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  1. My daughter is an undiagnosed dylexic. We have not got slack for that even though she reads below grade level. She feels stupid alot of times but we are able to work through it. But I have experienced the same type of criticism from many people because we are bi-cutural/racial. With that said I think some times people are just ignorant for what ever reason and even look for reasons to put others down when they don't understand something. Please don't take things like that to heart just keep going on doing what you are doing loving, teaching and raising your child to the best of your ability. When we do this no matter what problems we are faced with our children will be better off even with there difficulties!!!! Mommas you all inspire me to be BETTER!
  2. Rod and staff has a wonderful spanish preschool program that could easily be used right along side the english one. It is very inexpensive but you do need to know how to speak spanish as well as read it because the teachers manuels are written in Spanish. It uses the sylubus way of teaching which is the most common way spanish is taught to natives. MA ME MI MO MU So you could pair it with any reading curriculum in english that teaches that way. This is the way we taught both of our bilinguel children to read. This is also what I will use for my youngest that is just now 13 months. Blessings, Jennifer
  3. My son has decided he wants to go to college. He will be in the 8th grade this year. He needs to ramp up his skills though because for college to become a reality he will need scholarships. What curriculum do you suggest and why? He wants to be a music major but that may change between now and then. Blessings, Jennifer
  4. We have insurance with a $5500 deductable so I can definetly understand But God has always taken care of us sometimes not at the places we think he should but that ok.
  5. I need to know how to fix this. Thanks Ladies in advance for helping.
  6. I have a little one tha just turned 1 and Ds#1 13 yrs and Dd 11 years old. The past year we just kind of did school when ever we could with both of them doing as much as they could by them selves. DS#1 could do lots more than DD because of her dyslexia but in either case they did what they could and we will fill in the gaps later. My plan for this year is to where ds#2 alot, use toys, books and other things to ocupy him while we are schooling (things he can only use during school hours) use nap time and evening time if needed. We also nurse and co sleep. I do try and let him sleep in his bed during naps. He still takes 2 a day. One in the moring for about 1 1/2 hours and one in the evening for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Please let us know what ends up working for you.
  7. We are working on a computer fluency program call reading assistant. This will be our first month using it. We have used read naturally. They have a program that is for home use called One minute reader. It is not a expensive. My daughter did enough them.
  8. DD loves audio books and looking into getting a kindle for her birthday. Hopefully this will be getting her reading some harder books and can get the pronounciation when needed.
  9. Thanks ladies! I have begun to work on fluency with a number of different ways. Also my DD did not learn to read with sight words. Actually she learned to read in Spanish first which is done by syllabus and then we switched to English. Maybe we started English to soon. I think maybe she needed more practice in Spanish. I am going to begin to work with her on all these things mentioned. Thanks agian and any more suggestions are welcomed!
  10. Poor translation does happen alot but I have found that the more recently translated things seem to be better then some of the older stuff.
  11. Same here!! Maybe some one else can help. My be I don't have 50 threads yet. Need to check!
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