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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. It's great! I love the collaborative nature of it. I love the idea of using writing prompts to write a screenplay or song or whatever and then it being used in a TV show. For others who don't know... it was started in 2010 by Joseph Gordon Levitt and his brother Dave.. It has morphed from being just a production company for their own creative outlet to being an Open Source type production company that is now a TV show on the internet. Sadly, Dave died in 2010, but JGL continues on with the idea. It's very clever and enjoyable. Here's the first episode on YouTube: The TV show is also on NetFlix live-streaming.
  2. I'll third Inner Harbor if you only have an hour or two. The aquarium is too expensive and you won't have enough time to really experience it with just one hour. But, I'm not a big fan of the aquarium. I prefer the Science Center, but still it's not worth paying for just one hour of enjoyment.
  3. I'm so sorry. I hope things get sorted out for you and your friend. :grouphug:
  4. setting my DVR now. Thanks for the heads up
  5. I agree. I went and looked at the book. I'm not normally a person who buys self-help books, but this seems to be the anti-touchy/feely self-help book, so I'd probably be interested. The language seems over the top. But anyone who mocks Deepak and Oprah whilst telling people to stop their belly-button gazing is probably entertaining.
  6. I like "Delete" idea for your title. I could only vote for one, so I voted from the title you provided but any subtitle with Delete sounds very catchy. I don't like Intentionalism...it sounds too Hipster.
  7. I concur with "The Middle". It's a fun and sweet comedy, esp. the first 3 seasons or so.
  8. I don't think Matt was the father... that's just my take. He was a scum-bag of a guy but not a pedophile. Of course, I have nothing to go by except my own hunch. Tui mentions more than once that she had no idea how the baby got there... I also took it to mean she didn't know who was responsible. Robin requested that all males have DNA testing done to determine paternity for Tui's baby. That was in the beginning before she disappeared. I think Tui went a little feral right after the birth (doing that by yourself at 12-13 must be mind-altering). He was pointing a rifle at her baby. I'd shoot too. The bar scene with Bunny (Bonnie??) was a bit odd, but I didn't mind it so much. I think it must have been done to show a strong woman who does what she wants, when she wants it. She was pretty demanding about her preferences, etc. It was almost like a giant middle finger to the misogynistic male culture in that town.
  9. Have you tried "Unsinkable Kimmie Schmidt"?? I really enjoyed that one. Also, "The IT Crowd" The big boss is really annoying and gross, but otherwise it's a fairly funny show. Oldie but goodie: "Fraiser". All that comes to mind right now. Looking forward to other suggestions/reminders
  10. my kids aren't in public school so I have no idea how common it is, but it sounds ridiculous.. especially given the example you gave. I would try raising a ruckus with the local news.
  11. I've enjoyed his work and read "The Man Who Mistook his Wife for a Hat." a few months ago. He will be sorely missed. May he rest with the righteous
  12. you can chat with us fellow church history nerds anytime! I love this stuff.
  13. Yes, that particular seal she has is the official seal of the Moravian church (I was originally wrong when I thought it was Lutheran) I don't think they're that Catholic.. Just thought I'd clarify.
  14. I think pretty much anything written by NT Wright is very trustworthy. He's also Anglican, but a very respected church historian by both Eastern and Western Christians. Another writer is Jarislav Pelikan. He comes from a long, long line of Lutherans, but converted to EO in his retirement. He hasn't written anything that covers all different types of Christian traditions, but he does have some very good books about Jesus and the Creed. He also has a definitive series on Church History. One of these may be helpful. Finally, Henry Chadwick (another Anglican) is also a Church historian respected in both the Christian East and West.
  15. yes, I agree. her avatar always throws me off because she doesn't seem to follow the teaching of that particular tradition.
  16. yes, that is very true. But with all her father's faults, and there were many, this was a line he didn't cross, IMHO. He went to bat for Robin when she was brutalized as a teen. Al told her Matt took care of those scum-bags for her, even though she never knew about it. I guess I was hoping that Matt would get a little vindication for not going there. Instead he was an easy scapegoat because he was already such an awful person anyway. I didn't like the way it ended with Matt, so it's probably wrapped up in that. `
  17. are you listening to Scorby's narration? I love him!!
  18. yes, it is okay to be seriously concerned about others. Saying this as gently as possible: But the way you go about it is offensive and doesn't lead to read dialog with anybody you're trying to reach. You're either 1/ preaching to the choir 2/ offending everyone else. That isn't helpful or productive.
  19. I think things must have changed with Gothard... or at least the cultural landscape changed. I remember my parents along with many of their church friends went to ATI seminars when I was a teen in the early 80s. I don't know why I never went, but I didn't. My dh did when he was single. None of the people I know, who went at that time, seemed to have gotten sucked into it. A lot seemed to say things like "He made a lot of good points." and then moved on. It was really not that big of a deal, and my church was pretty conservative. It probably helped that in my area there was a church that was very cult-like and caused a lot of controversy at that time. It had hurt several Christians in our area due to their shepherding movement and shunning of members who "sinned", some of them ended up at our church (some were my dh's family members). I do wonder if our pastor was already a bit on alert to certain behaviors and kept a lid on ATI.. I'll never know. But, back to ATI.... a few years later, once I was married and had kids and started homeschooling, suddenly Gothard was a "thing" again, esp. within the homeschooling community. But it seemed much more like a "Christian Lifestyle" choice rather than some basic Christian points about dating, marriage, and parenting. This was at the time it was hard to find much about homeschooling and we were pretty fringe. Mary Pride and Cheryl Seelhoff (Gentle Spirit) were pretty influential people and I think they were involved with ATI (esp. Pride) without actually promoting Gothard's stuff (at that time). Interesting thing is that cult-like church in my area has also imploded in the last few years due to sexual scandal cover-ups. I could have told them it wouldn't end well 35yrs ago!! But, I was too worldly and judgey.. It's sad...so many hurt people including several more family members. The pastor has gone off to another state to start another ministry.. jerk.
  20. I finally had time to watch the final episode last night. I really liked it overall, but felt that last episode was the weakest. Potential Spoilers:: It didn't really resolve several things... like the paternity of Tui's baby. I think Robin should have re-tested after everything happened. I am surprised she trusted Al as long as she did. He was clearly creepy. And it didn't seem like she had herself tested. The Holly Hunter character never made sense. Paradise was a refuge, but she herself made no sense. Those are the things that bothered me in the end. The acting was top-notch.. The writing was quite good, even with these annoyances at the end.
  21. I still haven't had time to watch the last episode.. but I'm wondering if the Holly Hunter character ever make sense? I don't understand her purpose in the show. Does it get figured out in the last episode? I understand they're making more with the main character.
  22. no more name changes please. My 2yr old grandson saw her dancing bacon for the first time this week. He was quite taken with it.
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