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Everything posted by raceNzanesmom

  1. Our oldest was almost 11 when baby brother came along. I didn't purposefully flash him, but fed baby as normal. I never covered with a blanket or anything at home, just whatever my shirt covered. When baby got older and wanted to flash people, I'd prop a pillow or something to block us a bit when friends were here. By the handstand age, we'd move to the bedroom when friends were here, because his being distracted was painful. :001_huh:
  2. :iagree: We've been watching them since Julie let me know they were on Netflix :D. Dh hadn't watched them, so he's enjoying them with me.
  3. Dr. Lee gives lots of good info. You can often find his books at the library. http://www.johnleemd.com/index.html
  4. We don't vax, but if we did it would only be one at a time, on a delayed schedule, and only ones we felt were needed. I wouldn't allow myself to be pressured (and believe me we get lots of pressure being a no vax family). Sears' book gives good info. I think you can find his schedule online.
  5. How tragic. Praying for the family and friends, you included.
  6. We did ps pre-k4 to 6th grade. We're now going into our 8th year hs'ing. I much prefer hs'ing. That doesn't mean everyday is easy, but it's what's best for our family.
  7. Me. Me. Me. :D It's all on the shelf calling to me. Ds is enjoying a fun, very hot summer with friends. We'll start mid-August.
  8. I'm not a believer in the glucose testing for all women. My concern, however, would be if you birth at a hospital they'll want intervention since you didn't test. If you're birthing at home, I'd keep watching your levels, eat right, plenty of water, walk when you can. Congrats on your new babe!!
  9. We try to read after lunch while the house is calm and quiet. I remind him before lunch that he has to read. He usually reads 3-5 pages to me, then he spends a few minutes at snack time and bedtime with books. I know he isn't always "reading" them but he's enjoying them. Then I read to him right before bed. We do devotions over breakfast and discussion with dad at dinner.
  10. Great idea! :D We're doing something similar. He reads to me everyday without complaint and 30 minutes on his own. Every two weeks (paydays) he gets a small prize. August 7th he'll get a 5 day video rental and book of his choice. Since I don't rent/buy games, this is a really big deal for him. And since he can buy any book (within reason) he can pick one at his level that he'll enjoy instead of the few the library offers.
  11. What about Beautiful Feet? http://bfbooks.com/Medieval-Intermediate-Study-Guide?sc=21&category=-121 Lots of good read alouds in the MA pack, many could be found used or from the library. Projects are pretty basic, but look interesting. Easy to skip anything you don't want to do. It says grades 5-8, but since you're doing the reading I think it would be fine for 4th.
  12. No planning here, other than to know what I'm using for the upcoming year. We use HOD so I open and the book and go each morning. For math, I do the next lesson. For spelling, I work 20'ish minutes and close the book. That's it. It's a beautiful thing!
  13. The oldest was 10 and then only when it was warm. Full time he was probably 12'ish. The youngest, started full time this spring. He takes after his daddy and sweats all over and a lot. He uses deodorant crystals. He tried another from the HFS that I loved, natural, sorry can't remember the name. I really liked it, but it was $$.
  14. I'm assuming it was storm related. Several sites I visit were down at some point from Friday evening thru Sat. All due to storms.
  15. Andrew or AJ, maybe Drew. Not a fan of Andy.
  16. Nope. Even before I was a Christian, and young and wild, I thought there are certain things that don't belong on a t-shirt. The f-word and it's variations would be one of them.
  17. Maybe a difference in animals?? All 4 of ours played. They loved to crawl around on our son and give him kisses, they'd romp around the yard together, eat veggies from his hand, etc. He had loads of fun with them. We had to find a new home for them when we were moving. If we had room here, I'd have piggies again (probably). All prey animals will be scared of sudden movements, it's how they're made. I'm sorry your girls aren't getting along! We had a pair of girls and a pair of boys and they were great friends (not mixed sex, obviously, or they'd really have been friends, lol).
  18. Isn't that the truth. Ours would start when we opened the frig or pushed in/out a kitchen chair. So cute! ETA: LOVE the pic!!
  19. Some piggies will pee in one corner. That can be helpful for cleaning. We had 4 piggies- 2 large homemade C&C cages- only one female pottied in a particular corner. Never place a piggie in a ball or wheel. Our boys liked to push the little balls with bells in them, girls could have cared less; all liked hidden treats. They had timothy hay available at all times, fresh veggies/some fruit daily. Watermelon rinds and corn cobs were top favorites. We fed Oxbow food, not sure what's out there now. You want a timothy hay based food without additives. Babies and pg/nursing moms like a bit of alfalfa hay. I highly recommend getting two same sex piggies and as big as cage as possible. They need a friend and plenty of room for running and popcorning around. We made ours with cubes and coroplast (corrogated plastic). Cages bought at pet stores are too small and $$$$. I made both of ours for around $60 (total). You just need cubes, a sheet of coroplast (I bought ours at a plastic supplier) and zip ties. The plastic place cut my coroplast for me, free of charge, but you can do it yourself with a sharp utility knife. You'll need to score it to bend the sides. Keep the sides high enough to keep bedding inside. Note, bedding is often cheapest at animal supply/feed stores, hay too. We kept a bale in our garage. Here's info on the C&C homes: http://www.guineapigcages.com/cubes.htm Ours were 2x3 cubes because that's what fit on the tables we had. I think it was enough, 2x4 would have been better, but they still had plenty of running room. You only need a lid if you have other animals that may harm the piggies. We had a cat, so ours had a lid. It takes a little work to put it together, but it's fun work and your piggy (piggies) will thank you for it. Enjoy! ETA: My ds says ours were 2x4, I had wanted 2x5. I need to pull out pics.
  20. Hi ya. :D My mom likes it, it's all she uses. She has short, thin hair. I don't think it's all that great (looking at her hair <<blush>>), and no way could I leave it on long enough. Make sure to tell us how you like it. :bigear:
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