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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I have a smart phone that I have purposely avoided connecting to the internet. I've had one for 2yrs and I think I"ve gone on the internet a handful of times. I refuse to put things like FB or my email on my phone. My phone is my phone, a camera, and occasionally my audio book holder. I have one game I play on it... and even that it too much. I have always preferred paper books to my Kindle. I never take my Kindle anywhere in fact. I still take my book with me to appts. But, I definitely hear ya on the photos. I've weed through my photos on my phone and put the good ones on Dropbox. I'm liberal with the delete button. But, it's still feels like a jumbled mess.
  2. oh my goodness... you can't seem to catch a break.
  3. I think I'm a pretty awesome grandparent and I would never suggest 7 days away from mom and dad for a 2yr old either. He will not do well. If something goes wrong he cannot speak up for himself and let you know. My own kids were school aged before they ever did any kind of overnighter (and that was just ONE night). One child slept overnight at a neighbors house and I still got a tearful call at 2am wanting to come home.
  4. hugs.... I've been helping to care for my aunt after her surgery went wrong... she's been in the hospital since June 29th. It.is.exhausting... And we're not even dealing with the emotional issues of someone dying. Take care of yourself too.
  5. Doctor's offices with terrible reception staff.. Last time I went to my doctor (made the appt. - not a walk in) for routine thyroid work... I sat for nearly 2hrs. I finally had to leave as I had left my g'kids with my middle dd (auntie) and she had an appt. she needed to be at. I quickly made an appt. for 7:30am the next morning with another dr... who was basically getting me in and out as quickly as possible. Never once asked me if my symptoms had abated on the meds. All around a miserable and defeating experience. Today I decided to finally make an appt. for annoying and somewhat troubling symptoms I've been having for some time.... only now they prefer you to do this online. So I go online - I don't really get to *make* an appt... just suggest days and times... must be made at least 2days in advance (what if I were sick???). They'll get back to me apparently. I put some of my symptoms in the comments box... at 9 this morning. Here it is 5pm and I still haven't heard if I have an appt. sometime next week. I figured saying things like "Feeling very lethargic, chest pressure and upper back pain, occasional numbness in fingers" would kind of make people pay attention - but I guess not. I think it's time to find another doctor. What a hassle.
  6. Yes, I can o those things and so can the kids. We used to have a pool and 3 of the kids were on swim team to boot. It would probably take me a while to go that 25yds because I'm terribly out of shape, but I can do it.
  7. I have mine too. It was my mother's wedding dress that I had sized up to fit me. But, I don't know what ot do with it. It's rather dated looking (very 50s) and my dd's have already said they don't like it. I'ts probably not in very good shape since it's over 50yrs old. I haven't pulled it out in years.
  8. congratulations!!! how sweet. Glad she's doing well...
  9. I voted... but of course it depends on other appts.... those days I'm generally free are also the days I tend to schedule things like drs./dentist/hair appts. and the like.
  10. yay!! good for you. Even if nothing comes of this particular incident, at least its a start.
  11. I have Hashimotos and have not noticed much appreciable change with taking the meds OR with gluten free. I'm also someone who tries to do gf off and on, so that probably doesn't help. Prior to being dx with Hashitmotos I was much more faithful at being LC (nearly gf) and I definitely noticed a difference so I know, for me, gf is helpful. I need to move on from my regular physician to an Endocrinologist, but I'm just too dang tired and busy to do it.
  12. praying for you and all these needs. Update us when you are able.
  13. First off, that was inappropriate of her to say that to you guys. It's very insensitive to your grief. Sheesh. I would definitely speak to someone about it. But.. and I'll try to say this very gently... but have you read up on sexual behavior of nursing home patients? AARP did a recent article about it: What your dad is expressing is shocking but, unfortunately, not all that unusual. I think the worker could have handled that much, much better though. I first heard about it in my hospice work many years ago and, I'll be honest, I was a bit uncomfortable. I'm not sure how I'm going to handle it when I have to come face to face with it in my own family. :grouphug:
  14. My grandkids are too young yet, but the plan is for them to be homeschooled. I will probably try to help out in some way, but I'm not sure how that will look when it happens.
  15. I agree. From the article's author: "I have long been sympathetic with high schools that think it is better to give diplomas to students who resist school rather than forcing them to sit in class, resentful, and then drop out with even less of a chance of getting a job." What the heck?? How does avoiding consequences really help in the long run? What's even sadder is that Fairfax county is touted as one of the best in the country.
  16. not exactly crafty or design oriented...but trying to decide between getting a fence or our new dog or re-doing the kitchen. I was going to put off the kitchen re-do for another year or so, but our double wall oven gave up the ghost last month. Those suckers are $2K new!! Of course, the builders put in the smallest size double oven available, and they're hard to find used too. In addition, our cabinets are in pretty bad shape and we hope to move within the next 2-4yrs anyway. I don't think the house will sell with them in.
  17. I would avoid Ocean City... very crowded. Try Bethany or Dewey beaches in DE. Also, Lewes has some condos on the beach. don't know anything about rental prices. Bethany is bigger, has more amenities... Lewes and Dewey is very quaint.
  18. here I thought this was a thread about grammar. :huh: Lots like a very fun game. Definitely looking at it for our family.
  19. Mille Bourne's is not a strategy game, but it is a lot of fun. Also, Tsuro... it's a good game for non-readers too - a little like checkers.
  20. We did. We were meticulous about keeping the pool locked up when not in use. Get a lock for the pool. Kids who could not swim had to keep a life-vest or swimmies on. At parties someone was always designated as life-guard...that meant they couldn't socialize or go swimming... their job was to watch the pool. We had a window and a sliding glass door in a heavily used part of the house (kitchen window) with eye contact to the pool... I'm also very distractable and doing a million things at once - esp. when my kids were littles. In the 19yrs we lived there we had 1 close call. It was not a child climbing the fence or attempting to use the pool when we weren't around. It was because I wasn't paying attention when my kids were swimming with cousins. But, that said... the pool was a lot of work.... mostly for me. They are expensive to keep in working order. How big and old is the pool? The bigger and older the pool the more expensive it will be. Also, depending on where you live, it can be more or less expensive. In the south, where pools are more plentiful, it seems they are less expensive - esp. upkeep and maintenance/fixes.
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