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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I think you and your mom are absolutely right in setting boundaries, especially when someone is being vitriolic about something you hold dear. It seems pretty clear to me that he is intent on breaking the boundaries and even the mention of said boundaries set him off. How sad, esp given the health crisis they're going through right now.
  2. That's the first book I thought of. My oldest dd loved that book when she was little. We still resite that book when we're talking about red. (red, red, red) :lol:
  3. the problem was with her former employer (one of many problems she had with them). That was hopefully fixed with her new one.
  4. Thanks everyone. That's what we suggested but she's worried about the penalty. Since we'd never run into this, I wasn't sure what to expect. I think she's a bit frozen in fear. Your responses will help alleviate that. Thanks!!
  5. oh.my.God!! I'm a pretty private person and that would be a deal breaker. Absolutely untrustworthy, IMHO. I'm so sorry. Both for you and your daughters. What an awful man. :grouphug:
  6. I'm wondering what we can expect. My YA daughter filed her taxes back in late march. She was due to get back nearly $1000. It's now July and they still haven't come. She went to the website where you can check on refunds https://www.irs.gov/refunds But, they have no record that she filed! The kicker is she forgot to make copies of her return before she sent it in. :blush: how does one prove that they sent in their taxes for a refund when they don't have any proof? What can she expect? Anybody else have this happen?
  7. Now there's no way I can make it tomorrow. My priest's dad passed away last week and the service is tomorrow night. I've offered to help with refreshments. It looks like I'll need to be at church by 3pm to help with preparations. Sorry to miss it this time around. Have a great time everyone
  8. I heard on the news last night that the US Gov't backed Erdogan. That doesn't make me happy.
  9. but anyone can join from WTM. I joined when it first started and the conversations there have all been mature, informed, and insightful (as of the last time I was there). Of course, we haven't dipped our toes into murky politics of crock pots yet :lol:
  10. Go to the doctor and get the steroids. They will help, but maybe not in time for your romantic getaway. My son used to get very bad poison ivy. The last time he was away at college and he had to miss classes and come home. He couldn't get out of bed it was that bad. I'm not normally a run to the doctor to get steroids type of person but I make an exception with poison ivy. For future I find that Rhus Tox (homeopathic) works as a preventative measure. Hugs... poison ivy is awful.
  11. Congratulations Dawn. It IS exciting. No advice, but I'm happy for you.
  12. I agree But, it's pretty rotten that people seem to enjoy being mean on the internet.
  13. Yes, it does have a kitchen I'd love an Instant Pot demo too. I just don't get the appeal but maybe seeing it in action would help. But, I think I'll be way too late to watch it. Maybe I should Youtube it?
  14. Thank you all.. I need this thread. I think it should be a sticky - if we had those here, that is. :)
  15. That is a great one. :lol: The one I've been thinking about is the thread with the amazon reviews of a hair removal product for men. It was hilarious, but I can't find it anymore. I think it goes back well before the big changes to the forum.
  16. Stop!! You're making laugh out loud far too often. I'm going to have to start explaining this to the kid soon. ;)
  17. I started watching that about a month ago, and haven't gotten back to it yet. I thought that one was about Locherbie, Scotland. Both are so sad. It's hard to believe it's been 20 years. May their memories be eternal!
  18. Oh, that's too bad, Quill. I hope the appt. goes well (((hugs))) I've managed to over book myself and if I can come, it will also be on the late side. It ends at 3PM, right? Oh, that's pushing it.
  19. hilarious! I think it doesn't pass the "if you can't pronounce it don't eat it" test. Honestly, I think GP really does believe the stuff she touts. There are people into some really weird stuff and she is their queen. :)
  20. Seriously, how do you people find these things out. I'm afraid to google this stuff for fear of what will pop up forevermore on Google, gmail, and FB.
  21. I've had itchy scalp issues for many years. I used the extra strength Head and Shoulders (the dark blue bottle) for a couple of years with great success. However, about a month ago it suddenly seemed to stop working. So much so that I thought my dog had given me fleas :ohmy:. I happened to have some Neem shampoo from an outbreak of head-lice a few years ago and read it was good as a flea repellent and it also mentioned that it was good for general itchy scalp and other skin issues. Anyway, all that to say that it worked the first time. I finally had relief. Now I use it all the time and it seems to be working great. It's much thinner than regular shampoo, and it stinks. I also use regular conditioner and I don't notice a lingering smell at all. If I use the H&S just one time my head it itchy again that night. https://www.amazon.com/TheraNeem-Gentle-Therape-Shampoo-Organix/dp/B00020DY2O/ref=sr_1_1_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1468116047&sr=8-1&keywords=neem+shampoo
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