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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. sending up prayers for your cousin
  2. FWIW, I never saw the first Cloverfield and didn't even realize it was part of the franchise until I saw a spoiler earlier this week. So, I can't really say how much it feels like the first one.
  3. I would not necessarily call it a fun movie, but it was good.
  4. It was a really good movie. Kept you guessing and in thinking the whole way through. John Goodman is fantastic in it. Oh my. I won't give any spoilers by saying anymore.
  5. nothing gets me in the house purging mood like Hoarders.
  6. Another GoodReads user. When you friend people you can have their reviews or updated reading lists come to your inbox. I like seeing what other people are reading and always find at least one book to put into my "want to read' pile. Also there's often some great book suggestions given right here. Just ask and people here are happy to share their favorite reads some many different genres.
  7. I love camping.. but I'm a fair weather camper. It's no fun being stuck in a tent in the pouring rain all weekend. That said, I've also gone backpacking and LOVED it. Of course, with that you get whatever weather comes and it's harder to pack up and go home :) But, I don't do it much and I'm way out of shape. I'd actually be afraid to go backpacking in my current condition. May end up seriously injured or something. But when we camp we always go hiking. Last year we tried a teardrop trailer. It was nice to have the extra packing space since we have a smaller vehicle and it was nice to sleep on a "bed"... but otherwise, I don't know if I really liked it that much. We went to Greenridge State Park which has mostly dirt roads and hauling the small trailer in was a challenge. Anyway... I'm pretty picky about where I camp. I prefer to be secluded (the main reason why I love Greenridge).
  8. I also miss worrying less and the naivety of childhood. I miss being optimistic about the ability of people to change for the better. I miss being bored with nothing to do for days at a time. I miss my grandparents.
  9. I've never had hot flashes either, but I've suffered more emotionally and physically. I know that's not really a lesser known peri-/menopausal symptom, but that's how mine has presented. Also, sleep has been more difficult. And I do have itchiness... although I've attributed that to thyroid issues.
  10. This is exactly the things I wrestled with when my parents changed after becoming empty nesters.
  11. Thanks everyone. I haven't had my blood checked in almost a year (I also have Hashimotos, so it's kept in check). But, certainly this could change in a year.
  12. I have not been dx with asthma, but I have one child with it. The doctor told us at the time that allergies & asthma go hand-in-hand, it's just that some suffer more from one than the other. I guess that means it's plausible. How did they dx your daughter without the wheezing?
  13. So for background: I was sick for the better part of a month and only started feeling completely well again about 10-14days ago. As soon as the weather started warming up last week I needed to start on my OTC allergy meds. Never been officially dx but I'm sure I have seasonal allergies. I've also noticed this weird problem with the right side of my neck and going down my arm. Almost like a pinched nerve or stiff neck. This has been going on for 3days. About 6months ago I thought I was having a heart event and went to the ER. I had several of the symptoms, and have a family history of heart problems, so they kept me for several hours and did tests - all was fine, no heart attack. I also got a stress test a few days later and passed just fine. Yesterday and today I noticed a significant issue with my stamina. Just going up the stairs I can barely breath and I just want to lay down. I feel like I'm struggling to take a deep breath. I have no energy either. So, I'm thinking it could be allergy related, something lingering with this illness I had before. But, I guess it could be a heart event. Can I go from passing just fine to not good at all in 6months? I'm pretty sedentary. I hate exercise, but this lack of stamina and struggling to breath seems to have come on rather suddenly.
  14. I don't anymore and haven't for many years. I use the online banking and keep track that way. But, I don't write that many checks anymore either.
  15. I thought she looked familiar. I remember this coming through my FB feed a while ago Her speech starts sometime after 8min... but the intro is also good I read 'Nothing to Envy" a few years ago.. It's also good, but less of a personal story of escape.
  16. That sounds like a good plan. I think with this type of personality you're going to have to be very gentle and careful. She's clearly aware of the possibility that you're going to back away by all the pressure to be friends forever. Makes me wonder if she's been obsessive before and then dropped by the other friend. I would also recommend backing off and encouraging other friendships for her, but I suspect that it will be harder than you think. :grouphug:
  17. I agree.. it does help esp. with people changing their screen names. Denise, so glad to see you again.
  18. I was in a similar situation many years ago ,except I was the new-comer and didn't feel comfortable horning in on the existing friendship. But, I really regret not trying because, even to this day the other person and I had so much in common and we could have had a very close friendship. Our kids were good friends too. The thing is it got even more complicated because the Carla in my situation discovered her dh was cheating on her and really needed help for a year-18months while she worked on getting a degree . The other friend stepped in and went WAY beyond the call of duty (including homeschooling her kids). So many people saw the problems with that co-dependant relationship. Anyway, I never tried to pursue a friendship too much because I figured no matter what, I'd look like a selfish jerk. There was no way to separate the two because the Carla figure was so, so needy and ALWAYS around. The sad thing is that once this Carla found a new boyfriend she literally dropped her friend like a sack of potatoes. It was very sad to watch someone be so thankless. Then the other person moved across country. We're friends on FB, but I often think of that missed opportunity and it makes me sad. So... all that to say, If I had to do it over again, I would contact Marla... get together with only her outside of the weekly practice breakfast. Try nurturing a friendship just with her. Without being cruel or mean about it I think it's completely appropriate to hint that you see Carla as a draining person and how hard it is to disengage from her drama.
  19. The thing about all mid-sized SUV's and the third row seat is that they're all very tight. Your only other choice, from what I've seen, is going to a bigger sized SUV. I was in the market last summer for just what you're looking for. I know it's not on your list, but I opted for a Highlander. I was extra lucky to find the Highlander in a hybrid for 2-3K under what I was normally seeing for sale. I needed a 3rd row seat because I do carpool and, very occasionally, I need to bring my grandkids with me. There is really only room for one person to sit back there, and then they go sideways. But, it's so infrequent that I need that 3rd row, that it was worth it for me to get the Highlander rather than get a larger SUV.
  20. no really. It is very common brunch drink. My first mimosa was at a church Pascha celebration brunch. Yummm.
  21. Frasier 3rd Rock From the Sun The Middle from the old days: Taxi Barney Miller MASH
  22. my kids bought me a couple of Lush brand bath bombs for Christmas... oh my! They were wonderful, without being overpowering. But they are SO expensive. I want to make my own but am unsure about some of the recipes I found online. Several of them have liquid (water or witch hazel) in the ingredients.. Wouldn't make make them start fizzing before molding them?
  23. I get along with all my adult kids. I have to let them be adults and makes decisions I may not like or agree with. I don't see all my kids equally, of course. Some we talk more often than others. This is especially true comparing my sons with my daughters. I did not have a very close relationship with my mom. I was determined to make a difference with my own kids. I hope I have succeeded, but like I said in another thread - a lot can depend on who they may marry. I know of families that have been torn apart because one child married someone who was very difficult (in one instance the new spouse treated a younger sibling -a minor- terribly). But, I also know parents who refused to try to get along with their children's spouses and created the distance themselves. Of course, now they lament that they have no relationship with their grandkids, but they don't seem to see how they played a part in that. :confused1: Getting a long with our adult children is a two-way street.
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