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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I tend to be pretty brutal. I guess I'm just not a very nice person :) I've friended one spouse and not the other. I did get some drama for it, but that just confirmed that i made the right decision. I'm careful about how often I "like" or "respond" to his wife's posts so I don't encourage more drama.
  2. What an awful situation. I'm sorry. I'm really careful about what I say about other people on FB because you never know when it will be misunderstood. :grouphug: Then you add a drunk ass-hat into the mix and you can't really be responsible for how it de-evolves. I've gotten flack or this in the past but your experience is confirmation that I made the right decision (for me) to severely limit friending local friends on FB. There's things I'd rather not know about people.
  3. yup, I used Google the last time I was trying to find a thread I started and it wasn't showing up in searches OR in my content :confused1: It was as if it had disappeared.
  4. We have it in our queue. I'm a Winona fan. I'm glad to see it's not stretching into season 2. I get so tired of that. There's too much to remember.
  5. The doctor at camp, who has been monitoring her all week, said that with her meds she already has she should be fine. She's to alert the flight staff, just in case. He explained that the air inflight may bother her but not as badly as what she's dealing with at camp. It won't be smokey, ashy air. She seems more disappointed that she's leaving her campers. She loves being a camp counselor. We'll use the unused tickets to fly her out to see her friend during semester break next Jan. She's happy with that.
  6. She has a rescue inhaler with the spacer - with albuterol. I don't know what they gave her at the clinic yesterday in the nebulizer. I'm curious about the pulmonologist. She's seen a specialist in Asthma and allergies, not a pulmonologist. How would the care differ or be better?
  7. as for the mask. I told her to buy one, but I don't know if she listened.
  8. She's on Advair and steroids. That wasn't enough so nebulizer. I have no idea what her peak flow is.
  9. My daughter has been a camp counselor in CA this past month. The fires outside LA have started to really bother her and she ended up at a clinic for a nebulizer treatment yesterday. We (myself and the camp doctor) tried to convince her to leave camp. She was stubborn and said she thought she could make it. Well.. Got a teary call this morning that she just can't. Her lungs are bad and they've told her now that she has to leave. Anyway, I have friends who used to live in LA and she may have a place to stay on the other side of the fires and closer to the coast, so they aren't affected by the fire. She's not scheduled to fly out of LA until next Tues. but we're looking at flights out tomorrow instead (friday). But, I'm concerned about someone in her condition flying. I worry that it might make things worse. I just want to bring her home and make everything better, but that may not be the wisest choice. What says the hive? edited to add: on Tues, she's not scheduled to come directly home. She was going to Seattle for a few days to visit an old friend first. So, we're talking about skipping that altogether.
  10. Sounds like pretty classic symptoms. My experience, FWIW.. my gyno kept pushing the pill. Even when I complained that I was tired of taking the pill she pushed the pill as THE thing to treat my worst symptoms (heavy periods), but she never discussed with me other symptoms, which were basically all the ones you've listed, except #2 not as much A friend a few years older than me, who is a vet, became obsessed with figuring out her health about this time. She took her health on just like she would with one of her furry patients. She also has no time for alternative meds and vitamins supplements. She delved into research papers and journals. She found a doctor in DC who is a leading specialist in menopausal woman's health. She pushed me to go for a couple of years before I finally went. (I was tired for goodness sakes, I didn't want to be trapsing down to DC) Anyway, it was the first doctor who actually listened to me and had a conversation with me about strategies. He put me on HRT, which has made a good bit of difference (not perfect but good). I'm not at risk, so I feel that the benefit outweighed the negatives. He's also given me an rx for Lysteda. It is for heavy periods and you only take it when you have a heavy period and it stops the flow. This last appt. we talked a lot about other symptoms and possible meds I could take - their good and bad side-effects, we talked about what to expect over the next year or two now that I'm 52. I was dx with Hashimotos (through my PCP) about this time, but I've recently started going to a local Endocrinologist to deal with that and she's sent me to a sleep specialist because of my complaints about constant tiredness & brain fog. That has been revealing. From what I've heard from other friends, the trick is to NOT go to a pulmonologist for a sleep study because they only check for Apnea (which I don't have). Actually, the leading expert in sleep issues, and specifically "Periodic Limb Movement" issues, is at Johns Hopkins. So if you think your tiredness is at all related to sleep issues, it's worth it to get a sleep study. I've written a book to simply say; I would go to your reg. doctor to get started (get any bloodwork done to take to another doctor), and then I would check out Johns Hopkins and see if there's someone there who specializes in Menopausal women health. You're worth the extra hassle and time to go to someone who will understand your symptoms and help find a good solution.
  11. BTDT - I totally understand that humiliated feeling. I remember my son being asked some pretty simple questions that he just couldn't answer. He was totally off in la-la land when this teacher was talking to him. And that wasn't a written test. Most of my kids are terrible test takers. I would try a re-do. I would call and talk with someone else if possible and explain you had no idea that was coming and all of you were caught completely off guard. Your poor kids!! I'd play up taking your children into a room alone with a stranger and how that may have scared them. Seriously. The school completely mis-handled that one. Demand that your kids be given another chance with someone else. But, you can also look at this as a chance to learn. Can you homeschool one more year, or are you needing to put them in this fall? If you can, use the knowledge you've gained from this experience to help prep them for next time.
  12. I do a lot of similar things as your parents. The reason I leave cooked food out for a few hours is because I want it to cool before putting it in the cold fridge. The the exception of some accidents, I don't generally leave it overnight. I defrost my meat on the counter and sometimes I do it in a warm water bath (still in it's plastic wrap).
  13. I would tell the parents who hosted because not everyone thinks that young teens viewing porn is "harmless" Some of us think it is very detrimental to how they view real women's bodies and sex.... but I digress... I would tell because, as a parent, I would want to know. But, I would definitely discuss it with son beforehand because, as others have said, you want to continue that trust with him. You're son and his friend definitely gets high-fives for sticking up to bullies.
  14. I have two siblings and we're sort of close. We don't see each other very regularly (one lives too far away for that), but when we do we enjoy each other's company. We each have our own lives too. When the kids were younger it was easier because we did try to make a point of getting cousins together. But now that we have mostly grown or college aged kids it's harder. Spending time with our own children/grandchildren is a bigger priority. Maybe once we're all retired, and we have more free time, it will change again.
  15. I was going to recommend this too. I made that exact thing last year. You can also tie them up in knots and then do a tea bath. It turns a very nice creamy tan color. Dawn, do you have Pinterest? Look there for dying silk scarves.
  16. I am looking to gifting one for my daughter for Christmas. A friend told me about HelloFresh, which has a vegetarian option. My friend said she liked both HelloFresh and Blue Apron.
  17. This is my experience too. That's why I was so happy to find a cheap contour memory foam pillow. I figured if it didn't work out at least I didn't spend $100 for the darn thing.
  18. Yes, I think defining the usher's purposes would be helpful. If you mean guys that hand out bulletins and do the collection then we have both male-female ushers in our Orthodox church. We have a candle stand, and, at our parish, its usually men that keep an eye on that. Other local parishes have women too. It's not because we need a bouncer, but I think it's something that quiet unassuming men like to do. These are the guys that would never, ever want do to any kind of public speaking or leadership (parish president) type jobs. They also take prayer requests up to the altar for the priests to have. Their wives are sometimes there helping them out too.
  19. I'm a side sleeper and have a memory foam pillow from Target that I love. I take it everywhere I go. http://www.target.com/p/comfort-revolution-contour-memory-foam-bed-pillow-white-standard/-/A-50616940 I also have a feather pillow that I use to hug. It helps keep my arms from falling asleep.
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