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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. That was downright thoughtless. I would re-sell it. Doesn't PC have decent re-sale value? Or is this something super cheap? Then buy that wine you'd prefer... oh, and I'd tell her you sold it for booze if she asks :lol:
  2. that's exactly what I was going to ask. You can up your magnesium intake or you can apply the oil (I like the spray) directly to the areas most sore. I only leave it on for about 20mins because I don't like the sticky feeling.
  3. I don't know if this will work in a week, but my dd uses this for eczema and the reviews say it works well for acne. http://www.amazon.com/Shea-Moisture-African-Black-Soap-8/dp/B005C2N8IC?ie=UTF8&keywords=african%20black%20soap&qid=1464443521&ref_=sr_1_2_a_it&sr=8-2
  4. Great list. I've got several on my audible list and others I'd never heard of. Thanks!
  5. I think the only way to know is to ask him yourself. It could be a family culture thing - she may come from money and isn't used to a husband who works outside the home so long. but I'm not sure how we can help you parse all that out, since we don't know them.
  6. Thank you for this question. I started reading Boudaries by Cloud a year or so ago and I didn't like it. I am a Christians but I thought he tried to make too many Bible stories about Boundaries that I personally thought had nothing to do with that subject. It was a little too much for me and detracted from the book. I couldn't finish it. off to check out the books already recommended.
  7. Oh my goodness! I do that too. Totally described me. So glad to know I'm not alone. I'm the queen of typos even after reading and re-reading a post before hitting the submit button.
  8. Have you had an endoscopy? I would look into getting that done. My aunt developed trouble swallowing and worse heartburn. It got to the point where she couldn't eat before she went to get it checked out. When she went in for the endoscopy they discovered pre-cancerous cells (she's a life-long smoker and long dealt with acid reflux). But they dx her with Barrett's Esophagus (or Barrett's Syndrome). you might want to look into that as a possibility.
  9. We had that problem with our rescue male dog.. We used something like this to train him (not this one exactly): http://www.amazon.com/Pusheng-Physiological-Training-Incontinence-Reusable/dp/B0194USKUI/ref=sr_1_10?ie=UTF8&qid=1464102609&sr=8-10&keywords=belly+band+for+dogs It really worked. IT took about a week or two for him to get the message that peeing was outside only. Good luck .
  10. just seeing this and praying
  11. Thinking outside the box and if money isn't a concern.. either a handwoven baby wrap or handwoven baby blankets. I've had several of my nieces ask me to make one for them because apparently it's become a "thing". I haven't done it yet as it seems a little daunting of a project and I don't think my nieces realize what goes into weaving a warp (they'd like me ot do it at cost). Handwoven baby blankets won't be nearly as expensive, but they will be heirlooms.
  12. You are not a faillure. wash, rinse, repeat. I homeschooled 3 kids all the way through and 3 kids ended up in B&M schools for various reasons. When I put the first one into a private school, when she was 14, I also had feelings of failure. But, it turned out to be the best thing to do for her and for our relationship. I never regretted doing it after that. It made it easier when the next child asked to go to private high school. After that I decided to put our youngest in school. He was in 3/4 grade at the time and I didn't want to homeschool an only. Sure, I missed my kids while they were gone. I liked being with my children, but I didn't miss homeschooling. After 19yrs of schooling my kids I was also fried, and I didn't have a RAD child either (just various learning issues). hugs and good luck with whichever path you choose.
  13. I went through a time like this when I was very unsettled and confused. It was after I had just begun my studies into the Early Church - reading the Apostolic Fathers and stories of people who had done a similar search. Anyway, I remember sitting on the side of the bed and crying to my husband that I didn't know what to do or where I belonged anymore. He said to me "Remember, Jesus said, 'my Sheep will hear My voice.' keep asking Him to help you." I'll give you the same advice - Keep asking Him to help you. And i agree about reading the Bible, but not exclude some of the richness from the Early Church. There's some really great writings out there and it's more accessible than people realize (ie: it's not all stuffy and overly wordy). I'll state what I said above: Read the Apostolic Fathers and the Church Fathers - find some encouragement from the faith of those early Christians. Learn what they did. Most modern translations will have a little synopsis of each writer's life, which I often find just as encouraging as what they wrote.
  14. at 9:30 I will be at a hair appt. It's not normally what I do on Thursday, but it is what I do every 5-6 weeks on Thursdays :) *today's my carpool day too, so I'll be leaving soon, dropping off boys at school, then picking up a quick breakfast somewhere, and then off to my appt.
  15. whoa- you're tough. I'm going to add the self-righteous friends. I'm getting pretty tired of the smug Memes pointing how how someone else's stance is flawed or why the *other* person is an insensitive neanderthal. Or that if they vote for so and so they are an ill-informed child. This goes for both sides. I've collected a complainer on my friends list recently. It's getting old real quick.
  16. get my deck repaired and cleaned up. get my son ready for 9th grade. visit my dad, sis, and her family figure out if I'm really going to go to school next fall and weather it's via online university or local community college. begin work on kitchen cabinets. read lots of books and weave
  17. I'm enjoying FB more this time around than my first experience with it. The first time I joined I friended way too many people from my past. People from high school that I didn't know very well and really had nothing whatsoever in common with, and I had no desire to see again on a regular basis. I really had no interest in how many drinking games a never-married nearly 50yr old was playing over the weekend. :huh: :laugh: When I came back after a multi-year hiatus, I cleaned up my FB feed and deleted a bunch of those people. I'm still pretty particular about whom I friend. Oddly, I find I do better when I avoid friending people I see regularly in real life (with the exception of close family).
  18. As a non-denom Protestant Christian I personally looked back at the historical information and documents and that led me to the Orthodox church. That shapes my beliefs. I don't plan to ever leave the Orthodox faith, but I may need to change parishes at some point in my life. Deciding on a new parish will, in large part, be based on mine and my dh's personal preferences.
  19. where do you get your nettles from? They grow wild around here, but harvesting is going to be painful!
  20. This is what I mean about finding information on the internet. One says Potassium is bad for kidney function, another isn't getting enough. I just saw news report saying that LowCarb (high protein) diets show a lot of promise for *replacing* dialysis... that would be great if it's true. My mom was on dialysis before her transplant. It was pretty awful... enough that she said if she ever had to go back on it she'd rather die. I go to the dr. about once a year because of my thyroid... but I haven't discussed my kidney issues with them since I had the sono done 15yrs ago. I do plan to discuss it with them. I think they can check creatine (sp?) levels with a urine test. I have no history of stones, but my mom and several of my friends have dealt with that. I know about nettle tea from them.
  21. interesting. Mine is always on the low side of normal, so with that I'm pretty safe. At least I've got something going for me :thumbup1:
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