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Everything posted by raceNzanesmom

  1. CLP Nature Readers http://www.christianlibertypress.com/proddetail.asp?prod=KITNR One Small Square http://www.acornnaturalists.com/store/One-Small-Square-Series-for-Ages-6-10-C809.aspx
  2. I have friends that use this for Eygpt. http://simplycharlottemason.com/books/boy-of-the-pyramids/
  3. I have several friends that use SCM and love it. IDK about that specific set, tho I'd bet it's as good as everything else.
  4. My youngest loved the readers from Primary Phonics and All About Reading. The AAR books are hardcover with wonderful stories and illustrations. The Primary Phonics ones are thin paperbacks, but still good stories. We have the first three sets, bought used. http://rainbowresource.com/prodlist.php?subject=5&category=795 and http://www.allaboutlearningpress.com/all-about-reading/
  5. No. Those decisions are left up to my dh and me (and God). There's, actually, a lot of things my kids would like to do that we don't allow. I know without even discussing it that we wouldn't allow middle school or younger. Our oldest did take some classes at the high school his jr and sr year, so I'm not anti-public school. It just wouldn't be an option for younger kids, and I doubt very much it would ever be a full time thing. When our older ds took classes he was still considered hs'd. But, that's us and our family.
  6. We use AAS, which includes dictation. We switched to this from HOD only spelling/dictation because I have a struggling reader. He needs rules to memorize, tiles to build with, etc. My older ds, a very advanced reader/speller, would have been fine with only using studied dictation. So, to answer your question, it depends on the child.
  7. We're currently using HOD. However, I've used others including making my own.
  8. 6-7, depends on when their birthday falls and their K readiness.
  9. Just be aware that sometimes the answer isn't in the reading. It took me not being able to find an answer before I truly understood my ds when he said something wasn't there. If Lifepacs works for you- great. We used it when my ds was working on a movie and I needed something he could do while away from me. It wasn't exactly what I wanted, but filled the need at the time. We did switch to something else when he got back home, but I was still glad we had it when we needed it. If I had it to do over I'd probably use CLE.
  10. Thanks! We'll be using AAS 3 in the fall. Good to know how/why to use AAH.
  11. We use All About Spelling. We go through about 20-25 minutes of the lesson. Stop, then pick up where we left off the next day. Some days we get through a lot in that amount of time, other days not so much.
  12. My second grader couldn't have done Preparing. I agree, always use the placement chart to place kids. If you want to keep them together I'd place the second grader at level and add the extensions for the fourth grader.
  13. I used Recuva for my SD card. I'm sure they have programs for flash drives too. Just don't put anything else on it because that will replace the erased file.
  14. :iagree:We use HOD. If we didn't we'd very likely use SCM.
  15. I'll have a third grader starting mid-August. He'll use- Heart of Dakota Bigger Hearts for His Glory Rod & Staff English 2 All About Spelling 3 Handwriting Without Tears Cursive Math U See Gamma We may do HOD M-Th. That'll free up Friday mornings while my day care boy is at preschool. I'd like to have time for some fun games and mom/son time. We'll see what the fall brings.
  16. We still have a while, but it'll be HOD Preparing, MUS Delta, R & S English 3, and whatever level of AAS he's at. I love easy. :D
  17. We use R & S below the # level, and we do a majority of it orally. If she didn't do 4, I'd back up. Plus, know there's a big jump between 4 and 5. If you continue with 5, I'd slow it way down, do tons together, lots of review.
  18. My oldest did a state study in 4th grade. He loved it. He did a short research paper, a storyboard, and a Q&A with someone living there. It was a lot of fun.
  19. We're in the same boat. I've begun assuming he needs to be taught as if he's dyslexic. It's helping. Using an index card with the corner notched has helped him track across the page. Having him read and re-read the same stories has helped with fluency. He has had his eyes checked and wears a mild Rx.
  20. We love HWT and have never minded the paper. However, changing the paper is all that's needed if that's what's messing her up.
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