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Everything posted by raceNzanesmom

  1. HOD years are color coded with a sticker on the binding, extra school books are sorted by subject. This works well because I can see them at a glance. However, kids books are a bit crazy. I try to keep hardcover and softcover on different shelves, but that's about it.
  2. We went through it fairly quickly because it was mostly review for my 7 y/o. Now, in level 2, I usually aim for 20, maybe 25 minutes, 4 days/week. I don't move on until I feel confident that he gets the lesson. That may mean he gets it in a couple days or a week or more. I go at his pace.
  3. We use AAS with the readers and LOVE it. I haven't specifically used AAR.
  4. We eat at the table 5-6 nights a week and all lunches. Breakfast is often at the coffee table for me and the youngest, the car for dh and the oldest.
  5. My dc kids love our easel. I keep a page of the big Color Wonder pages on each side with CW markers in the tray. They have free reign of it in the playroom. When we paint (about once a week) I use washable paint and toss an old tablecloth under the easel. They also love to throw a blanket over it for a hiding spot.
  6. Our oldest went thru NAET about 8 years ago. It did help with behaviors that we found were food related (preservatives, yeast and some others), and even helped with things like cut grass and seasonal hayfever. However, I would not (then or now) have been willing to try it for a life threatening allergy. And, ftr, we find it still best to just avoid his triggers, so idk if it cleared him from them or just made us more aware to avoid them.
  7. Me: Raising Real Men To ds: Read Mathlock Gun tonight, also reading through Pagoo , not sure what we'll read tomorrow. We have shelves of choices. 7 y/o ds: Early Reader's Bible and he re-reads stories from Cobweb the Cat daily.
  8. We do it pretty much like Nicole. I have added this year (Beta) a bit of whiteboard time when big concepts are introduced- like yesterday he started regrouping with subtraction. We did 5-6 problems on the board so I know he gets the steps. Our MUS weeks are usually Mon-Fri, however, if I feel he needs more time I give it. If he gets through something quickly, like last week's telling time to the minute, then I add some math facts review and games. The same was true with Alpha. Most of the time math is start to finish in under 30 minutes.
  9. I'd place them where you think they'll succeed but still be challenged- and where you want them in history. I'm looking at 4 and 5 now. I think they're close enough in reading ability you can pick either and it'll be good. I'd also look at where you want them in the future. We didn't start HSing or CM until my oldest was older. Some things we had to fly through so I could linger longer over other stuff.
  10. We love AAS! Really great program. I haven't used anything else with my younger ds to compare.
  11. We love HWT! At age 3.5 I recommend the wooden pieces and letter cards. I'd get the TM too. It will explain HWT, and it also has the patterns to make the wooden pieces. Once she has that down, move to the chalkboard.
  12. We love HWT! You can use regular paper. We use narrow lined comp notebooks.
  13. I just do all my copying over the summer then I'm ready to go.
  14. Yes, I was on the pill/shot before our oldest with an occasional condom after him. Nothing since.
  15. I'm so sorry! Praying for you and your family during this difficult time.
  16. :iagree: It's a day to day everyday thing here, health, safety, hygiene, bodies, privacy, God's plan, etc, etc.
  17. I agree with just letting him read. It doesn't matter what at age 7. Just let him read, read, read. Graphic novels, cereal boxes, picture books, whatever keeps him reading (as long as the content is appropriate, of course). Take him to the library or bookstore and pick out his own. He'll build confidence and fluency without hating reading.
  18. No. I would try to be open to the new style with lots of prayer about it. If discussion is needed I'd take it to the leaders, no gossip or backbiting. If, after a generous amount of time, I still felt like I needed to leave I would have to do some serious praying and speaking directly with my pastor. But, I'm one to believe a person should only leave a church when God calls you away, not because the flesh isn't happy.
  19. I recommended the first and the second. They're about the same price as the third. Does your library have any of them? Maybe you could get a hands on look at them.
  20. My understanding is the older editions work fine with the new student books. The new edition student books have more review and tear out pages.
  21. We use slightly warm garlic oil in the ear and/or an onion poultice. To prevent, an antihistamine/decongestant to keep it all dried up when he has a cold.
  22. Adding a protein to a sugar helps keep your blood sugar more level. This would be healthier than fake sugar, esp when pg. You could also look at sweetening with agave, honey or some other natural sugar.
  23. We do leftover rice with warm milk. I'm sure rice pudding would be similar.
  24. Have you checked the placement chart? Where does she fit on her own skills. Looking at the samples, can she do the independent parts? The nice thing with HOD is you have options within the same guide. Calling Carrie or Mike is a good idea.
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