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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I get it. It might be perimenopause, but I think it's also just timing. I know for me I'm getting tired of "just be nice to keep the peace" attitude that sucks the joy out of life when someone is either being a PIA or totally selfish. My new mantra to my kids is: "I wanna be a hermit!"
  2. I loved that movie too. Saw it 2x....... and Tom Hardy.. :001_wub: Ya'll can have Gosling if you leave me Hardy. :blush:
  3. It may not legally be assault.. but what about fraud? Morally, I think it is assault. But, is the perpetrator a trans? I don't get that impression. The photos in the article seem to identify the woman as the perpetrator and the victim is not identified. She doesn't even look like a woman who is in transition. I read it several times, but maybe I'm missing something. DM isn't know for great editing. Also, it seems to indicate that there was more than one woman Gayle Newland had a relationship with, but perhaps just this one woman came forward to press sue/press charges.
  4. Carroll County is very pretty. Howard Co. has good spots and bad. Ellicott City is very nice - at least the parts I've visited. Its quite suburban. I don't really like Columbia... too big. Clarksville is a bit south west of Columbia and is nice. I also like Catonsville. It's near the college. Burtonsville is a bit south on the border with Mont. and PG Co. It's a bit mixed as well amd will probably be a bit more expensive. How west of Baltimore are you willing to go? Sykesville, Eldersburg, and Westminister are very pretty.
  5. I'm planning to come at least for a little while. I'll have my granddaughter with me too. :001_wub:
  6. oh sorry. I saw O6 query last night but was busy and forgot this morning. DD was finally able to get in touch with the insurance early that next week. They wired them some money so they would be able to get started on building their apartment. She spent the majority of that week documenting everything they owned. What a task! She spent a day with me and her sisters at Ikea buying replacement furniture and paid to have it delivered to their new apartment. They moved into the new apartment right next to the old building last Sat. and we had a big Ikea assembly day on Saturday. The only issue with the new apartment is that the washer/dryer has yet to work properly. She was over here yesterday doing laundry. Hopefully this will get fixed this week. I don't know what is happening further with insurance. I think the one thing my dd is hoping is that this can be a fresh start for them as far as clutter and stuff goes. They have/had too much stuff. My SIL has hoarding tendencies, so this whole episode was extremely stressful for him. He was almost non-functioning at the old apartment going through his books and DVD collection. My grandson(2) is actually having some issues that they suspect is related to all the upheaval. I think time will help with that. Thanks for asking!
  7. Great ideas everyone! Keep them coming. It's my son, but even so, that's a good idea
  8. We're planning a trip to London to visit our daughter who is studying abroad this semester. Since school is in session for our 14yr old, we won't have a super long trip to go visiting the countryside as we have in the past. We might take one day out of the city - we're thinking Oxford or Cotswolds, but aren't sure exactly what yet. We're just starting to plan out our time and need some ideas..
  9. I wasn't speaking about her Big Book of Homeschooling, but her earlier (first?) book.. "The Way Home". For many this was an introduction into homeschooling back when there wasn't very much information out there. She did make good points (SAHMs aren't bad, embracing & enjoying motherhood), but she was also anti-birth control and her overall tone is much too black and white. And as mammaduck says, it lead a lot of people in to the extreme fundamentalist quiver full, ATI camps. Which is funny because one hardly ever heard about Mr. Pride. And then she went down the road of tearing down other homeschoolers and their businesses who didn't fit with her world view (Seelhoff sued her and I think she won).
  10. You're not alone. I feel the same way about Mary Pride.
  11. have you tried searching at GoodReads? They have book reviews on just about any book. IT may not be exactly what you're looking for as they might not tell you how many swear words or violent scenes are in a book, but you can get a general idea.
  12. yes, I don't get why the child wasn't removed. All these stories about parents losing custody of their children for letting them walk down a busy highway for goodness sakes! Why can't this child be protected. It boggles the mind how someone with a life sentence was let out after only 2years. 2 YEARS!?!? What kind of political clout does this guy have anyway?
  13. oh my goodness!! That is awful. Your poor mom.
  14. I wish. Although this time around my insomnia is because of stressful circumstances and I just can't get to sleep.
  15. Thanks everyone. We'll keep an eye on it, but hope it's just a nerve and heals this month. She was pretty worried because she starts this new job in a week and she's barely able to use that arm! It's a long weekend, so she'll probably make an appt. her reg. doctor on Tues. perhaps just to document the issue. Abba12 - praying for happy sticks and a healthy baby for you! Creekland - no, this is middle dd who is still at home.
  16. that story about the girl who couldn't see at night made me cry. Watching it at 2am may have had something to do with it, but it was a lovely story. And I loved the artwork.
  17. She doesn't have hard to find veins but they roll. She warned them about it and told them they needed to anchor it. She also suggested two places that were much better to draw and BOTH people ignored her. She told them she knew how to draw blood too so they'd know she knew what she was talking about. :glare:
  18. Externally it doesn't look that bad. There's bruising from the original stick but not from the 2nd one.
  19. I know.. I really like him too. I might not have tried it out if it hadn't been his project.
  20. My daughter had to get tests done as part of getting a new job in the medical field. They sent her to a local clinic. She went 2days ago to have blood drawn and it wasn't a good experience. The nurse stuck her twice because she missed her. Then dug around trying to find the vein. When she went back today to have her TB test read they told her they left one of the vials out and it was unusable. She had to have more blood drawn. She requested another person (dd knows how to draw blood). This time it was much worse. He straight stuck her in the middle of her arm and it was very painful, but she thought it might have been her (low pain tolerance). When he took the tourniquet off, and as he was removing the needle, the tube was still in the vacu-tainer and it made a sucking noise. It was super painful. When she was driving home she took off the bandage because she's allergic to the tape.. And it stung all up and down her arm. She cannot lift anything with that arm and she couldn't even rotate the hand around it hurt too much (she can rotate now though). She can't lift anything over 2lbs without stinging pain down her arm from the draw site. There's now a solid bump under the skin to the left of the insertion site and it very tender. So what next beside complaining loudly to her new bosses that they should not use this clinic? Should she be concerned about permanent nerve damage? How long should we wait and who would we see for this? Not being medical I don't know the answers and she's really worried.
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