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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. My paternal grandparents died nearly 30yrs ago of lung related diseases from smoking . I still miss them every day. My aunt (also in her mid-60s) is dealing with cigarette related issues (although she'd never admit to it). I hate cigarettes.
  2. I'm curious if there is a database that keeps tract of scheduled release dates for certain shows. I'm trying to find out information on the 2nd season of show that has aired in the UK but not yet available in the US. I'd also like to know about a couple of other shows that have aired elsewhere but aren't yet on Netflix/Amazon live-streaming, etc.
  3. I knew I wouldn't be alone in all this. It's just so miserable. ArticMama I'd love to know how you were dx. with it and what you did. I'm so tired of living in a fog. BTW, I've got hashimotos and take synthoid.
  4. why is it I can feel like a zombie all day long but 11pm rolls around and I was wide awake? Wide awake! Not even a little sleepy. I had no time for a nap. I had a little wine at bedtime. Took my magnesium. I've even taken some natural sleep-aid pills. I finished a book and have started another one. I've read in bed, I've read in the bathtub. I turned off all my electronics before going to bed.. but I've given up now (obviously). I just want to GO to sleep. I have g-kids coming tomorrow. I don't want to be grumpy grandma.
  5. I'm so, so sorry for your loss and for the suddeness of it all. :grouphug: Listen to your SIL and your mom. I agree that possibly going later when you can be there to help your mom and/or your SIL is a lovely idea and probably gesture more meaningful than being at the funeral.
  6. no, you're not being overly reactive. I'd buy him a surprise gift. That is kind of the point of Christmas gifts.
  7. I've asked for Roomba...but I've asked for it for 2yrs and I'm still waiting. Can't bring myself to buy one for myself so I wait...... I like the stuff at World Market decent wool socks (hiking socks are best) because I got through them like water. also one of the those bedrest pillows.
  8. I remember you posting about that earlier this week. So glad you and your dh didn't get it. My dh has an iron stomach. I'd be surprised if he got it too. He's never had the stomach flu in the 30yrs we've been married, even with all the kiddie exposure.
  9. I'm glad he showed up. But I'm sorry he was such a jerk about it all. Lots of hugs.
  10. I hate the stomach bug too.. just hate it. After spending 6 pregnancies throwing up for 3-4months I feel like I've paid my debts. I hope the rest of your family is spared.
  11. Oh dear... how embarassing. I hope no one else gets it either.
  12. So I thought I'd update for future stomach flu sufferers:. This is probably going to be TMI for some people: Just sayin' I spent Friday keeping son comfortable and cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. I cleaned both bathrooms he had used. I sprayed some clorox/water mixture on his mattress before re-making it. Washed down door-handles, etc. etc. I took Katy's advice and drank Kefir. I basically drank some all day long. I went to bed and was awakened at 1am by horrible stomach pains. Spent the next 1-1.5hrs barfing my toenails up. So badly that I think I pulled a chest muscle. it's tender. Let me tell you, ladies, throwing up curdled kefir is gross. I'm the queen of barfing, having had hyper-emesis with all 6kids. I know these things. It was up there with salad and eggs. :cool: Was able to get back to bed until sometime after sunrise and barfed again. I've felt miserable all day.. pretty much sleeping and sipping on juice or water and light foods. I haven't barfed since this morning (thank God!). The big difference was I was not as sick as long as my son. He threw up every 30-45mins for 8hrs. It was awful. He's still recovering today. So maybe the Kefir helped, I dunno. I am thankful I wasn't as sick as long as ds.
  13. I'm so very sorry. I also remember your OP and wondered how you were doing. What a awful way for him to treat his own kids.
  14. Thank you guys. these are very helpful. I'm already getting ready to head to the store for reinforcements so perfect timing.
  15. I've been up with my 14yr old all night. He's really sick. His oldest sister (who doesn't even live at home) had it on Weds. when I had her kids. She ended up in the ER for IV fluids. I think the drs. were being overly cautious, but still, she was pretty sick. I feel like a ticking time-bomb. No sleep, handling loads of barfy laundry, and a barfing kid= I'm doomed. I've been washing my hands like crazy, but what else can I possibly do to try and avoid this?
  16. Wow... You all must be very frightened. So glad you were with people and got care right away.
  17. yes, please delete quotes from his texts. I've seen too many people get outted here by family members looking for them. If your brother is a paranoid and on the computer as he seems to be, then it stands to reason he might find this thread. I'm so sorry.
  18. ugh.. long days and nights. The only consolation is that the tummy flu usually leaves as quickly as it comes. Hoping that happens in your house and everyone is feeling better soon.
  19. I had insomnia so bad the other night but I forgot about this thread until it popped up today. So sorry Rosie and Amber you guys were suffering last night.
  20. I was thinking the same thing. Emily, you are not being selfish at all. You want to be there for your dad. Both your AND your dh hate the northern winters. . Being geographically close to an exclusive private college doesn't help admission.If your boys are 5yrs from graduating high school that is a really good time. They're still young enough to get connected and make friends in Richmond. It gets harder the older your kids get... so I'd recommend doing it now rather than later. :grouphug:
  21. I agree.. Saint West just doesn't make sense... unless I'm missing something. I'm an old dinosaur, so many it has some meaning in more hip circles. I feel sorry for the little guy. Children are not trophies or playthings. /off my judgy soapbox. :leaving:
  22. No, I haven't. I looked for a Maryland school but it wasn't on the list I was looking at.
  23. I know we talked about this before and I searched but there were pages and pages to sift through. I'm looking to switch from the local cc to online college for myself. I just don't think I can take another semester dealing with immature teens and professors who coddle them. I've done some searches online, but I'd also like to hear from people who have actually used it (either for themselves or friends/family members). At this time I'm interested in general studies or humanities.
  24. A little over $800. We booked it over a month ago but she's coming back to the US from London. If we had booked for the weekend before Christmas, when her classes are done, it would have been $1200-$1600. She's sitting tight until Tues.the 22nd when the flights are cheaper.
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