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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. that's what I was figuring. I looked around on my own security settings, but nothing jumped out at me. It's particularly bad right now because of this election season. Some friends think they're being "helpful" with their wisdom :confused1: . I want to scream...go away!
  2. I'm sure this has been asked before, but I can't remember if it's impossible or not. Is there any way to stop my friends from seeing when I post on another friend's newsfeed posts (who they do not know)? I know it's popping up ON my newsfeed and I'm sure it pops up on theirs too because they comment! Several times in the last week I've commented on a friend's post only to have another friend, who doesn't know them at all, also post. What the heck?? It's like interjecting yourself into someone else's conversation. Is there any way to stop this??
  3. I just discovered that I misunderstood the doctors. My prescription is only for 7 days. I'm going to call to make sure there wasn't a mistake because I clearly remember 14 days being told to me and seeing it on the prescription paper when I was at the hospital. But, both the other hospital paperwork and the bottle say 7 days. I think I can handle 7 days of this.
  4. You're much better at this than I am. When I'm dealing with insomnia all I do is lie in bed trying to get back to sleep, and wonder, "why me??!!"
  5. yes, you're right, it was the Flagyl. I miss-read the bottles (I did take the right pill though!!). I felt awful all night. That's the one that has the Achilles Tendon issues, I believe. My experience is that it felt like someone was pulling all the muscles on my neck up through my skull. Not quite a headache but certainly hurt just as much.
  6. I'm home now and I just took my first Cipro. So not looking forward to the next 2 weeks. The other one is new to me, but I had in the hospital via IV. It wasn't so bad that way, but the nurse warned me it's worse in pill form. Oh joy.
  7. Thanks Jenn. I'll let you know if I need anything.
  8. Lol.. I have diverticulitis, which makes me susceptible to this...but it did seem to come out of no where. I was a bit constipated the day before, but nothing unusually bad and it had only been one day. I had had a little gorp earlier in the day, but not too much. I ate mostly the chocolate :). I certainly didn't gorge on it. And my previous attacks were never this severe and on the other side. So I wasn't thinking that at all.
  9. Aww thank you. I'm over an hour away. Too far. Thanks for the offer. We've got a pretty good support system here as well as an adult child at home. She cooked dinner last night.
  10. I know, right? I had a son that had that happen to him when he was 10 or 11. We sat for a long time in the er (no pain med for him) only to find out he was constipated. He was NOT happy to get an enema from a stranger either.
  11. Hugs and an encouragement to do something now before she turns 18. It might help if we roughly knew where you lived. Maybe someone here could recommend a good therapist. I'm sorry the original med didn't work. My daughter (who cut too) responded best with group therapy with other cutters. Not only could she talk about it in a group (less intimadating) but it did give her perspective on her family life. Some kids have it really tough and nonsupportive parents.
  12. I've been here since Monday. Long story short;we were on a camping trip Saturday to Monday which was going from okay to worse because of unexpected cold winds from the huricane. I was not feeling well and my husband decided we should just cut our losses and go home on Sunday night. I started feeling a bit better and tried to negotiate our staying as planned but my staying in a motel instead. I thought if I could get out of the wind and some sleep I would be just fine. My husband was insistent so I relented. Good thing. On the way home I started to feel very poorly, especially in my stomach. It would come in waves of pain. That night,at home, I was in the worst pain of my life. At 5am my husband and daughter were trying to convince me to go to the er, but I said no. I figured I was constipated, and the thought of sitting on a gurney in the er in that much pain was not something I wanted to do. I tried a enema (sorry, tmi ) but there was no change in the pain so I relented and headed to the er around 11. Turns out I have a minor perforation in my large intestines. It didn't require surgery, but I'm on heavy-duty antibiotics (they are of the devil) and still being monitored. I may go home today. Oh and I didn't have to writhe in pain for hours in the er. They took me back right away and put me on morphine. It was the most wonderful moment when that pain slipped away. It was our anniversary yesterday and my bird died on Tuesday. I feel like that was a cursed camping trip. (If you go to the venting thread you can read how I should have seen the signs of impending doom ahead of time.) I still have 14 days of an antibiotic regimen when I get home. I'm not looking forward to it.
  13. I'm glad you went. Praying for you
  14. Yes and no. I was very messy (but not with hoarding tendencies). I think having kids did change me a bit, as did hiring a house cleaner when the kids were smaller and I was homeschooling multiple kids. I got used to and now I really do appreciate a tidy living space. There are still areas that are messy for longer periods,like our bedroom. But it does eventually get tidied up. I think as I've aged it affects me more. Also, we instituted a weekly cleanup with the kids when our house cleaner moved away But, I still have trouble finding motivation to do it everyday. So things like the kitchen and dining room can get pretty messy for days at a time. Dustbunnies will collect all week until our appointed cleanup day. AND if, for some reason, we can't do that, vacuuming rarely gets done until the next week.
  15. I suffered through years of not sleeping due to dh's snoring, tossing and turning, and his insistence that he listen to audio in his sleep. Ear buds DO NOT drown out the sound for the rest of us. Added to that my RLS and increasing insomnia due to menopause. We now sleep in separate rooms and it's been a game-changer. Dh doesn't like it (he's a pretty sound sleeper when he sleeps). But, too bad. I need my sleep and blaming him for not getting any wasn't helping our marriage at all.
  16. :grouphug: especially the friend thing. I get it.
  17. No, it's not Matthew that will be affecting us. There's a cold front coming down and its supposed to rain beginning Friday night into all day Saturday. We may go on Saturday, but I don't actually put a lot of hope in getting a site. We may wait until next week too. Can I vent some more??!! I got my hair done today. .. nuff said.
  18. yes, my daughter's campus has had a problem with it. Apparently some "clowns" are using it as a front to assault and/or rob people. Not funny. My daughter bought mace.
  19. I'm glad your mom finally saw a doctor... but it does sound pretty frustrating. My own vent: I need to get away. We've been planning a camping trip to WV for nearly 2 months and I've been giddily looking forward to it. I was going to leave early tomorrow and be the lead person. It's first-come-first served camp sites. Having the WHOLE day to myself on the mountain. But, now the weather looks semi crappy and I'm coming down with a cold. :crying: We're fair-weather tent campers so the thought of living out of a tent in the cold rain whilst fighting a cold isn't all that appealing. Oh and aunt Flo decided to arrive today after 6 weeks. Thanks :glare: Ugh. I'm also annoyed with my dh because some of the best weekends have been taken up with other commitments two of which I asked him NOT to commit to so far in advance (because I wanted a chance to go camping). downing Tiger Sauce, Airborne and elderberry syrup.
  20. That's such great news! I hope he gets home and into his own bed early today.
  21. glad things look so positive. continuing to pray. Hope you get some rest before heading back to the hospital.
  22. I was surprised to learn today that Chubby Checker is still alive. Today is his birthday.
  23. I sometimes attract the "me" people too, but that is because I don't really like to lead a conversation. But, I think in this situation Creekland may be right. But then again, if I were in that situation I don't think I'd start off by by being a "know-it-all" (the dog training part). Sorry it was a bad day. I don't what you mean about teens. I remember realizing when some of my older kids hit that stage that I had about 20 more years of being the "family idiot" ;) Oh the perks of a large family.
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