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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I just heard about this yesterday and I'm kind of excited. I also heard they're doing a reboot of "Are You Being Served?" I loved the characters from both shows so I'm hoping they do a good job with both.
  2. Yes, we were allowed to dance. The church I went to from birth to 14 was Methodist and the one I went to through my teens years was Baptist- but everyone said, at the time, that we weren't very Baptist. We didnt' actually *have* dances at church or with the youth group, but no one made any comments or talked about it being forbidden either.
  3. praying you start to see a turn around soon. Hang in there. Lots of hug.
  4. I once dealt with a weaving supply company that did the same thing. I had ordered a product at the height of convention season... it didn't arrive and didn't arrive. After 6 weeks I contacted them... no answer. After 10weeks I contacted them again... still no reply. I can't remember what happened to the phone number, but I know I tried (or looked for it). I asked on Fiber boards and the usual reaction was "Oh, I'ts a mom and pop company and that's the way they always are." :confused1: :cursing: Seriously?? They take forever AND they don't respond to emails?? What kind of company does that?!! How hard is it to quickly respond to an email with "we're back ordered and will get to your order as soon as possible." ?? Anyway, I got my product after about 3-4months. I'm very happy with it, but I'll never order from them again. It's too risky, IMHO. I'm glad you got your item/s.
  5. I read that book and LOVED it. It's a great book and I read it at just the right time. Adding my own suggestions: "Men Against the Sea" by Nordhoff. It's the 2nd in the Bounty books- but you should already know the background about Mutiny on the Bounty "Tenant of Wildfell Hall" by Ann Bronte - I love this lesser known book. "Heart of Darkness" by Conrad "The Good Earth" by Buck. It might be a smidge over 400.
  6. Yes, but not to the extent that she needed hospitalization. Even so, I don't know what she would have done if a good friend or boyfriend had committed suicide when she was at her most vulnerable. prayers for him and you as you navigate this with him. And hugs. You must be exhausted.
  7. I'm not a great lover of cooking and I don't do a lot of pre-planning. Added to that, a lot of issues with insomnia and by 5pm I'm worn thin and my brain doesn't want to function. On nights that I really just don't want to cook I'll make eggs and toast for dinner. Chicken thighs are another easy meal maker. But, you have to have them on hand to make. Tonight I'm cooking from the freezer. My priest's wife has the best comeback to her kids: "What do you mean you want to eat, you just had dinner last night!" LOL
  8. my dh have several friends. I'm not sure I'd completely describe it as "close" but that's the option I chose to vote. He does not have any one person who is his best friend. There was definitely a time when he was closer to his friends, but life and raising a family (plus moves by some friends) make it hard to keep that same closeness.
  9. just asked dh and he said it was Arenal.
  10. I have no idea why I've quoted myself !?!
  11. I would recommend going north toward the beaches. We went around 10yrs ago... It's complicated but I went with my MIL and SIL south... .and my dh and 2 kids went 6 weeks later to pick up my MIL and went to the beaches. That part is more touristy and since you only have 4 days you'll want have more stuff available. They went horseback riding near the volcano. Hiking around the volcano. Zipline near there too. As well as doing the beach stuff. I thought the rainy season was in Jan-March?
  12. I agree. Especially since it happened at the toll area... there's lots of cameras there.
  13. how awful. Last week I had a guy try to run me off the road. He was illegally in the HOV lane behind me and I wasn't going fast enough, so he was right up on my tail (I was doing 65 in a 55). I tapped on my breaks to let him know, "back off". Well, that was enough to set him off. Sheesh. I had a car full of boys I was carpooling to school. So glad we were all okay... I wish we'd had enough time to get his license plate, but it all happens to fast. My daughter had a hit and run last year. She was parked. Fortunately, someone did see it and got the license plate... the girl was driving on a suspended license. She was in a lot of trouble... not that I think it would phase someone already driving illegally. Yes, people are very pushy and crazy on the road.
  14. I think the best comeback is the unfriend her. It doesn't seem like she's someone important in your life anyway.
  15. I don't know. Usually when I've eaten bad food, or food that doesn't agree with me, it's a pretty quick reaction - within a hours. I think if the item hadn't been in vacuum sealed packaging I would not have been as inclined to eat it. We're still fine, BTW.
  16. so sorry for your loss. May her memory be eternal!
  17. LOL - We did eat it. It was fine and 3hrs later no one is sick. :laugh:
  18. another person with 2yr old quinoa... I'll have to pull it out and use it. I like the meatless taco idea. Scratch two more items off my list. I had a terrible sweet tooth tonight and went through my Pinterest list to see what I could find. This recipe fit the bill exactly. I had both canned pumpkin and a cake mix that were at least a year old. Plus the powdered-sugar, which I rarely use. And I discovered that I had not one, not two, but THREE jars of apple cider vinegar, plus white vinegar. http://noblepig.com/2008/11/the-pilgrims-would-approve/ This cake is yummy. Just ate two pieces in one sitting and I'll take the rest to my prayer group at church tomorrow. BTW, I made the SF pudding... it was revolting. It got the worst tummy & head ache while eating and didn't even finish 1/2 cup. There's something about SF processed food that definitely doesn't agree with me. Anyway, the rest went into the trash.
  19. I plan to slice and sautee them. They were only refrigerated.
  20. I have a sealed shrink-wrapped package of vegan "sausages" made by Lightlife. They've never been opened but the sell-by date is Jan.2016. Would you use it?
  21. I've finally finished up 3 of the 4 Boca burgers that have been sitting in my freezer for 2-3yrs. Should eat the last one tomorrow. I have some SF Butterscotch pudding that I'm thinking of making up just to eat and get rid of. I'm trying to avoid SF items now, but I may make this one exception and just not buy it anymore. I have a question about odd things I know I'll never eat... We have way too much apple butter. My nephew and his wife got married about 3yrs ago in the fall and had apple butter as a table favor at the wedding. Also, a local real-estate agent hands out jars of it door to door with her name on them 1-2x per year. I have about 6 jars total of the stuff and that's after giving some of it away. We don't eat apple butter, but I don't think this would be a good item to donate to the local food pantry either since some of it is an advertisement and the others are wedding favors with their names on it.
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