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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. always nice when there's a happy ending! New puppy is adorable!
  2. My daughter leaves tonight for the UK. She's got three months worth of asthma, ADD, and anti-depressant drugs. We're thinking she should put it in her checked bag, but then we're worried that it will get stolen (esp. the ADD meds). But she's worried she'll get in trouble if she puts all that medicine in her carry-on and it might get confiscated. Has anyone traveled overseas with a large amount of meds? Should we be worried? Should we just mail the bulk of it to her? Then what happens because doesn't it look like we're using the mail to ship controlled substances overseas?
  3. :grouphug: :grouphug: We had to face a similar situation when our rescue accidentally got out and attacked a neighbors dog. We had been working with a private trainer who deals with doggy aggression, but that incident was the last straw. Like you, I just couldn't guarantee that in 10yrs or so she would never ever accidentally escape and we just *knew* the potential for killing a little doggy (we have lots of little dogs on our street) was just too high. I was just heart-sick, but I was also off the scale anxious too. I think my kids thought I was going to lose it, I was that uptight and hyper about her. Like yours, our doggy was perfect in the house, but when she saw another dog it was like Mr. Hyde came out. We could not get through to her. We ended up giving her back to the rescue, but we did not have our doggy nearly as long as you. But, I still felt awful for her. She just didn't seem to get that what she did was really, really wrong. I contacted the rescue about 2 weeks after we handed her back in and they had adopted her over to a GSD Rescue with people very well trained to deal with difficult cases. I was so relieved, because in all other ways she was a good dog. We were just not the right owners for her. Can you call/email the behavioral Vet? I would definitely contact them and tell them exactly what happened and ask for advice. I did this. It was taken very seriously by our dog trainer. When we finally decided to give her back up she was very supportive. Good luck and lots of hugs.
  4. Hate to add to the whole end times furor but in the Eastern Orthodox Old Style Calendar Sept 13 is also the Liturgical New Year (the original calendar of all Christians). This will be celebrated in many Slavic Countries such as Russia (oops... probably another bad guy in some of these people's eyes) and in Orthodox Churches that follow the Old Calendar here in the West. I really do need to get my End of the World dates clear. When exactly is it supposed to be? I thought I had another week or so.
  5. oh my!! I guess you are stressed. I hope the house sells really fast.
  6. this is so sad. The Firefighters and families affected are in my prayers.
  7. I tend to agree with you, although I don't know what it is that causes it.
  8. Did we go to the same church as kids??!! That's the kind of church I went to as a teen until college aged. I have no idea where the connection to the blood moon and end times comes from. Most of the end times dispensationalism and Pro-Israel theology is pretty new as far as Church History goes. I think it's younger than the US. It seems to have become even more popularized in the late 60s and 70s with Hal Lindsey and people like that. That's when the Charismatic movement really exploded. If you talk to most traditional, main-line Protestants they don't know what that stuff is either. It is sad to see what some of my old friends from those early days are STILL talking about. I have to admit I left a snarky comment on someone's feed when they jokingly brought this subject up (I wouldn't have said anything had he been taking it seriously because that wouldn't have been productive). I have another friend who changed her screen name in preparation??? She's really into that stuff and it makes me a little sad.
  9. sounds like a long hot, bubbly bath along with a glass of wine is in order. Tell your husband and kids it's for your back.
  10. It's a pretty drive too. My middle dd used to go to a small private school located on Rt.97 in Carroll county. I always enjoyed the drive up there. Now my youngest son goes to a school in SS and I have to get myself around the Beltway. Not nearly so nice.
  11. I know, right? I am not at all photogenic and was pleasantly surprised by Garga's photo.
  12. It turned out good! I think the only editing we might have needed was to cut off part of RegGuheert's head so we can see all of MomsintheGarden's face... but that can't be done with photoshop! LOL.
  13. Thanks.. I keep thinking.. Good thing they were at a Walmart and there weren't any Gothard people around.
  14. Here's your opportunity brought to you by my two daughters (19 & 24) Both are sweet and fun loving however, 19 yr old sometimes has a little trouble with self-censorship (ADD). Yesterday they had headed out to a baseball game that turned out not to be happening (did I mention ADD?). So they were headed back home on a crowded subway train during rush hour, when middle dd exclaims not-to-quietly, "Oh well, now we can watch 'Get Hard'". The 24yr old said they got a few snarky looks. We all got a good laugh about it at home.
  15. Congratulations!!! :party: I think 2 yrs is great spacing. I'll speak as a grandma of 2 who didn't handle the initial announcement of #2 very well. It's just that it was SUCH a shock. DD is still in grad. school, they're poor as church mice, both grandma's babysit, my dd deals with pregnancy and ppd, and grandson wasn't even 1 when dd got pregnant again. So, after I collected myself off the floor, I did put on the "Another baby!! Yay!!!!" happy face. I SO didn't want to be one of *those* grandparents, but I was caught off guard and it was so unexpected. And now, I am happy for another grandbaby, even though the circumstances are less than perfect. Granddaughter is a lovely baby and so sweet. Perhaps most of your family will come around after the initial surprise wears off. :grouphug:
  16. I will the be first to say that I do judge some people by their looks..... but the difference is my church doesn't advocate doing so.
  17. Wear it proudly, Sister... wear it proudly.
  18. I don't get it... what is the purpose for this exercise? What are they supposed to be learning by judging people only by their looks?
  19. yes, three hours goes by so quickly! I feel like I wasn't able to really talk with everyone. Quill your cupcakes were fabulous. I shouldn't have eaten one (wheat) but I love chocolate. I can't resist.
  20. This brings me to a question. I wonder how churches would feel if couples asked for a church wedding/blessing without going for the legal wedding part. Would they be okay with that?
  21. I had no idea you were going through this. So sorry :grouphug:
  22. Oh dear, I forgot about that. If the world's going to end it better wait until after tomorrow's pa/MD meet up.
  23. Yes, please. Let's send everyone else to a deserted island. I'm not selfish. I only need one state myself- you can have the rest. ;)
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