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Everything posted by raceNzanesmom

  1. I'm an open and go kind of girl. My prep is grab the index cards while he does his copywork. But even when it was for my high schooler it wasn't that much. I took about an hour or so every 3-4 weeks to plan out his history/lit, and maybe 30 minutes every other week on the library's web site. Everything else was open and go.
  2. Homebirth with a midwife. ETA: Congratulations!!!
  3. Nope, no choice. My 7 y/o and day care kids sit in their seats, oldest ds can sit up front unless dh is along then he gets booted to the back. I, almost always, drive because I'm neurotic like that. :lol:
  4. Oh thanks!!! I'll have to check them out tomorrow. :D Ours started school on the 15th. I did get some sales at WM last week- including a $7 globe.
  5. They are. County health depts offer them free or greatly reduced. Ours are offered twice monthly. As for the vaccines, even in the US parents are made to think they're mandatory. I know many, many parents that had no clue they could refuse them.
  6. Do her level. That's what I love about HOD. I can use a different level/publisher math or LA/reading and it still works. Just do her level when you get to that box.
  7. My oldest loved it. You can read over part (or maybe all) of it online.
  8. That's what I use too except our marker box is bigger. Small plastic with lids.
  9. We loved Little Hearts, but my ds was a 6.5 y/o 1st grader. She may just be too young.
  10. We love it too! No tweaking, no planning, no stress. Best thing ever for our homeschool! I do add Bible Study Guide for All Ages when the history isn't Bible related. We started BSGFAA before we found HOD and our ds loves studying it so much. I don't think it's necessary to add to HOD, but hated to drop something my ds really enjoys. We only use the worksheets from BSGFAA, one side per day, 4 days a week.
  11. A good heavy pan, a candy themometer, and lots of patience make great candy. I like a good wooden spoon or paddle too. I make choc fudge and PB fudge at Christmas. My friend makes a huge assortment. If melting sugar it can get very hot. Just teach her all the obvious safety tips. With melting chocolate she needs to learn about chocolate seizing up- she can Google it. And with any candy the right temp is very important. Some will be soft ball, other hard ball stage, etc. Have fun and enjoy the goodies! ETA: and make sure to use quality ingredients.
  12. Yes, to these. Math for us was just under $200 a year, and probably close to that for biology and chemistry with labs. We were able to borrow a very nice microscope, and I did lots of bargain shopping on other subjects, used the library for lit and most of history, etc. Our cheapest year by far was his senior year. He was dual-enrolled for several electives and Spanish 1 & 2. $58 to the school plus a flash drive. Can't beat that! The two classes he took at home were cheap too- borrowed for one, bought used for a great price for the other. ETA: Grades 9-11 were more expensive than I'm spending now on the youngest, but he's only 7. I guess we'll see how that works out. I think costs also depends on teaching/learning styles, what can be found used (or if you even buy used), and if more than one child can use the same books over again. My friend with 7 doesn't bat an eye at the price of high school math because she knows 6 more kids will be using it for free.
  13. I spent a LOT more for high school. Math and science were killer expensive. Worth every penny tho. He's had a great education and is well prepared for his first day of college on Monday. :D
  14. Drawing/painting Read alouds Legos Legos Legos Shootin' hoops Riding his bike or scooter Calling his grandmas Making paper airplanes Chores Playing with the little ones I watch Going for a walk with big brother More Legos Help prepare dinner Reading Eggs or PBS Kids (short amounts, not everyday) Did I say Legos??? :tongue_smilie:
  15. Got a new globe at Walmart tonight for 7 bucks! :D (I'm keeping our old one, he might want to know where the USSR was, :lol:.)
  16. I know nothing of turpentine use, but there's a lot of homeopathic medicines out there that do work. People have used them for centuries with great success. I have for over a decade. Not everything works for every person every time, but neither does modern medicine. It may not be for you, and that's fine, but to call it a fraud and quackery is a bit much. To the OP, if you're feeling unsure I'd look at something else to get the same results. I don't think you should ever take anything (natural or synthetic) that you're not comfortable with.
  17. I wouldn't do mineral oil everyday. Yuck! Magnesium citrate (my mom takes this with excellent results), Miralax, probiotics, even vitamin C would be better than mineral oil. Both my boys take cod liver oil and probiotics. The only time they have issues is when they've missed a few days.
  18. IDK, my oldest has the cheapest slide out keyboard phone and it work fine (for him). Wondering if the unlocked AT&T phone means one that has been previously used. Guess I'm challenged too. At least it'll get your post bumped.:001_smile:
  19. Our oldest turned 18 last month. The youngest turned 7 in April. :D
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