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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. No answers.. but hugs.. sounds like an awful situation.
  2. I agree. I've seen the "news" story that Dawn shared... it does give me pause. But I don't really know what to think since the source is questionable. It just doesn't make sense that big pharma would get into the assassination business. There are so many other more legitimate ways to discredit someone.
  3. I also have an ebb and flow of contentment and dissatisfaction. Lately, I've felt like life is pretty pointless. I feel...stuck these days. I'm at a point in my life where I really cannot change the circumstances, and I'm trying really hard to figure out how to be okay with that. Also, (totally off topic - so you can PM if you want) but, what is the name of the book you read? I'm not Lutheran...but I'm curious since my BIL is fairly active in the LCMS. Just wondering if it's a name I recognize
  4. my dh and I have an old friend we lost contact with. He was on this level of crazy... thought Nixon was the Anti-Christ and the "end times" was coming soon. He had several 3-ring binders with lots of "proof", etc. His whole Christian identity was wrapped up in this personal revelation from God. It was weird. We used to worry that he'd go postal when Nixon died.... but- - he didn't. Thank God! We got back in contact with him at a mutual friend's funeral about 3yrs ago.... he was dx bi-polar and was on meds... which probably saved him. I hope your sister and her family will be okay. Those kind of people are scary.
  5. I love this idea! If only..... I had some on hand that's what I'd do... but since it's from my sisters and I and it would take me a couple of weeks (at best) to handweave them...I don't know if it would work. But, I do like the idea. As to her likes. Well, one thing we talked about was how she's needing to down size and de-clutter. Apparently she has a lot of antiques.. She doesn't have children to pass them onto... so she was chatting away about how best to get rid of some of her things she doesn't use/want. She didn't have any jewlery and she doesn't wear scents. She mentioned that she's not a girly-girl once or twice. She does enjoy travelling and camping (RVing) with her husband. That discussion came up several times. But, I think they're very pragmatic, simple type campers... not all the bells-whistles type. Thanks for all the brainstorming ideas. They are helping!
  6. I'm underwhelmed too. The Roomba is gone. Sigh. And my vacuum is on the fritz too.
  7. my aunt has been in the hospital for 3weeks after having esophageal surgery (pre-cancerous). Her long-time and dearest friend drove 14hrs and came down the week before her surgery. She has been by her side every day (she's a retired nurse) and is going back home today. My sister's and I are beyond thankful for her help to my aunt, and to us... and want to send her a thank you gift, but are a bit stumped. She really went above and beyond. She's always on a diet so I'm reluctant to send food. She mentioned in conversation this week that she doesn't drink much (so I think wine is out). She lives in a small town in NH and there's no big restaurants chains there... beside I think a gift card would not be enough to convey our gratitude. Anyone in the hive got some good ideas?? We're stumped.
  8. I'm glad it wasn't as central as you originally thought. It's funny how sometimes kids pick up on the minor stuff and it's the only part they remember.
  9. I remember that too, being the DC metro area. We lived near a local small airport so we were used to the constant sound of small engines flying over.... that week the skies were *so* quiet. Every time I'd hear a jet go over my neighbor and I would run outside to see what it was. It was a bit scary those first few days. Otherwise, I've never been up close and personal with anything historical.
  10. He was in a nice movie with Julie Andrews too... the Tamarind Tree(??) I loved him in Lawrence of Arabia. Great movie. May he rest in peace
  11. I rarely use my Kindle. I don't like the way the pages are counted, it's just not the same as knowing how much of the book you've read by holding it in your hand. I like having a physical book in my hand.. I like to empirically "know" where something was on the page (I backtrack often for clarification). I can usually see in my mind's eye where it was on the page and which side it was on. But, I do like the auto dictionary feature...and of course, you can carry many more books on one small device. However, I don't read that fast and rarely finish one book while away traveling. I have one dd who owns one. She' likes it okay...mostly for internet use though.
  12. many hugs to you Mrs. W... thinking of you today. I have no words to offer... Just feel so sad for you and this situation.
  13. That's what I ended up going with. I had a Nana and I just felt there was no replacing her (even though she's been gone for 10yrs). Other grandma took it anyway, which was fine with me. I thought of Oma, but it just did't fit. Nothing really fit so we fell into Grandma. Oldest Grandchild is 2 and talking, so I guess there's no going back now. Congratulations Faith!! What happy news.
  14. That's incredibly sad... sounds like he's still dealing with grief over his first wife's loss.
  15. My one thought about your homeschooling him -- do you want him influencing your children? Clearly this is a troubled child (juvenile courts had to step in)... that is far more problematic than his ADHD dx.
  16. Clearly dad was not thinking with his head :glare:
  17. :grouphug: You're a good daughter. You have cared for your mom. You and your kids will have such wonderful and happy memories of that time together...but now it is time to do what is best and safest for her and your family. Dementia sucks.
  18. How about the Great Smokies? I don't know what is there as far as your diet needs (haven't visited in 20 yrs), but it's easy to find out. It's beautiful there...lots of nice hiking trails too. I think Gatlinburg is a pretty large town.. We just got back from a similar family vacation. Rented a big house for adult kids, spouses, grandkids, and my younger one (youngest is 14). It was fun, but we're finding that our kids are enjoying playing board games (Catan, Dominion, etc.) together more than doing the hikes we all enjoyed when they were younger. Neither spouse seems to enjoy the outdoorsy stuff..but one is willing if it isn't too strenuous. We tended to split up a bit too sometimes. Some would go on a nice raft ride down the river (not white water), others stayed home to enjoy the quiet.
  19. PrincessMommy


    I had 3 of my 6 who were exclusively homeschooled and went to school. I did not regret it and neither have they. There were some educational choices we made along the way that I have regretted (such as which school I sent them to), but I never regretted the choice to stop homeschooling them. It was time.
  20. I get it. I took a math class last summer. Just about killed me. I did end up with an A (yay me!), but it was not really worth the stress. I'm too old to be that stressed out about a #&%* math class.
  21. I'm so glad you said this.... you are not alone. I've always felt there's something wrong with me. Don't get me wrong...I'm happy for the couple and all, but can I be happy from a distance? Weddings are WAY overdone these days. I vote for going back to the days when the wedding consisted of a small wedding party of attendants and the parents. Everyone went to the local restaurant afterwards to celebrate. But, that's not my vent. My vent is that my dad has come to visit....for a month! I got wind of this about a month ago... not from him, mind you. Sigh. Yeah, a month... during the time my youngest (and last child at home) will be gone to camp for 10days. I was looking forward to having some time to myself. Anyway, I know it won't be that bad... he doesn't complain or gripe or anything.... But still.. he's a visitor. I'm hoping he can keep himself busy visiting old friends, cuz I got plans myself.
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