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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Where's the "like" button when you need it. Thank you SWB. I'm also bowing out of the discussion. I answered Quill's question. All the best to you in this endeavor. .
  2. That may be your interpretation...but it is not the Eastern Orthodox interpretation. I don't worship that god either.
  3. We attended a big one in NYC a few years ago. We were quite underwhelmed. It wasn't at all what we expected... very overly sponsored by big corporations and not much of the little guy showing you his inventions or creations. It was also really crowded. I've heard the smaller, local ones are better, but we haven't gone to one yet.
  4. Okay, I haven't read everyone's responses... I've been at the hospital at my aunt's bedside all day long. How can sitting be so exhausting?? Anyway, I digress..... Quick answer: For me, as a lover of history, and now as an Orthodox Christian, I usually say to myself "What did the ancient/early church teach about this passage?" I'm usually not disappointed. yes, some of those are shocking and disturbing (David/Bathsheba and Lot). Of course, there's certainly a lot of things in the news these days that are equally shocking and disturbing.... I don't get the angels part either. Ezekiel and Revelation - well.. doesn't it depend on if you think all the Bible is literally true or not (i.e. literal 7/24 days of creation)? If not, why can't parts of it be allegorical to teach us a point? Can it still be true even if the story literally didn't happen? Vision of heaven can be strange and unusual... it's not of this world. However, if you read parts of Ez and Revelation from a historical as well as sacramental/liturgical POV, it really does change how you see it. For instance... one of the best series I ever heard on the book of Revelations was from an Orthodox priest. It cleared up a lot of questions I've had over the years concerning the interpretations I'd previously learned but found incomplete and/or downright troubling So I guess these are the ways I deal with some of these odd, disturbing, and weird stuff in the Bible. YMMV
  5. OMG!! That would drive me crazy if I had to listen to it all day long. My dh is the same way - constantly tapping, either on the table or typing loudly. If he's not doing that he's singing or whistling under his breath. Drives.me.crazy!! Lately, I've noticed that he's slurping his drink or chewing very loudly.. I keep wondering, "Am I just being more grumpy than usual and noticing what's been there all along, or is this some new annoying habit he's started??" I cannot imagine if I had to listen to it all day long.
  6. me too! And... sadly, I have a bad attitude when they come back.
  7. another person who was going to suggest out of the country. I've not experienced it myself but read (or heard on npr) a few articles about medical tourism. You should definitely do this. Not only is it important to your self-esteem but teeth health is very important to overall health.
  8. I agree. I think you should try to educate but not push. The thing is there's probably some cutting edge meds/;procedures that work better when someone is early stages rather than end stages of the disease.
  9. yes, I know what you mean. I have definitely heard of that happening. But sometimes that doesn't happen too. it's not a guarantee. Some patients can become very distraught and agitated... this can be upsetting to the family even if they understand it can be normal. Have you tried contacting the hospice that your mom used? Perhaps they can mail you the booklets?
  10. perhaps this would be helpful: http://www.webmd.com/palliative-care/journeys-end-active-dying
  11. oh, I meant to add there's no real timeline, per se. Some people may take longer to go through each stages, while other progress very quickly. Similar to labor/delivery in that way..
  12. so sorry :grouphug: https://www.caring.com/articles/signs-of-death Also, if you do a search on "End of life symptoms" you'll find more links.
  13. I've heard similar things about our local CC and, having attended recently, I'm doubtful. I'd love to know if there's something like this too.
  14. I agree with what others have written, but especially this. No one should be told how they should be serving or shamed into serving or volunteering for something they're are not comfortable doing. That's just wrong.
  15. I'd be interested... Mondays and Weds. are hard for me.
  16. very cool!! I love hiking, but have never really been drawn to doing the entire AT. Hope all your plans go well.
  17. Finger Lakes is beautiful... it may just break into the 10hr road trip though. But, we loved it. Lots of lovely places to hike. There's also Grand Canyon of the East - Letchworth State park. We stayed at a rental outside of Pen Yan and it was quite nice. Have you been to Monongahela or Dolly Sods in WV? Tons of hiking in Dolly Sods. It is a long trek on a dirt road to get into Dolly Sods, but so worth it. We usually camp (rustic - no hook up and bring your own water). We just went in June. While camping up in Dolly Sods someone told us about a great sounding camping ground down in the valley on a bend in the river. You can put your tubes in on one side of the camp ground and go down the river for a good while and get out on the other side of the camp ground! LOL That's my type of tubing. It's also near Seneca Rocks. There's also a lot of places to rent cabins if you prefer. We've done both. What about Kentucky? I've only been through, but it's a beautiful state. Does your family enjoy certain types of music or entertainment? Perhaps look at several places and see what type of festivals they may have... For instance; a lot of places have Blue Grass Festivals during the summer. Maybe do your vacation around something you all enjoy like that.
  18. I remember your accident and I'm glad you're well on the road to recovery...but what a bummer about lifting. I can't stand roller-coasters, but the grandma in me immediately thought about my g'kids. One hope is that perhaps surgery like this will continue to improve so that perhaps in the future you may be able to have it re-attached. Thanks for the update..
  19. Agreeing with others to clean it up and try to help him understand it's not the right way to act. :grouphug: ' But, I also wanted to say I love your screen name! Love those books.
  20. how about Western PA? Laurel Highlands area.... It might be cold in the winter, but not as bad as NH, I would think. I hate the heat and humidity of my area and everytime I've gone up to the Laurel Highland's area when it's blistering here in the DC metro area, it's a good 10-15* cooler there. But, I don't live there, so it would be best to talk with someone more local - esp. about the winters. Otherwise, I'd also suggest Western NC.
  21. we give you permission to say no and to not feel guilty about it. :grouphug:
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