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Everything posted by raceNzanesmom

  1. My ds loves it! He's completed Primer, Alpha and is half way through Beta. It works for us.
  2. If you're in an area that has charter schools I'd check into that. They often have classes according to ability vs grade level. If not, or in the meantime, I'd speak with your child's teachers (reg and gifted). They should be able to work as a team to give more challenging work. My oldest ds was in ps K-6 and his better teachers always had him working at level. Sometimes that meant a reading group with just one other child, or he might have a basket of work he could do when his regular work was finished, he even tutored those that struggled. Third grade was probably his hardest because his teacher didn't believe "in special treatment". :glare:
  3. We used them with Truthquest. They're scheduled as a spine in there. We loved them!
  4. Lands End Parka. Best coat ever!! ETA: Check Overstocks for deals.
  5. Big SW fans here. My 7.5 y/o has watched them all, except the end of Revenge of the Sith (#3). He's been told what happens, but not watched it. He also likes the new Clone Wars animated series, but we now screen them before he watches. The newer ones (starting last season) have become darker. We have the first season and he watches them quite a bit.
  6. My oldest loved the Trailblazer books. http://trailblazerbooks.com/Frame-1.html
  7. It's a good solid program. If it's out of your price range, or you just want to give it a try first, you can buy tiles from teacher type stores or make them out of cardstock. Then, if you find it's what you want, you can invest in the program. You can find spelling rules/lists online.
  8. Maybe a little tomorrow (Tuesday). He had testing this morning and science class this afternoon. Moments ago we were invited to a festival on Wednesday, so that only leaves tomorrow, lol. We'll probably just read, practice some math, and maybe some art or cooking.
  9. No tree this year. We're still celebrating, just skipping the tree, mistletoe, garland, etc. I'll put out a few other things- Nativity, Advent candles, etc this weekend.
  10. I use a different math because we'd already started MUS when we switched to HOD. MUS works great for ds, so I didn't feel the need to change it. We loosely use the CD- he usually listens during playtime. Otherwise, it works for us so I leave it alone.
  11. Our oldest graduated in June. He graduated with a 3.79 GPA, 6 college credits, a ton of volunteer hours, and a desire for higher education. He is currently at the community college because he can afford to pay it in full each semester (his choice). His plan is to get his AA there then transfer to the state college about an hour away. What did we give? Time, encouragement, guidance when needed, discipline when needed and, most importantly, a strong foundation in the Lord.
  12. :iagree: And baked potatoes are better in the oven. Just not the same in the microwave.
  13. I've skimmed it several times, but not read it cover-cover.
  14. :001_huh: No ideas, but I'll bump this for you.
  15. They were them torn around here. Oldest ds patched one pair cuz you could see his undies, lol. ETA: and my boys have a max of 3 pair of jeans unless I happen to find them at a thrift store (which rarely happens).
  16. Chicken Bake diced chicken breasts (cooked or canned) 2.5 cup dry macaroni (cooked and drained) 1 can cream chicken or mushroom soup 1 cup milk 1+ cup shredded cheese Mix and place in greased baking dish. Bake covered at 350* about 45 minutes, uncover and top with additional cheese the last few minutes if desired. ETA: I usually double this too for leftovers. Chicken Pot Pie diced chicken breasts (cooked or canned, about 1 c) bag thawed or canned veggies (about 2 c) 1 can cream chicken or mushroom soup Mix well, place in greased baking dish. Topping: 1 cup Bisquick (or other brand baking mix) 1/2 cup milk 1 egg Mix gently, pour over above mix. Bake uncovered at 400* for about 30 minutes or until topping is golden brown and meat mixture is bubbly hot. (This makes a pie plate amount, I double it for our family and have a little leftover.) *You can also top with canned biscuits.
  17. As the mother of an 18 y/o male, I couldn't agree more. I'm surprised the neighbors can't smell him in the mornings. <<choke, cough>>
  18. Barrier methods along with charting can be very reliable. Plus, no hormones, foreign objects, chance of causing an abortion, etc. I know lots of couples that have successfully used it for years. Whatever you decide, I would thoroughly research the pros/cons and discuss them with dh.
  19. We're using Beyond and LOVE it!!! :D We use MUS, but only because we started it before we found HOD.
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