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Everything posted by raceNzanesmom

  1. We have ours hooked up to the DVD player- very easy. I recommend buying a package deal if you find a good deal. Remotes are expensive to buy separately. Name brand ones are a must. We buy used games at Game Stop and other used game places.
  2. You've been given good info. I'll only add to be cautious with generics. Contrary to what the rx companies say they aren't all created equal. To help with eating, have her eat first, good quality, high protein food. Try to get lunch in her before a second dose. You may find she'll drink her meal (smoothie, protein shake, etc) when she won't eat. If she's not ready for dinner at dinner time, offer her meal later on. Throughout the day offer things like a spoon of PB, or a piece of cheese. Choose the best foods for her to eat first. If she has trouble sleeping, there are good, natural things that can help with that (melatonin, v-root, etc). Never feel bad for doing what is best for your child!
  3. They're both KJV. I haven't used that level, but from my experience with the upper grades I'd go with ACE. I'd look at CLE too.
  4. This is one of our main reasons for continuing to hs through high school. Coming out on the other side knowing this made it worth it. He was on board, in that we discussed, we prayed, and he knew our decision was final. He did dual enroll his jr and senior years and earned some college credit. If God leads you to it, He will lead you through it. Praying for His wisdom.
  5. Our oldest came home after 6th, I don't think high school is too late. Get the kids involved in what they want to study- sciences, history, books to read, etc. Set clear ground rules- what has to be done when, what's picked has to be done, changes can be made later if needed, it's still school and has to be done (no sleeping until 2)- and follow through with consequences. Know you'll have great days and not so great days. In the end building the child's character will be more important than academics. Once I understood that, it was so much easier to school my teen.
  6. You have breastmilk- get it in her eyes, you can even squirt it in her nose. That stuff truly is liquid gold. Keep her hydrated. I like to keep a vapor rub on the chest, back and soles of the feet. We use a natural, non-petroleum one, but baby Vick's will work in a pinch. It helps keep them moist and lubed. Garlic oil works great if you think it's her ears. Or, you can buy drops at the store. If she shows symptoms of not feeling well or isn't showing improvement by Friday I'd call just to give the dr a head's up before the weekend.
  7. The oldest showers, does a few quick chores, and heads to work or school. Sundays he showers, picks up his grandma for church, and goes to church. Days off, he sleeps til noon. :glare: The younger is very rarely up before me. If he happens to beat me by a few minutes, he's usually eating his breakfast and hanging out with his cat, maybe with a book or Legos. Most days, he gets up, dresses, feeds the cats, eats breakfast, brushes his teeth, then chills with his cat for a few minutes. That gives me time for another cup of coffee :D, then it's time for school. On Saturdays he's allowed TV first thing in the a.m., usually with above cat. Then it's quick chores and whatever else we have planned. Sundays, he's up last. Dresses, teeth, out the door. He usually eats on the way to church.
  8. Welcome to HS'ing! We brought our oldest home the same as you, after 6th. You have lots of good recommendations. I just want to add, be gentle and go at her pace. Coming out of ps with so little LA is hard, even for the best students. We did a year of Easy Grammar to ease into it. Then ramped it up once he had his feet nice and wet. ;) Be good to yourself too. It's hard to see your student not get something you think they should already know. Just keep reminding yourself that most kids will "get it", it just may come all at once in later high school. Be patient.
  9. We have two. A nice console just off from the family room (safe from little day care kids, but can still be heard) and an old "school" one, the kind that folds into a box. Dh listens all the time. He has a couple hundred records. He used to have more, but when we moved to CO in '86 he got rid of a bunch- since we thought CDs were "it". He quickly changed his mind and started collecting vinyl again. We did get rid of all our 45s. Kind of wish we'd kept them, but you can only have so much stuff.
  10. I agree. I usually do 50% if the package never arrives. However, your DC shows it arrived. She needs to contact her PO. Your responsibilty is done.
  11. We did an open house, served nachos and cake, lemonade and coffee. We had a table with pics and accomplishments, a pic and journal to sign. Spent about $20 on decorations and table cloths. Keep it informal and relaxing.
  12. We loved it!! :D We're huge Marvel fans with a small side of DC.
  13. Agreeing with you and the others. Teach the sounds as you teach the lower case letters, then they'll already be known when you start formal phonics. And remember, it's ok to not start OPG or whatever until Oct, Nov or whenever. It doesn't have to be on the first day of "school" if the child isn't ready.
  14. We had a large matted pic and a small journal for people to write in/on. The pic has mostly good luck and names. He has some very nice journal entries. We sat out pics, scrapbooks, trophies, diploma, etc. I wish we'd done his pic on the cake. He said, without was fine. After seeing other's pics on their cakes I wished we'd done his, they're pretty cool. Easy food as people come and go, the candy bar is a huge hit. Little keepsakes on the table are nice too. Make sure to take lots of pics. If you can put someone else in charge of it, that will help you. You'll be busy playing hostess. I scrapbooked his cards and made him a photobook of senior year memories. They're just on a shelf right now, but he'll tell you he appreciates having them.
  15. There should be one with an open door, a closed door, VCE and I think one other. They came with the level 2 student set. The jail also came with that set.
  16. We did the solar system using foam balls. It was a lotta fun. That was several years ago, so I don't have a link. I'm sure Google would have ideas. When I was in ps/3rd grade, we made the planets and sun out of paper mache and hung them in the room. That was fun too.
  17. Nope, other than to play with our boys once in a while. He isn't overly into anything in particular- sports, fishing, hunting, computer, etc. To relax he likes to spin records on his turntable (yes, a real turntable with real vinyl records, not hooked up to a computer :lol:) or he'll occasionally go shoot a couple games of pool. We have a nice pool hall that doesn't have a "bar" feel to it that he likes to go to. He and the 18 y/o like to go together. Most of his other activities are family or church related.
  18. I don't mind paying a higher price for items in new, like new or even very good condition. I figure every bit of savings is a savings to me, and it helps out a fellow hs'ing mom. This is especially true on higher priced items. My issue is calling something excellent, it only being slightly cheaper than new, and when it arrives it's in very poor condition. I have several "excellent" condition paperbacks that have brown, crinkling pages. For that reason, I've gotten very picky about paperbacks. I'd rather buy new and know it's new.
  19. We love ours too. It's never used for punishment, simply a way to quickly find Scripture when we need His guidance. It's also used by the entire family. I've also added topics that I wanted at our fingertips. I used the same colors, just away from each other. And I'm highlighting (I use colored pencil), but not putting a tab on, all of younger ds's HOD verses. It's working great.
  20. We'll be using HOD's Bigger Hearts for 3rd grade. I'm a mental checker too, helps me know I "got it done". ETA: And I love it's ease and flexibilty.
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