weather of this past week nothing helps. I try to keep it loosely pulled back when it gets like that.
  15. I haven't read the other responses, so my apologies if this is a repeat. I don't think any major life changes should be made in the first year after a baby, this would include permanent sterilization for either parent. Emotions run too high and/or low, most are sleep deprived, money is often tight, etc. It's just not a good time for life changing decisions. After things settle down at a year'ish, then major decisions should be made together with each spouse hearing out the other. For Christians, I think there should also be a good deal of prayer, even spiritual counseling, before making such a decision.
  16. When our youngest turned 6 last year we bought him a few "wants", but then I also bought Now We Are Six . He got the biggest kick out of it and had me read it over and over to him. It was like it was his personal book of poetry. Very sweet! :D
  17. I'm reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan and Raising Real Men by Hal and Melanie Young. I'm also reading through the book of Romans, again. Usually I'm in the air conditioned living room, occasionally in the car waiting for ds to get off work. Almost always sipping coffee (hot or iced). I'm reading this series to my youngest. We're almost finished with book 1 as a read aloud. I, however, have now read all five. Great, fun reads!
  18. My youngest struggles with falling asleep too. He does better with routine, plenty of exercise, low/no refined sugars or caffeine, and soft white noise at bedtime. On nights when it's likely he'll need some help, I give him 1 mg of melatonine 30 minutes before bed. If it's a night I think he'll do fine (he's had a busy day, good diet, etc), but he has a hard time falling asleep then I'll give him his melatonine after 20-30 minutes. This has helped him go to sleep faster, sleep better (deeper), and wake refreshed. It's been a win-win situation. If you try melatonine, always start with the lowest possible amount (1/4-1/2 of a 1 mg tab). Increase by that amount until you find just enough to help. Some people need more. 1 mg works perfectly for my ds. 1 1/2 mg and he had weird dreams/nightmares, a sign it was too much.
  19. I'm confused. They place in Beyond and Preparing? But you think you need to do Beyond and Bigger? That would be back to back guides. Sorry if I'm not getting it. It's realllly late. I'd put them where they place unless you want to combine. If you combine I'd place the younger and add for the older.
  20. I suppose you could, but leaving the left side as is is really what makes HOD what it is. <dunno>
  21. Since she struggles in reading "I" would drop grammar until next year. Focus on getting her reading where it needs to be. One lesson of math is plenty. My ds starts 2nd next month. I have no intentions for it to be more than 2 1/2 hrs a day and that's with added crafts, etc.
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