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Everything posted by raceNzanesmom

  1. 1 in 88 kids are on the spectrum. I think we need to be looking beyond fat moms. Sorry. My issue is with the medical/political community in general. I'm not bashing any one study.
  2. I was an original member of DS. I no longer go there because of the very high risk of viruses.
  3. I agree with Crimson Wife. I've worked with several autistic kids and none have had overweight, much less obese, moms. ETA: I also know plenty of obese moms, myself included, that don't have autistic kids. And the two moms I know personally that have type 1 diabetes don't have autistic kids.
  4. I bought my 3' x 2' magnetic whiteboard at Walmart for $20. I think it's even less at Sam's and Costco. We use it for everything, not just AAS, so it's been worth it.
  5. For my youngest: HWT, AAS and HOD For my oldest (now graduate): Truthquest History and Teaching Textbooks (high school levels) Why? Because they work.
  6. I can't help with AAR1, but we're using AAS level 2 with the level 2 readers. It's working really well. I would think you could do the same with level 1- even if you go through it the first time to learn reading then go through it again to master spelling. There's a really good post on here somewhere about using AAS to teach reading.
  7. Kids probably need to be close in ability to group in HOD, placement is key. Math and reading/phonics are at the child's level. HOD recommends placing the younger and adding for the older. There's info, including samples, on the HOD website as well as a link to the official HOD forum. I will say tho, many moms teach multiple levels with ease and many group with ease, so it can be done. I'm only schooling one so it's easy. I do have younger day care kids here. They listen in when they want and often do the projects with us. HOD is very open and go, Bible ties in multiple subjects, we love it! We're using Beyond Little Hearts for 2nd grade. It takes us about 2-2 1/2 hours and that's adding AAS and the readers. Some of the rotating box (art, science, geo) seem simple, but I'm truly amazed how much my ds learns from it (and retains it!). He can give details of things he did the first week of Beyond, or even last year in Little Hearts. Those little, seemingly simple, super easy projects are the glue that sticks the info in his head. Did I say I love it?! :D
  8. Could you just cut back significantly? Perhaps just a couple sentences of her own thoughts, or one sentence of dictation. Enough to keep her going forward, but not overwhelming. Or maybe every other day or twice a week or whatever works. Just so she doesn't slip backward.
  9. Shame on them! Another example of professionals forgetting they work for you, not the other way around. Our dentist does give me a hard time about the no fluoride treatments and no sealants, but I just politely remind her I am the parent and really do know best for MY child. ETA: http://www.fluoridealert.org/fluoride-dangers/health/thyroid/index.aspx
  10. I haven't read all the repsonses, but I don't think that's accurate. Even if it was true, I'd rather brush my child's teeth and continue nursing. The benefits of nursing would outweigh any teeth concerns. FTR, both my boys nursed long past one year with no decay issues. We brushed with water, then non-fluoride toothpaste and now use non-fluoride toothpowder. We also get regular cleanings (no fluoride treatments), limit sugar on teeth, etc.
  11. As you know we use and love Heart of Dakota. I do add just a bit more science. I have 20 Bill Nye episodes recorded (they're on our PBS station right now at 5 am), probably that many Magic School Bus episodes, and all the new Wild Kratts. I also keep a book basket of sceince-y books and we do any fun experiments we come across. If I wasn't using HOD I'd probably go with Simply Charlotte Mason, or Beautiful Feet history, Apologia science and my own thing.
  12. My bookcases won't be going anywhere for a LONG time. And I happen to enjoy my coffee table (aka kids art center) and clock. Sold my waterbed in 86, lol.
  13. So cute! My mom has a similar pup. He's about 10 months now and 7 lbs. Such a sweetie.
  14. My BFF's granddaughter is Amilia Renae called Mia. Beautiful name! A dear friend is Anika and I adore her and her name. It's pronouced On-ika tho, not Anne, I like Adelaide, but not a fan of Addie, sorry. Love the name Adelle too, I know that doesn't help. I love Grace as a middle name.
  15. It is a bit of $ to get started but it has been soooooo worth it for my ds. It's already greatly improved his spelling and it's helping with his reading. We'll finish level 2 for 2nd grade (this year). I plan to have 3 and 4 for next year. If we need more I'll worry about it then. To get started you need level 1 and the basic interactive kit (you could just do the tiles, but the rest is worth it). I highly recommend a 3'x2' magnetic whiteboard. I bought a smaller one first and it quickly became a pain to use. The 3'x2' is perfect, $20 at WM, mounted with $4 Command Strips. We use for spelling, math, memory work and more. I'm sure it'll get years of use.
  16. My ds doesn't do much writing, but when he misspells like your daughter I have him correct and we go back over the rule.
  17. I bought mine at Walmart for $20, hung it with Command Strips ($4).
  18. I use Scrapbook Max 2.0 and My Memories 3.0. I prefer My Memories, even tho I use SBM the most (I've used it for years and am faster at it). I've checked out Creative Memories too, and it looks good. You can usually find a $10 off code for My Memories (lmk if you need one)and they have a bunch of freebies. I use other freebies too. I rarely pay full price for kits (papers, embellishments, etc). I look for super deals, freebies on sites, and sign up for newsletters and like different designers on FB to get freebies. LOTS of good stuff out there. My oldest tried to teach me PSE, but I'm Photoshop challenged. He uses CS5 for his designs. I print pages at Scrappingsimply.com or Persnicketyprints.com. I use good codes at Shutterfly, Snapfish, etc for gift books.
  19. I can relate. I have 4 extra kids here most days. They all have their moments, esp when someone isn't feeling well. Praying you have a better day tomorrow.
  20. I agree with CPSTAnne. I'd keep your now 1 y/o RF as long as possible, easily age 3 with the Radian. (Both of the 4 y/o boys I care for still fit comfortably RF in the Radian.) Purchase the Diono Radian angle adjuster when you buy the seat. This will give you some extra RF room. If you have a shoulder belt center third row, I'd probably put the 1 y/o RF on a side back there, then booster or seat belt in the other two seat. 2nd row I'd have baby and one of the older kids (so they can be helpful). You may find you need a different booster for your 7 y/o. It'll just depend on where you put everyone. If the center 3rd is a lap belt, only put a harnessed car seat there (the Radian would still be good). Make sure you older kids pass the 5 step test before moving to the seat belt alone. www.carseat.org/Boosters/630.htm http://www.thecarseatlady.com/booster_seats/booster_seats.html and why keep toddlers/preschoolers RF http://www.cpsafety.com/articles/stayrearfacing.aspx
  21. I now use Heart of Dakota and it has living history already scheduled. Back when I did my own I used (and LOVED) TruthQuest History.
  22. I learned to knit and loom knit entirely from videos online and a simple how-to book. I keep the book in my bag just as a reminder when I need it. I have crocheted most of my life. I love having videos at my fingertips to try new stitches or look at when I don't understand an instruction.
  23. Well, I wouldn't even consider him K until fall '13, so.... Don't worry. Keep playing games, read short books together, look for things that interest him, go for walks, limit things like TV and video game, be silly and enjoy this time. It is so precious.
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