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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I think your dh needs to speak with this guy. Clearly he's got his sites on your son for whatever reason and the fact that 1) he's taken it upon himself to *threaten* your son, and 2) completely ignored you.... are both reason for your dh to speak clearly and forcefully to this guy that it is not okay... no way, no how.
  2. just listen. When people need to process, they often need someone to listen to them tell the story over and over again...it's part of the processing. Let your best friend talk... let her kids talk to you or your kids... just let them process as they need.
  3. I have no advice, but wanted to give you a :grouphug: ... so sorry you're going through this... it sucks.
  4. Another question... What about people with claustrophobia? I think it would be a fun outting for my sister's and I for my younger sis. 50th... but bot have claustrophobia. I'm thinking this might be a bad idea for them.
  5. just thought some people would appreciate this. My dh and I used to enjoy watching these in the 80's. edited to add:... some are free and some are .99cents..
  6. OMG!! Laughing so hard here. The story --- yeah... I dislike sappy stories with a guilt trip at the end.
  7. I would also like to send her a card too.
  8. I don't know why they wouldn't leave a message either. I think it's pretty standard for people NOT to answer a number they don't recognize. I always leave a message when I'm calling someone for the first time so they know I'm not a spammer.
  9. I like mixes too.. I have looked at collie mixes but unfortunately, it seems like they lump border and standard collies together in those "mixed breed - collie" descriptions. I'm pretty sure I don't want a border collie... way more energy than I think I can handle.
  10. Yes, thanks.. I do know that the rough and smooth are essentially the same... I think I'd personally prefer a shorter haired dog My friend has rough collies (blues??) and their coat seems to require a lot of work.. While I'd love to get a pure-bred... I do not want a puppy. That's way more of a commitment than I want to give. My 2 grandkids tire me out enough as it is!! I'm looking at rescues, but like I said earlier, there are far fewer smooths than roughs.
  11. [yes, it seems like shyness is somewhat of a common trait among collies. I don't think this would be a problem... but being new to dogs, I'm not sure exactly
  12. We're looking to get another dog and we're definitely still newbies at having dog. It's mostly as a companion for my 14yr old son...but also for me. A good friend, who is a doggie expert highly recommended a Smooth Collie (short-haired). She says collies are the perfect family dog (not Border collie, the Lassie type). She also thought the smooth collie would be a better fit since I don't really want to deal with quite so much hair maintenance. But, they are harder to find in the short-haired variety. Anyway, we found *one* that is a mix... looks like maybe some kind of hound/smooth collie mix. My one (known) concern is that they may be too energetic. It's fine for my son, but since I'm home a lot during the day, I'll end up being a primary caregiver. I'm just not sure how to find that right mix of affection and enthusiasm that my son would love, alongside a laid back couch potato that I want.
  13. Good to have you back with us!! Praying for your family's needs.
  14. What a great idea!! I've definitely thought about this myself It will NOT have a hill for a yard an HOA upstairs master bedroom (I'd prefer a rancher, but if not... then MB on main floor). ceramic tile - such a pain to clean - rather have vinyl flooring in kitchen/baths forced air and/or heat pump - so useless if your temps go below 40*
  15. My dh and I are enjoying. It's moving at a very fast pace, which is quite unlike the books. some of the characters do not look the way I thought they would in my head - Vinculus and Childermass especially...but I'll deal with it. My only big disappointment was the way Vinculus gave the prophesy. It was too, too fast and hard to understand. It was also very different when he gave it to Norrell in the book. He had gotten into his home & found Norrell alone in his study. No one could get into Norrell's study (magic) to save him. It was very exciting in the book. I love Stephen Black, Lady Pole, and Arabella Strange. I just wish they had kept Stephen's lady friend (Mrs. Brandy) in the movie. It's not that she is all that important to the books, but she does bring a tender human element to Stephen Black that made him even more sympathetic. He, Vinculus, and Childermass are my favorite characters from the books. Otherwise I've been okay with some of the changes and differences... which is surprising for me since I tend to be a book purest.
  16. yes, and I hate every minute of it. We've only been here about 3.5 yrs and in that time it's become more helicopter like. I've gotten letters because my recycling bin was left out overnight once... and because my mailbox was leaning 10% off. Yup, someone apparently came through with a level and checked all our mailboxes. The new thing is they want to raise the fine for doing improvements without approval from $150 to $1000 per infraction... They have a new long list of styles we can use when improving (such as style of garage door). I don't have a problem with the list per-se --- but we still have to jump through hoops and go several months to get approval for pre-approved garage door replacement styles. Meanwhile my garage doors are slowly rotting. Sigh.. I just don't even want to begin the process anymore, it's so tedious. We moved from a non HOA neighborhood to this. Biggest mistake I ever made. For the record -I lived in the HOA neighborhood for nearly 20yrs. In the time we never had problems with people letting their lawns get too long, deciding to color their house purple, or refrigerators on the front porch. I'm sure there are neighborhoods with that problem.. but I've never seen it.
  17. I'm stuck in a similar cycle. Summers are the worst for a good night's sleep. I got about 3-4hrs of sleep the night before last... I purposely didn't nap yesterday... and was still wide awake at 1am! I slept fitfully most of the night, up and down a few times... but did manage to sort of sleep until 7am... which isn't too bad...
  18. I love the diversity here... so many thoughtful people who take time to share their convictions and understanding of the world. And.. I love that it's not all seriousness here too.
  19. I keep the burn area immersed in cold water. Occasionally I'll take it out to check, but if the burning sensation comes back, into the cup of cold water it goes. I'll keep adding an ice cube or two to keep the water cold...but not freezing. Sometimes it takes several hours. It will still be tender the next day. I hope you're okay.
  20. Oh, I am so very sorry to read this... May he rest with the righteous and may his memory be eternal! Hugs and prayers for you and the family
  21. It looks lovely.. I would do it. You're far enough off the road and 17 cars in one hour is not that bad. My only suggestion would be to visit during rush hour. My sis lived on a frontage road that ran beside a major highway for 20yrs. They learned to block out most of the road traffic noise. On the plus side, they had a big lot and no neighborhood issues.
  22. This! If I had a friend who was injured at my home I would want to help them. I'm surprised the homeowner was so upset by this.
  23. My question... would it be fun if you have a mix of extremely competitive and non-competitive people. Would the non-competitive people get pushed out of the fun? There are certain people in my family I just don't like playing games with because they are uber-competitve and they suck all the joy out of gaming. It makes trying to do "family" activities a little awkward. I usually just bow out and stay by myself.
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