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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I had no idea they did that. Traffic was a nighmare this morning. My daughter went in late (10am) and it was still going to take her an hour to get there (usually just under 30min). She's not looking forward to coming back home. I would scream too!
  2. :laugh: Traffic is still bad getting from my side of the Potomac to yours. They closed I270southbound this early morning because 2 tractor trails jack-knifed. I don't know why, but I'm sure it's related to the snow/traffic. My daughter counted 7 accidents on Googlemaps between our house and her work. That doesn't include the trucks because those were cleared up a couple of hours ago.
  3. my dd just got home from work. It took her over an hour to get home because the traffic is much worse today, even with the schools out and gov't closed. It''s mostly due to accidents. She said it was particularly bad in NoVA. There's no merge area on the ramps onto 495 and there were lots of crashes. She said she saw 2 overturned cars. I guess things aren't going as smoothly as I thought.
  4. Things are fine here too. Our street was plowed Sunday night. We went out last night to celebrate one of our son's b-day and met him up near Baltimore. The main roads are mostly clear. Occasionally there were places where the lane just ends, but mostly it's fine. We still have one car buried, but there's no rush. It's supposed to be above freezing everyday this week. I haven't heard anything about schools for tomorrow. DH work was closed up through yesterday- completely unheard of in the 30+ years he's been there. I'm still sick though and feeling miserable.
  5. Abe Vigoda died today. I thought he had died years ago. He seemed old in the sitcom Barney Miller and that was back in the 70s. http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireStory/abe-vigoda-sunken-eyed-character-actor-dead-94-36528884
  6. still haven't plowed our street. My 2 daughters just left to trek to the local grocery store to get more milk (we used it up far faster than I thought) and meds for me. Plus a few other things. They're bored... it will be a nice trek. Our local grocery store is about a mile or less from our house. One son's b-day is today. He lives in Baltimore near BWI. I don't know if he can get down here or not.
  7. Where did you get Truly, Madly, Deeply? I've been waiting for years for Netfix to get it. I see I can buy it from Amazon for $350 now :(
  8. well, it's official.. I've been in denial all day and even went out to shovel for about 30mins. I'm sick. I've been fighting a head cold for nearly 2 weeks. In the middle of the night I woke up feeling really off. I pushed through most of today but once I sat down it started felling worse, and worse and worse. Now I have a low-grade temp. I hate being sick. I had plans for this snowcation. Make some communion bread, clean out the pantry, mop the floors, etc. etc. At least I got dinner in the crockpot. Dh and kids will have to finish up the final prep.
  9. I measured 26" outside in 2 places. Hard to tell exactly how accurate though.
  10. I agree. I'd much rather be shoveling snow than dealing with the icy sea coming into my house. Those poor people.
  11. has anyone seen the photos from Sea Isle City, NJ. Last night was a full moon. plus winter storm coming from the NE.. Yikes. scroll down for all the photos http://abcnews.go.com/US/flooding-strikes-jersey-shore-massive-snowstorm-wallops-east/story?id=36467962
  12. my understanding is that the east is where it will be worse. The winds are coming in off the shore and from the north. As of yesterday, Ocean City was expected to get up to 70mph wind gusts.
  13. He was upset that our son had gone out to sled without him.
  14. My son measured for us and we got 19" in the front. It is hard to tell exactly because there's some wind. I also saw that the wind has yet to come. DH is out shoveling. My son was shoveling earlier and 2 girls are eating breakfast and heading out. I'll probably head out later too, but I'm fighting and never-ending head cold. Ugh. Thought I was finally over it but woke up last night feeling miserable. Hopefully, this photo will work. Taken around 9am
  15. it's windy here but not terrible. High winds are expected to come in a few hours. It's been snowing steadily since about 1pm. but the flakes are small so we only have about 4-5" so far. I'll be watching the 10pm news for an updated timeline.
  16. I went out to Kohls this morning to go b-day shopping for my son whose b-day is Sunday. It was nice to get out and it was hours before the snow started falling here. When it first starts snowing I always want to just get in my car and drive around a bit. I used to go to the store as soon as the first snow flakes would start, but not anymore. Driving here has become worse over the years so I just stay home. Now I want cinnamon rolls and it's way too late.
  17. me too. Palin's endorsement coverage lasted all of about 2 days?? Just today, in my FB feed (I have several news media in my feed), I've seen about 5-6 articles about it about this ongoing scandal in Flint. I think NPR has been watching it pretty closely along with the Rahm Emmanuel scandal in Chicago. The thing with scandals like this is that indepth coverage takes time and effort on the part of the reporters. Investigations, by officials and reporters, are still ongoing. This is a slow-burn news item where as Palin/Trump is already yesterday's news.
  18. okay, I think this is going to be a painful weekend to get through. Just watched the news. One station says I could get up to 30" of wet heavy snow. Add to that 20* temps and 35mph winds. Ugh. I am not looking forward to shoveling in that. We'll be shoveling throughout the day to keep on top of it. Miserable work in the wind and cold. I normally enjoy a good, close the city, snowstorm. But, I already don't like this one. They're expecting widespread power outages too because of the heavy snow and wind. Oh joy.
  19. Yes, I can drive a stick... as can dh and 2-3 of the kids. Do I think kids *need* to learn it... no. But, I think it's a nice skill to have if you can learn it.
  20. I didn't know that. I wonder if it's the same in my county. I was also surprised my county didn't at least have a 1/2 day tomorrow since the earliest the snow is supposed to hit us is around 1pm-2pm. Two hour delay this morning was silly... but I guess they needed more time to de-ice sidewalks at school :confused1:
  21. Church hasn't been cancelled yet, just the event. It included bringing our former priest, who is 90yrs old, down on the train from NY on Saturday. It was to be his b-day celebration. He was the parish's founding priest. It does make sense to reschedule this early on. But it's still very annoying. We've been working on it for almost 2 months. Of all the weekends to sock us with a big snow storm..why this weekend??!! ;)
  22. I don't normally mind the snow but we had a big even planned at church this Sunday that has been postponed. I hate it when that happens. Less than an inch of snow last night and traffic was awful! What has happened to people & the local gov't??? I don't remember an inch causing such terrible delays in my youth/young adulthood. This seems to be a newish (last 5-10yrs) pattern for this area. I used to go out when it would start snowing and it was never like this before. I never remember this kind of thing happening back in the day when I was working. My daughter got caught in it last night trying to cross the bridge into MD from VA. She said it was a nighmare. I'm just glad she got home.
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