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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. Silly hats that the kids can wear, flowers for the girls, swords for the boys. Also, does he have a balloon pump? They're cheap and handy because with a party full of kids, he's probably going to get tired.
  2. We recently moved states and I'm too pregnant-sick to church shop so we're at a BIG Free Methodist church because that's what dh was raised (FIL is a Free Methodist pastor.) They have a large Egg Hunt (I think I heard the number 30,000 eggs....) but before they do that they have a "show" for the kids that is an American Idol spoof called "Easter Idol" featuring a singing bunny and a chick, and some other characters. In the end (I know all this because they showed a preview) they have someone show up and talk about Jesus to the "judges" and "contestants" and he's declared the "real Easter Idol" (I think.) (FTR we don't "do" the Easter Bunny. We give them a stuffed lamb every year (ds4 loves his "flock") to represent Jesus and we usually give a VegggieTale DVD or Bible story book or something like that.)
  3. *Sigh* My dh doesn't have friends. We met in high school. He was going out with another girl and hung out with a group of friends. When they broke up, you might say she got the friends in the divorce. He started spending most of his time with me (who only had 3 friends.) He kept a few guy friends, but they stopped hanging out and after high school he only saw them a few times. We've belonged to a small, older church until our recent move, and his co-workers are either girls or his boss or older than him. And my 1 friend and I tired to get our husbands together to hang out, but we never seemed to make it happen. :glare: We are now in a new state, in an overwhelmingly large church, in a situation to where I have no idea how to meet people.
  4. http://www.tothemoonandbackblog.net/2013/03/ten-tips-to-naturally-handle-nausea.html Just saw this on my facebook feed. I'm 18.5 weeks and the only thing that has helped me have been prescription meds. :glare: I hope you find something that helps you, and congrats on the new little one!
  5. He doesn't have to wait for collage to begin programing! Take a look at this: http://www.amazon.co...hon programming The second book is where it gets really fun. http://www.amazon.com/Making-Games-Python-Pygame-Sweigart/dp/1469901730/ref=pd_sim_b_1
  6. Ds4 singing "Two times three equals six" today reminded me that Starfall.com does a lot of math songs.
  7. I'm on my last pregnancy and if it's not a girl, I'm going to be out numbered 4-to-1 FOREVER! :willy_nilly: ETA: That was an I-feel-your-pain-you're-not-alone.
  8. My first thought was to recommend that book! Probably not right for a six year old (I've never read it) but it might help the OP.
  9. My Granny when I was young would make a "puke bag." She lined a paper grocery bad with newspaper on the bottom and put a plastic grocery bag inside the paper bag. The paper bag kept it upright and open, and she could throw it away once it had been puked in and it was free to make.
  10. I read an article when the principal of a school canceled their Honors Awards because the kids who didn't get the grades would be "crushed. " :glare:
  11. I encountered that myself in Jr. High. That's how they judged my artwork contribution and poem recitation, and I'll tell you, I am so much more proud of my 5th place in the Matholympics (the year before I didn't place) than the red ribbons I got for the picture and poem (where everyone got a blue, red, or white ribbon.)
  12. For ds6's 4 th birthday we took him to the Sacramento Train Museum (he was ALL about Thomas back then) and then to Red Lobster because he had gotten it into his head somewhere that he wanted to "eat crab. " So we did, he LOVED it, and to this day talks about it.
  13. I know in CA you are only required to have 2 rear view mirrors unblocked, it doesn't matter which two.
  14. "I can't put a fiery torch inside my belly so that Squishy can see!" (Squishy is what we're calling the unborn baby, gender unknown.)
  15. Bumping for you because I would love something like this!
  16. That's what I've had to tell my little ones sometimes. It's awful,having to say "no" to a sick little one. :crying: You could try spoonfuls of the thin Campbell's chicken noodle soup or apple sauce. That won't be two hard if it comes back up. Also, I love the Pedialyte pops. Sometimes the cold/numbing helps settle things down.
  17. It depends on how I'm feeling. But when I do eat something when dry heaving, I start with things that aren't so bad coming back up, like applesauce and brothy soups.
  18. :iagree: :iagree: I was the kind of teen that would have absolutely said and done something, but I would never have been invited (let alone attended.) Sadly for the victims, that is likely to be true of all the "good kids."
  19. http://pinterest.com/pin/143622675586864926/ Cake shots!
  20. My in-laws are ....your typical version of family dysfunctional, but are still good and loving people. Dh's in-laws are.....in jail.
  21. It's really hard to stalk the UPS guy when you're not the one who made the orders, so you don't have tracking numbers :(

    1. Unicorn.


      I stalk mine by listening for the truck, and watching as he drives by. He's just that cute! lol

  22. "I know we haven't had cake yet, but I need to give you your birthday present NOW." Ds4(!) was grumpy this morning and didn't want to open any presents until this evening after cake because apparently that's how you're suppose to do birthdays. Only he's getting a LOT of Playmobil sets for presents and I had to assemble them (so not wrapped) and I wanted to give them to him over the course of the day, one at a time, let him play with one for a while before giving him the next one.
  23. Former Alaskan here: you had me at Fur Rondy! They did awesome! I so wish my grandparents had let me continue my lessons. I learned to skate on the flooded field at recess (in the winter time) in 6th grade in Anchorage.
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