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Everything posted by raceNzanesmom

  1. See my siggy :D- Heart of Dakota, AAS, MUS, HWT- LOVE them!!!! Teaching Textbooks and Truthquest History were gems for my oldest.
  2. This is so true. I feel that way about the videos on the Barton site too. Lots of great ideas to use with all kids, not just those dx'd with dyslexia.
  3. I'll share a few tips. Our youngest is a struggling reader. He is finishing 2nd grade, just turned 8, and not reading as well as your ds. 1. Have his eyes checked. 2. Have him read to you often. Short amounts, books he can successfully read, if he gets stuck give him the word and move on. If he's missing more than 3-5 words on a page the book is probably too hard. Use caution with sending him off to read silently (he'll have no one to help or correct him). 3. Try using a cursor. An index card with the corner notched out. Have him use that as a guide when he reads. You use it as you teach. We have one in every book around here. 4. Read to him often. As much as possible, good quality lit. 5. For comprehension have him re-tell back to you what you read to him. 6. Look for a Spalding or Ortho Gillingham based reading program. Most will not be grade 1, grade 2, etc. They're more likley to be start here and work at your own pace. We're using All About Spelling with the level 2 readers. I highly recommend it as a spelling program. Your ds may be above the level 2 readers tho. You can see samples on there site. A lot of kids are successful with Dancing Bears. I know there are many others. Hopefully, someone will come along with some other suggestions. 7. If you see red flags of a learning disability have it checked out. Reading may not have clicked yet, or there may be a problem. Be open to whatever it is. (Tho he doesn't sound horribly behind to me.) 8. Relax. Stress will not help him be a better reader. Congrats on joining the hs world!
  4. :iagree: I think it also depends on why a child is named something. I care for a little boy named Jayden. He is named after his grandpas- James and Dennis. Everyone loves that he's named something special (to them), even if it is on some list.
  5. My youngest would have lots more science kits and outside enrichment activities (classes, camps, lessons, etc). My oldest would be in art school instead of community college.
  6. If you don't believe the Bible why would you believe the word of a man? Sorry. I don't mean that in a hateful way, I just don't see how reading something from an obvious human author would convince you when the Word of God doesn't. Praying He will reveal the truth to you.
  7. This is what I use for clothes. I wouldn't feel comfortable using the soap on diapers tho- at least not my pockets.
  8. I used All or Purex Free and Clear with my youngest for the 3 years he was in cloth. I still use that for my day care boy's diapers. I use about 1/4-1/3 of the recommended amount, with white vinegar in the softner dispenser, and an extra rinse. No problems with it and I use a variety of diapers (prefolds, fitteds, pockets, hemp, micro, etc). To prep your prefolds you might want to boil them, or add boiling water to the washer, to speed the process. I've heard of some using the dishwasher too, just use caution they don't touch your heating element.
  9. I know LOTS of women that wear their babies/toddlers while pg. As long as she's comfortable I don't see a reason not to. Once her belly gets in the way she should be able to wear her older one on her back. She may find as baby gets older she'd be more comfortable with a SCC (Ergo, Oh Snap, Beco, etc).
  10. I've used the intermediate Bible Study Guide for All Ages worksheets with my youngest. If we did both sides with plenty of discussion it took 25-30+ minutes. It could take less, but we love to talk about the Bible. We end up talking about what God is teaching us, how it applies to our lives, etc. Even now using HOD we can get easily sidetracked when studying the Word.
  11. We're almost finished with 2nd grade. :D We're using HOD's Beyond Little Hearts with emerging readers, MUS Beta, AAS with readers, HWT. ETA: He also takes a science class twice a month and swimming lessons.
  12. That's what my sister says too. It works for her and that's all that matters.
  13. Hudson! It was the name that popped in my head before I even read your choices. Plus, I love the name.
  14. :iagree: I've never had a problem with ours scratching furniture. We have two of those cardboard pads and she destroys them. She's never scratched the furniture and we've had her a year and a half. She has clawed the carpet at the door in my ds's room, but that's because she accidentally got locked in there. For the hair, feed quality food, brush the kitty often, and buy a good hair remover for the couch.
  15. This thread has me :lol: But this is :smilielol5:
  16. What have you been using- and like other than the planning? With my oldest I used donnayoung.org's plans for Apologia. We used R&S english and TT math, so it was just do the next lesson. We used Progeny Press guides (or similar) for lit, one per quarter then a basket of other books for free reading. We used Truthquest for history, which did take planning, but it was only one class so it wasn't so overwhelming. We use HOD now for the youngest. I hope to never have to plan again. ETA: And, I found doing my plans as day 1, day 2, etc was MUCH easier than assigning an actual day. That way if he got off a day it didn't ruin the plans. He just kept going until all the school days for that subject were complete.
  17. I asked my Mexican dh. He says tacos are filled and folded, traditionally with corn tortillas, various hardness from just warmed to fried crisp, flour soft tacos are an American thing. They also usually contain fresh veggies- lettuce, tomato, cilantro, etc. Burritoes are traditionally flour shell, rolled for taking while you work. The reason being flour is studier and easily warmed over a fire, usually containing only meat, beans and/or cheese. However, he says all the different names of Mexican "in a shell" food is American. In Mexico, you'd have the meat and beans and your choice of additional toppings, if available, and whatever tortillas mom had made. Mom wouldn't say we're having tacos, burritoes, etc. She'd say we're having chicken and beans, or beef and rice, or eggs and beans, or whatever. Putting it in or eating it with a tortilla was a given. If she had both made then you had a choice. If not, you ate what she had.
  18. Does he read aloud to himself or silently? Reading aloud might help. You could also have him follow along with an audio book, or read less per day. If he needs to read x amount of pages per day, perhaps have him read half, do any related work, then later in the day do the other half and finish the work.
  19. I'd get a second opinion. 5lbs is small for an almost adult cat. However, if the cats are eating a quality food (I don't consider tuna a good option), have fresh water at all times, and are otherwise healthy (except the mouth thing in the one and you're treating that), then I don't know what more they expect. We have two cats, the elder one is a lot smaller than the younger one, it's just how she's built. There's always food in the bowl, so I know she's getting what she wants. Perhaps you could call another vet, explain how you feed them, they're active and healthy but only weigh 5 lbs, and see what they say. ETA: One other thought, have they been checked for worms? I know they can sometimes cause weight issues. GL!
  20. Aaric Adrien Abram ETA: Both our sons have two middle names. We used a hyphen so it makes it one. Otherwise, according to the records person at the hospital when our first was born, the second one gets dropped on most offical papers. So, our boys are RXT and ZAT, even with two middle names.
  21. I get his jeans at JC Penney most of the time. They carry 29x32 (which are still loose on him <eyeroll>) and I can usually get good sales, $12-20. T-shirts we get a bit of everywhere, Penneys, Kohls, speciality stores, Woot.com, etc, always on sale. The same with the few nicer shirts he has. He's not into brands on his shirts at.all, so that makes it easy. We moved to men's when the boys' jr were too short. He buys most of his clothes now, but I'll pick up a sale item that I know he'll like. He buys all of his shoes because they're out of my price range.
  22. Bible Study Guide for All Ages- he could use the intermediate, if he isn't ready for the advanced.
  23. Sorry, I'm no help with planning. I have these bookmarked, perhaps they'll help: http://www.periodicvideos.com/ http://www.chem4kids.com/
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