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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. coming here and hoping for good news. So very sorry this is taking so long. Prayers he is found soon.
  2. I haven't read all the responses, so maybe someone has addressed this. But, I think I'd put a lot of the blame (not sure that's the right word) on the "new" parents or religion. I do understand that new converts to any religion or philosphy tend to go overboard and get obnoxious. That is why one should have a spiritual leader or teacher to say "Cut it out." Of course, in the case of the Catholic girl, maybe the priest/spiritual leader has no idea what's going on. But, her "new"parents certainly should If I were the "new" parent in this scenario I would be backing WAY off. It is not my place to replace someone's parents and I would see any attempt to make me a surrogate parent as something seriously wrong. Perhaps some kind of obsession issues with the new convert. I wonder if the "new"parents are fueling this obsession. Isn't this how cults are started?? Very sorry for both these parents. Glad the one girl escaped. I've seen people with this kind of obsession (whether it's a religion or a person) tear families apart.
  3. I'm sorry the recents tests didn't have happier news. Hugs
  4. What a lovely eulogy. May his memory be eternal! Prayers for you during this very difficult time.
  5. Wow. I don't know anyone who has read those. We *loved* them and completely found them by accident. We happened to pick it up at the library as an audio tape for a long drive and my dh and I were mesmerized. Marina Sirtis (from Star Trek TNG) read Sabine's part. I don't remember who read Griffin. It was so well done, even without the artwork it was great. Of course, as soon as we got home we went looking for the book - this was before Amazon. We bought the first and second books.
  6. I saw many more Bernie signs back before the conventions. Now I see almost none too. If I happen to be out in the country I might see a few more, but not many.
  7. so many memories. Most of these are probably not in order: My first political memory is of Nixon resigning. It was the only thing on TV and I remember watching it with my parents. I think I was 10. I only have vague memories of the Vietnam War. What i remember most was that The Price is Right would occasionally surprise a contestant by bringing her husband home for a visit. I had a cousin who was in the war. I don't remember the day we declared it was over. The Day Princess Diana and Prince Charles got married. I was in Israel at the time, so it wasn't as heavily covered, but I do remember it. The day John Lennon was shot The day Keith Green was killed Mt. St. Helen's eruption Challenger Explosion The first Gulf War - the night we invaded... My oldest son was about 3 when that happened and I remember making dinner and it hitting home that I could one day have to send a child off to war. I was profoundly sad. Oklahoma City bombings - I was sick with hyperemsis and there wasn't any other distractions from my misery. The baby in the well (what was her name??) Princess Diana death - we missed most of the hoopla, because we were on vacation in the mountains with very fuzzy tv reception. Rodney King riots Columbine 2004 Tsunami 2011 Earthquake in Japan Hurricane Katrina
  8. :lol: Slojo: You can always join the Politics Social group.
  9. I had all mine vaginally too. None in the hospital so no meds. With each one as "the day" approached I definitely started to feel like you. Just.don't.want.to. I found that reading positive birth experiences really did help me. It not only gave me the confidence that I could do it, but also got me excited about meeting my new little one. I had a few books that shared stories (back in the day), I'm not sure where to find them online. Maybe you can ask here, if you think that would help?
  10. Oh my goodness!! Teresa, I am so, so sorry. May he rest in peace. Prayers for your family.
  11. I think I get it. They want peace and will do anything to preserve it, including giving in to a tyrant. I agree that your feelings don't matter to them but it really only trumps your feelings if you allow them to have their way. Does your dh support you? Tell others if they want to host a party with annoying family member they are welcome to do so. As you've hinted, the only reason his bad behavior continues is because people allow him to act like that. That said, it understand how hard it is to be *the only* person to stand up to a family bully. It's hard to be the bad guy. :grouphug:
  12. I feel for you. I just treated for fleas and am in fear of them returning. The biggest problem is all the areas I have to treat! This experience certainly makes the tiny house model look very appealing.
  13. Prebybtera - were they told they could not attend liturgy too? I certainly know of people who have been told they are not permitted to commune for a period of time, but they still attended services. However, violence was not an issue- at least as far as I know.
  14. Rosie, that is very sweet of you to say, and I appreciate your vote of confidence. Time will tell if it's true, but I fear in this case it is not. But, I really do appreciate your words as I often feel pretty crappy about the whole situation.
  15. I'm not sure why you care this much. Not trying to be difficult, but this isn't your or your dh's employer or anything. Right? If they insist on continuing to post "professional" stuff using grammatical or content errors and such, then they deserve any snark they get. Sounds like they're asking for it and the only way they're going to get a clue is if people point it out publically (since your kind suggestions fell on deaf ears). IMHO, I'd look at it as vindication.
  16. Yes, exactly. No one really has any control over who comes through the door. Not only that, but the very purpose of the Church is to open its doors to sinners (who are hopefully repenting). Even Christ kept Judas in his midst. And therein lies the trouble. And, if they attempt to show someone the door, as it were, can you imagine the back-lash? Esp. if it's someone who seems repentant, or really nice, or very sorry and humble. I feel for the OP. From my own experience I think she is in a lose-lose situation. My situation is not nearly as black and white (or awful) as hers, so I did fee compelled to "get over it" and put on my big-girl panties . But it has not been easy and I think it's been worse for me than if I'd just left and found another parish. I realize now that I'm not the bigger person. :(
  17. I don't know what to say but just that I'm in a similar but different situation. The problem that I have experienced after trying to "put up" with it and avoid this person altogether, is that my own personal/spiritual life has suffered greatly. I'm at the point where I don't want to go to church anymore because this person may be present. Sadly, my concerns have largely fallen on deaf ears with the powers that be. Oh, there's definitely people who feel the same way as I do, but none of us are in a position to actually do anything. I have no great advice, just a warning that even just trying to worship alongside a situation like this may prove to be worse than finding another place to worship. Hugs.
  18. We'll 2nd: 7 Wonders. Very enjoyable game. I *love* Castles of Mad King Ludwig. My adult son brings that every time we have a get-together. It's not too complicated once you learn it. My other son brought a new game to our family vacation: Sheriff of Nottingham. This is a good game for various age groups. It can be very simple (and quicker) or a little more complicated by making deals, and thus, a little longer.
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