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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. so cute. I love his coloring.
  2. I thought so too, but I have a friend who pronounces it Mara. More of a Mar-rah though. Then I've heard people pronounce it Moy-rah. I'm.so.confused. :willy_nilly:
  3. okay...since we're going off the plantation on "Joanne"... what about Maura. Is is "Mara", "Mai-rah", or "Moy-rah" (rhymes with "Toy-rah) or some variation thereof?
  4. I agree that the article has little information. It doesn't even touch on whether it's working with the parents/guardians or what.
  5. yes, exactly my experience. I've decided to go with a bit cheaper tires because I don't see the point.
  6. Yes, that's what I thought. But all the reviewers claim they also rotated religiously and still got terrible wear on their tires.
  7. I'll be honest and I don't keep the best track, but once again I'm looking to replace tires. It seems like it's happening way sooner than I think it should. I thought it was just me and the way I treat tires. It also doesn't help that we have multiple cars. but, I go onto tire review sites and discover it seems to be a common complaint across brands. Tires that advertise that they go 90K or even 70K are barely making it to 50k, and some less than 40K!! However, it seems like people who are apt to review are those with complaints... so maybe it's skewed in the negative. What says the hive?
  8. I've heard of baby teeth being pulled, just not that many. but, she is 12 and still seems to have a lot of baby teeth. That may be what is unusual and why they want to start moving forward. I had a couplle of kids who had stubborn baby teeth and we ended up having to have them pulled so orthodontic treatment could continue. However, it was only 1-2...not 7. I'd definitely hold off on that next appt. until you can get clarification from the ortho
  9. I love that name!! congratulations and welcome to the grandma club.
  10. Oh my. I read that so long ago, I'd forgotten about it. Great book.
  11. My husband's absolutely favorite Sci-Fi book is "Gateway" by Frederick Pohl. I understand they're going to make it into a movie or TV miniseries or something. Should be interesting. My husband also loves anything by Heinlein or Gibson. Here's a nice list of the 25Best Sci-Fi books: http://bestsciencefictionbooks.com/top-25-best-science-fiction-books.php Edited to add: I enjoyed Asimov's Robot series.
  12. I thought those who are following this mess might appreciate these recent blog posts from Rod Dreher: http://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/scandal-in-moscow/ I found this after following a link that was in response to a blog post Wilson made about Christian girls being prettier than non-Christian girls... yuck. What a creepster. Anyway, it eventually led to the above article from Dreher dated Sept 30th. He states at the end of the article that Wilson has contacted him: Here's the blog entry about the response he got: http://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/douglas-wilson-steven-sitler-pride/
  13. I'll 2nd Natural History adn Air&Space. Even though the Dinosaur exhibit is closed there's also some good history ones... Ancient Egypt comes particularly to mind
  14. agreed. It should be done in writing as well. In my area you must provide a written vacate order (or whatever it's called) or it is not valid and then they get another month. make sure you have someone witness that she's given him the letter. We had a friend who helped another friend by giving him a place to stay while he got on his feet. It became a nightmare to get him out because this guy knew the system and the rules... so he stayed an extra 3 months because of legalities. Our friend was so frustrated. Laws are generally in the renter's favor in most states.
  15. Ramble away if you need to. I have tried to read most of the replies, but probably skimmed, so if I'm repeating what others have advised I'm sorry. Sounds like both parents need care. Talk with social services at the hospital and explain about your father's recent diagnosis and that you cannot do any physical work, and that you've got a full-time job (educating your children). Insurance and/or medicare/caid might step in to provide in-home care for your mom - or send her to a rehab center until she is able to care for herself. Then call hospice and ask the social workers there what kind of help they can provide. Explain the whole situation about both parents. They may know of some avenues. Every hospice is different but most offer some level of help and care for the patient and their families. This is so much for one person. Many hugs and prayers for you. :grouphug:
  16. This is what I do as well when I'm in a hurry. Our electric stove top does not take anymore than 10-15min for a large pot of water. 30mins sounds far too long.
  17. I have missed every stage of my children's growing up...until they started launching . That has been the hardest part of parenting. I'd go back to having small kids/toddlers/babies in a heartbeat. I have grandchildren now, but it's not the same.
  18. I hate them too... sometimes it looks like it might be a very nice story...but I refuse to click through because of the headline.
  19. I'm so sad.. it's supposed to be overcast all night. No blood moon for us.
  20. Thank you Carolyn for thinking of me! We really didn't want a little dog though... and as you see we were finally able to get one!
  21. Happy news! Thanks to Pink and Green Mom we found a really nice rescue in No.VA. While they "reserve the right to do a home visit" it doesn't seem like it was the norm. You can find a dog you like and pick it up at an adoption event that day. They had 3 simultaneous events at 3 PetSmarts. The long and short of it is, we went from one to another and then back to the first... with 20 mins left we adopted a beautiful 6yr old hound mix. Duke the Hound dog is a sweetie. When we raced back to get him, not knowing if he was already adopted (there was another couple with him when we left who looked very interested), and we saw him being walked by the handler he just jumped up into my son's arms. It was so sweet. It's that moment we all look for. The only known issue is that he was not spayed when they got him so he has issues with marking inside the house. He hasn't done it here yet, but I'll take any advice on best dealing with this in an older dog. Really it will probably be a pain but compared to our form dog that attacked doggies, this is a piece of cake. let's see if I can get a photo: 2015-09-27_08-27-49 by PrincessMommy, on Flickr
  22. My troubles definitely seem to be location specific. If the shelters had more choices than pits and rottweilers then I'd just go there and have no trouble. The adorable bassett/Shepard mix I saw at my local shelter was the one who bit children. They wouldn't even let me meet her. I've noticed that Huskies have gotten strangely popular in my area. I don't understand this and I keep waiting to see more at the shelter, but they haven't shown up yet. Wow! $40 from a shelter! ours is $150 for shelter dogs. Rescues are in the $300 range, so not as bad as the $1000 I've seen others talk about. At this point I'm looking to go rural where I can find some hound/mix choices.
  23. The Little Red Book put out by the Antiochian Orthodox Church here in America is a good prayer book used by many Orthodox Christians. here's a link to it online: http://www.antiochian.org/beloved-little-red-prayer-book-content-now-online but you can purchase it for very cheap too: http://store.ancientfaith.com/a-pocket-prayer-book-for-orthodox-christians-paper-cover/ The type is very small though as it's intended as a pocket prayer book. If you want to memorize prayers that are common across liturgical lines then you can't go wrong by memorizing the Lord's Prayer.
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