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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. Also agree that I can't stand Rose and I am annoyed that she's going to become a regular. I think Edith's editor friend is going to kill his wife (or have her killed.) I really hope Edith doesn't become his mistress .
  2. I couldn't keep my eyes off the beautiful countryside! And those dramatic clouds! I understand now why no one would ever want to leave!
  3. OT, but I can't help but think "how sad " that the mom has to leave a 6 week old baby to go back to work. :( If you're caring for this child so early in life for, how many hours a day? You're going to become a second mother. You and the baby will bond, especially if you carry / wear the baby.
  4. I would start looking at the Afterschooling board to get ideas for supplementing his education.
  5. I can't share on facebook yet, so I have to state here that my husband is WONDERFUL for going to the store this late at night so I can have a major pregnancy craving-a roast beef, cream cheese, raw spinach, and horseradish-mustard sandwich. ♥ I think I need more iron...

    1. Onceuponatime


      That sounds delicious and I'm not pregnant.


    2. Mrs_JWM


      Congratulations! :)

  6. Chinese take-out from our favorite place. We're moving out of state in a week and a half, so it's our last chance to eat their yummy food.
  7. Yesterday DH read something online and then said "sharks don't lay eggs! " Sigh. He also once said that the English discovered America.
  8. A guy I knew growing up just got married ; he proposed with Legos. (He's 28)
  9. I am 11.5 weeks and no OB will see me because I'm moving to another state in a week and a half. Which is frustrating because I've been so sick that I probably qualify as HG (I've lost more than 7% of my body weight.) I don't know what the gender is yet, but I want to know ASAP and I've been praying for a girl because I am NEVER doing this again! I'd write more but I'm on the phone, nauseated in bed. Thanks for starting this and I'll be back....eventually ... :)
  10. I've read the first one, but not the second. I liked it. I collect fairytale re-tellings. :001_smile:
  11. (List made by both Mrs. & Mr. Warde) Most Manipulative: a Goa'uld (they take you over completely!) or Caprica Six Most Humble: Jewel Staite (we couldn't decide between Kaylee or Jenifer Keller) Best Leader: Captain Mal Most Skeptical: Rodney McKay Best Sense of Humor: Teal'c: "...The Setesh guard's nose...drips." :D Favorite Alien Species: Changelings/shape-shifters Favorite Alien Character: Dh says Teal'c, I say Worf or Quark Most Realistic Show: Battlestar Galactica Least Realistic Show: Warehouse 13 Scariest Aliens: Dh agrees with the aliens from Alien. (Revers scare me the most, but they're not aliens.) Most Mysterious: The Furlings: because we know their name and have seen their written language but we never get to learn anything else about them! Most Malevolent (Long Term, Not Short Term): Love the A'shen as an answer for this one. :) Most Annoying: Luxanna Troy
  12. lol Ds6 just saw on Dirty Jobs two alpacas mating while the farmer and Mike watched. Ds6 watched for a moment and then said "they're stacking camels!"

    1. Dmmetler


      My DD says the frogs are "hugging". Uh, honey, not exactly....

  13. I second the question! I have hazel eyes that sometimes look green, or gray, or blue depending on light, what I'm wearing, or mood. My mother claims her eyes change, too. Almost all of my father's side of the family has brown eyes; most cousins and their children have brown eyes, too. Out of my father's 12 children (same mother with blue eyes) 10 have brown eyes, one has green, I have hazel. I married a blue-eyed man who has no close relatives with blue eyes. We have together a blue-eyed boy and a chocolate-brown eyed boy (he was born hazel looking, but it turned brown around when he turned 1 or 2, I think.) I'm pregnant with #3 and I would LOVE it if all my kids ended up with different colored eyes. Maybe a green or gray or hazel?
  14. I'm in America, and I've never heard that. Maybe it's regional? Although, thinking about it, I've heard of cats kneading, but I never connected that to bread making....
  15. Okay, she thinks that they are equal in that you can orgasm from both or that neither should be done in public because they are both (suppose to be in her mind) intimate? Did she think breastfeeding itself should be outlawed, or just in public?
  16. That's almost exactly what we're doing in 3 weeks, only the COL is a LOT lower, but dh will be taking a slight pay cut. Another state, somewhere I've never been, far away from any family. (Except that dh's parents might move in with us 6 months later...) But it is worth it to get out of California!
  17. The test itself isn't going to look very good in 10 days. I'd give it to him now, or do a new test for the card taken on the 14th.
  18. Tony Stark /Ironman!!! Yes, Thor is VERY nice to look at, but I've always preferred brunette men over blond.
  19. I like the framed picture /momento idea.
  20. Today my heart swelled as ds6 excitedly took his first communion

    1. Chelle in MO

      Chelle in MO

      Yippee! I had that pleasure w/ds10 last month!

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