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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I think some schools are off in No VA next week, so that might reduce the traffic at either time.
  2. try to find some good Argon oil conditioner. It is wonderful.. This is the one I use and was recommended by my hair dreseser. I love it: http://www.amazon.com/One-Only-Argan-Moisture-Conditioner/dp/B004CNMFBS/ref=sr_1_25_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1458861415&sr=8-25&keywords=argon+oil+conditioner In searching, there's also Argon oil hair masks... those might be good for an extra special treatment.
  3. I went through my pantry today. I love the idea of putting things that need to be used up in a separate container. I threw away some opened jelly that had been in there for a couple of years. Why it was in the pantry and not the fridge, I'll never know... but I'm not tempting fate either. Into the trash they went. I have 3 containers of cocoa powder - all opened. Sheesh. I don't cook with it that often. They're all the good kind... maybe I'll combine them into one container. Will the kitchen gods come slay me if I mix and match good Dutch cocoa powder? From my pantry I made: gluten/dairy free lemon poppy muffins from a mix (been there for over 6months) - meh. won't buy again, but at least they're gone. Madras Lentils. I only used half- and I mix with rice (staple). I make the rest tomorrow. I like this, so I'll probably buy it again. I have 2 boxes of gluten free baking mix. I think I'll make up some pancakes tomorrow and start getting rid of it.
  4. try toasting them up. It's super easy, you just have to watch because they'll burn quickly. I toast mine either in the toaster oven or on the stove top - no need for oil or anything. I like them better toasted up. edited to add: oops, just noticed that someone else asked the same question
  5. Boy, this thread takes me back... mine too. I loved their catalog.
  6. My husband has said the same thing. I've read bits and pieces of it.
  7. I agree... Five is hard to keep to. I like your list, BTW..
  8. I love threads like this!! I'm not sure I'll have anything new to add. There are certainly "classics' that I would recommend you *not* read because they were dull as toast... :laugh: I've recently read in an article that we are living in a time of "Brave New World" and not "1984" - I'd share the article but it's political. I've read 1984, but never Brave New World, so that is now on my list. Here's my list of 5: To Kill a Mockingbird Far From the Madding Crowd Tennent of Wildfell Hall Heart of Darkness Little Prince
  9. I enjoyed cleaning out my shelves of homeschooling material. I kept a couple of sentimental things - like my phonics program - but otherwise it felt good to declutter.
  10. Agreeing that once the will has been executed what you do with the inheritance is your business.
  11. I'm 52. I'm tall and have long legs. What hits someone small at the knee hits me well above and it ain't pretty. I like my dresses/skirts to be just below or only a few inches below the knee (calf length). That's the length that looks best on me. I do not look good in those long, flowy maxi dresses either. I'm not skinny enough to pull it off and it looks like a tent on someone my height. My preferred style is A line.
  12. I get it. We're dealing with a similar situation with my aunt and her son. Fortunately, he doesn't live there full-time. When he visits it's very stressful. My aunt refuses to see it. Is there any way you can get him out during the day for a little reprieve? praying for you that this cross you are bearing will pass soon.
  13. yes, it's a canister. no bags, just empty the canister and put it back on.
  14. Yes! Which is worse, the monsters on the outside or the one on the inside? I agree that it isn't really for kids. It's not an action/monster movie. I'll probably try to watch the first one now.
  15. Me!! My pantry has become an overgrown, disorganized mess! It's also Lent for me, so this is the perfect time to save a little money and use up what I already have. My issues that I have a picky husband. Much of what I'll use will be for me for lunch. I don't have a list right now, but I'll be following this thread for encouragement.
  16. i completely agree. I remember when I first heard this as a young adult and thinking... "hmmm, that just doesn't sound very nice." The person who said it thought it was a great rule to live by. I see it as an excuse to be selfish or rude.
  17. how about a Skype party especially for family that can't make it. When our priest's son got married, he married across the country from our parish (where his fiance was from), but she was also an immigrant from a Middle Eastern country. Most of her extended family could not make it to the wedding so the family set up a Skype account for everyone to watch the wedding, but it was especially set up for the ME family. They then traveled to her country of origin sometime after the honeymoon to have a big reception and meet the grandparents, etc.
  18. Another Shark Navigator fan. The suction works really well and when you start to notice is getting weaker all you have to do is clean one small filter.. It's super easy and then the suction is back to workout mode (as in - I can barely move the thing across my rug the suction is SO strong). I've had mine for more than 6months and only had to clean the filter once. I have a dog and grandkids that come around 2x per week, plus a wool rug that loves to shed. :glare: My only complaint is that the head is not very big so it's more work to clean an area.
  19. So, filing tax returns is optional - but only because you do it when you expect to get some money back from the gov't?
  20. It's tax season here in the US. My 24yr old daughter is sitting here with me working on the EZ tax form. I noticed that in the time since I was able to use an EZ form - a very long time - that it's become more complicated. And that's just Federal tax forms. Our state tax form is much longer and more confusing. This all got me wondering, esp with a lot of talk about the European model of gov't (please don't talk politics), what it's like to file yearly taxes in other countries. Anyone care to chime in.
  21. We did this when my oldest was about 14. It was a lot of work... much more than working with a regular family puppy. Our doggy didn't make it through the program and we had the option of officially adopting her, but we opted not too. She really needed doggy friends (probably one reason she failed at guide dogging) and we didn't want to get another dog at that time. She lived a happy life at a farm in upstate NY with other doggy friends. I know she was much happier there. Somehow it wasn't that hard to give her up. We were a little sad at that moment she went into the other car and drove away, but there wasn't a lot of lingering sadness. We felt bad she didn't make it as a guide dog and I'll always wonder if there was something we did, but we'll never know. I think having that mentality all along that she wasn't really ours and she would be going to do other things helped prepare us for the day she left us.
  22. I agree. Even if you can't go, your dh definitely should go. Send a sympathy card too. I really appreciated the sympathy cards I received in the weeks after my mom died, even from people I didn't know all that well.
  23. I stopped.. It's asking questions about things that happened more than 10yrs ago. I can't remember which websites I went to 10-12yrs ago.
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