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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. praying for you both. hugs
  2. I'm not Catholic and this is how I think about it too. I wouldn't wear a Kippah as a decorative headpiece either.
  3. burgers and dogs on the grill. salad, beans and chips. I made key-lime pie for dessert as it's my dh's favorite.
  4. Good point about Pentecost. Our parish does Kneeling Vespers directly after Liturgy. Basically we move quickly from one service to the other without much fanfare. That may happen, Katy, where you visit. There are many people who leave then (it does make for a long, long day). So don't feel awkward if you leave then. Or go to the fellowship hall for coffee hour. I suspect there will be a bunch of people who have opted not to attend Kneeling Vespers, :laugh:
  5. not here. It's been a difficult evening and I'm feeling the stress of living in a high occupancy county. My favorite places would include mountains and lots of woods. PNW has always appealed to me.
  6. aww... I hope it's found or she can borrow someone else's. Praying
  7. Well, I'm not going to be able to make it I think. I have 2 appts. set up and one is down in DC at 11pm. I don't think there's much way I can get up to PA in a reasonable amount of time. drat and double drat.
  8. how exciting! I'm so glad you asked us about it. Definitely try to visit several different parishes. It's really nice you have that option. I did that when I was first searching and I learned a lot by visiting around
  9. Yes, I think it is unfortunate & sad, but I do know of people who have done something similar. I think if I had a friend who was dying and I didn't even know about it until after they had died AND they weren't even going to have a memorial or funeral, I would feel very betrayed by the friendship. I've heard of people not wanting the doctor's to even tell them if they are dying. It's pretty rare, and I think it's very old-school., but it does happen. When my MIL's second husband was dying he refused to have anyone visit him, including his children. It was just him and my MIL. He died pretty quickly after diagnosis as it wasn't one of those long deteriorating diseases like Alzheimer's or Lou Gehrig's, but it was hard not to ever see him again or say goodbye. We always chalked it up to his Argentinian heritage. OTOH, it's their decision and I'd have to respect that. I think I might be tempted to talk with them about that if my relationship with them was close enough.
  10. Are you going to a service for/with a friend (ie Baptism, wedding)? Or is this yourself going to a Divine Liturgy? first it kind of depends on which jurisdiction you'll be attending. Do you know if it's Russian, Antiochian, Greek, or Orthodox Church in America (OCA)? Dress? - I would wear something nice/casual - a skirt or nice slacks or a dress. Women in most parishes do not wear head-coverings, but some do. It kind of depends (Russians almost always do - Greeks almost never). Take a scarf just in case. Have you read Frederica Matthews-Green's 12 Things I wish I knew Before Going to an Orthodox Church? It's long, but informative about what to expect. The main this is to not worry - no one expects you to do the things we do (cross yourself, kiss icons). Most people in EO parishes are very understanding of visitors. You can pm me or any of the other EO people here - we may know the parish you'll be visiting. Enjoy yourself... and let us know how it goes!
  11. This is wonderful! Some of the topics seem to be specifically for homeschooling parents. I'm looking specifically at "Becoming an Avid Reader". What if my own personal goal is self-education and life-long learning and not homeschooling?
  12. This pretty much sums up my dd at this time. Although she may be a little more interested in moving out. But she has no debt and a decent job. She is thinking of going back to school, at which time we'll discuss any changes. She's also a little less than willing to help out around the house. That's partly because her job is pretty stressful and the hours are difficult... but it's also partly her personality.
  13. That pretty much sums it up. Do you charge rent, reduced rate or not, for your adult children with jobs still living at home? We've talked with our dd (25) about this and she was completely gobsmacked. She claims none of her friends, who still live at home, pay their parents rent. She says she's never heard of this except when the parents need help financially. That completely surprised me. I thought it was pretty standard for adult kids living at home. Is it really not a thing? Are we really off the plantation on this one? For the record.. dd grad with her BA 18months ago. Has a decent job (which she hates, but that's another story). She saved up to pay for her own car 6months ago and has now paid off her car. We would be charging her far below rental rates for our area.
  14. I wanted to update this thread. I started using liquid iron supplements within a day or two of starting this thread. I figured I start with that and move on if it didn't seem to help. Thankfully, the easiest solution was the one that worked! I have not had an issue with RLS since that first day of taking iron. yay! Thanks everyone for your imput. I'll definitely keep this thread in mind, esp. if I start to have issues again.
  15. just seeing this and praying or her recovery.
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