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Everything posted by raceNzanesmom

  1. We used donnayoung.org too. I labeled it day 1, day 2, day 3, etc to the end. Then he just did the next day, whatever it was. Worked great!
  2. Yes, they do. I get the matte. I think Persnickety Prints does too. I usually upload my pages to their site(s), then buy when I have a bunch and/or they have the 25% sale.
  3. I provide child care for two. Right now I have one almost 3 y/o. The second one just had his last day Tuesday so I'm looking for another. For me, two extra is plenty but not too much. I include them in the school day just like I would if they were mine. The extra $ helps a LOT and I'm glad to help my dh out. I know a couple moms that sell Pampered Chef and make ok money. They are out of the house a lot of evenings tho. I also know a few that sell Avon and only make a little $. If you have good computer skills, I'd look for data input or something. It seems to be flexible and makes the most $.
  4. 12x12 are only $1.99 at ScrappingSimply with $5 flat rate shipping. Once or twice a year she does a 25% off sale. If you're printing a bunch this could really save you. The quality is great and even during sales the shipping is pretty quick. jsyk.
  5. My 7 y/o is a natural sweat-er. He uses a dusting of cornstarch powder under his arms and down his back. It works well. I also make sure he's doing a good job in the shower, and he may need two if we're going somewhere in the evening.
  6. We've been eating lots of sandwiches and salads. I try to buy different kinds of breads to make the sandwiches more exciting. Also, different lettuces and veggies for some variety. I've also been using the Crock Pot to either make one pot meals or to cook the meat for me. Yesterday I tossed a bag of chicken breasts in the CP with some seasonings. Once done I put it in the frig. I had a lovely salad topped with chicken, the rest of the family had cold chicken sandwiches with lots of veggies on top. It was really yummy, not luncheon meat, and didn't heat up the kitchen. We try to really eat a lot of fresh fruits and veggies in the summer. We're in Iowa so we have tons of fresh produce stands. We try to get to know which ones have the best deals. I try for every meal to include something fresh.
  7. My fave is my NASB Life Application Study Bible! I also love my Amplified. My dh and oldest ds prefer their NLT Life Applications.
  8. I get bigger prints at Sam's Club. Best price I've found. For 4x6, I wait until someone has a super sale (365 for $15, free 100 for 1st time shopper, etc). I keep pics I know I'll want to print in a special folder. That way when a deal comes up I can just upload the folder. I don't have to search through files looking for pics. I don't keep my 4x6s in photo albums. They're neatly placed in photo boxes with date dividers. Photo books I do the same as pics, wait for great deals. I digiscrap, so I have my pages already made. When a good deal comes by (either pages or books) I have them ready to upload and go. I use Scrapping Simply and Persnickety Prints the most for individual pages. For books I've used Picaboo, Snapfish, Shutterfly, Arts Cow and a few others. They all get the job done. I prefer a stitched binding, but if the book is low enough cost I go ahead and get it. I bought 3 from Arts Cow last Christmas for under $30. They're not top quality, but great for the price. My Picaboo one was free for shipping for being a first time shopper. It's excellent quality. If you Facebook make sure to like all the various photo sites, that way you'll get info on upcoming deals. There's some good blogs out there too. hth.
  9. What Malinda said. How old is ds? How strong is he in grammar? R&S is a pretty intense program if he hasn't had in depth grammar before. I would do plenty orally together, do the review together, and move at his pace. If needed, back up.
  10. Mine works and has to pay the difference on car insurance and his phone. He also buys all of his own things- clothes, hair cuts, bath items, etc, and is saving for classes next month. He is expected to do chores like he always has, keep his room clean, do his laundry, help with his brother, do yardwork, etc etc. He lives here, it isn't a vacation! :glare:
  11. I don't. Even with kids that are on track. Kids learn spelling rules through phonics at this point. The only grammar I teach is basic stuff in their writing- capital letters, ending punctuation, but even that is very little since I don't require much writing. For 1st grade my ds did Handwriting Without Tears 3 days a week and filled in 2-3 blanks once a week. By the end of the year he was doing some copywork, but that was only because he finished HWT and was ready. I'd focus right where your ds needs it and not worry about the rest.
  12. I would probably also talk to the teen, perhaps first. But, yes, I'd most likely tell the parent too. It's really too bad that parents give up on a 15 y/o. So many will make it through if only the parent(s) will hang in there.
  13. We loved TT for the upper grades. Didn't have it available for the lower ones. I assume we'll eventually use it with our youngest. Really? You used to be able to. I know several high school kids that only used the book. :001_huh:
  14. 1st grade took about 30 minutes on Monday (introducing the concept), 20 minutes the rest of the week. We would often times play math games, Math Wrap Ups, etc, but we did those toward the end of the day. I'm expecting it take slightly longer this year, but not much. After 30 minutes or so he either gets frustrated or bored. If needed, we'll move on then come back to it.
  15. I prefer dictation once they know the basic rules and are decent readers.
  16. I'll have to try these. I hate that dry erase markers erase with a bump of the hand. We use odd socks too for cleaning. Makes me feel better about having so many of them, lol.
  17. We lived there in '86. LOVED it!! Beautiful! Lots to do without being a HUGE city. Very friendly. The cost of living was higher than we were used to in Iowa, but we also made more $.
  18. Some of our faves not yet listed: Blokus Rummikub Dominoes Checkers Lots of games here: http://www.educationallearninggames.com/
  19. They're cool, refreshing, and portable. I can hide fruits and veggies, wheat germ, flax seed and lots of other healthy stuff in them. I make my own yogurt so I like knowing it's all healthy ingredients. And, even tho dh doesn't eat yogurt he'll drink a smoothie with yogurt in it. I think I'll go make some now. :D
  20. We'll use Math U See Beta and fun math games.
  21. I just clicked to join too. Our youngest will be using Beyond starting in late August.
  22. The mutual friend did say make sure it's the organic. I didn't have any luck with Frontline. No reactions, but still fleas. Best results with Revolution, but it's pricey.
  23. I'd skip all the powders, shampooing, and sprays. They rarely work well. Vacuum often like the above poster mentioned, throwing the bag away outside. Wouldn't hurt to bag it in a bag. Then get fleas drops for both cats. I like Revolution, but it's $$$. I think it was Jen McF that said the organic at Walmart works well. Perhaps PM her and see what she says. To check for fleas dampen the tub (no standing water), place the cat in the tub and fluff the fur. The flea droppings will turn red in the tub (since they're blood filled). :grouphug:
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