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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. Here's the link to my blog post that has the information that I think is what Jen was trying to share in the first post.
  2. http://sceleratusclassicalacademy.blogspot.com/2012/11/best-kid-party-drink-ever.html I got this idea off of Pinterest. We turned the kool aid into ice cubes (start doing this several days before hand) and use them to flavor and color sprite. We mixed different colors/flavors together to get different results. The adults loved it, too. My favorite combo was cherry and lemonade.
  3. I'm having a baby, we've talked about the baby growing and developing inside of me, and how they baby will come out (I've vaguely covered both vaginal delivery and c-section which I'll have to have) and my 6.5 yo STILL hasn't asked how the baby got there in the first place. He knows about Jesus's birth, so I'm guessing ds6 thinks it's like that with all babies. Ds4 the other day told me that he thought the baby got into my belly through my mouth and digestive system (I've been very careful to make it clear that the baby is NOT where my food goes.) When I told him that's not how the baby got inside me he asked "where's the beginning?" I panicked, hemmed and hawed a bit, and after he tried guessing my belly button I told him under my underwear area. He thought that was weird, and I'm not sure he believes me. :laugh:
  4. My great-grandfather died when he was 4 years old of diphtheria. His dad realized something was wrong, reached down his throat and pulled the phelm out, but the doctor arrived and declared him dead. They had a funeral and everything. His mother was praying over his body in the cold room right before he was going to be buried when she saw his little pinkie move, and then his whole hand. If he had been buried (alive!) over 60 people who are alive today wouldn't have even been born. There is a very (locally) famous Grasshopper Weathervane on an old building in Boston that an ancestor made. It was the first copper wethervane or something like that made in colonial America.
  5. Absolutely not! How incredibly rude and how self centered/entitlement-issues are these children that they think it's okay to just go an play with someone else's toys but not have to include the OWNERS?!
  6. This is definitely for my kids. I get a lot of benefit out if it, it's true, but my reason is them, not me.
  7. I'm a fan of ZB on facebook and they posted this today: "May is Teacher Appreciation Month! Zaner-Bloser is excited to recognize teachers all month long for helping students learn lessons every day that mold their future lives. To express our gratitude for the hard work that you do, we are offering teachers our entire collection of writing graphic organizers—for free!...." http://www.zaner-bloser.com/teacher-appreciation-month I asked and it applies to homeschooling parents as well, so I thought I'd share on here. :)
  8. Are you referring to pap smears? Because I think you can still get cervical cancer even after menopause.
  9. I can host you, Winter. :) You post would fit in perfectly with my kids' ages for my blog.
  10. Not a job, but a book/project that she might enjoy and give her an idea if it's really something she'd love.
  11. Oh, Jen? I think the link to last year's blog tour is broken? At least, it's not working for me. ....hmmmm, is your site down? Or just getting too much traffic?
  12. All ready started my post in preparation! Mine is titled "Comparison is the Thief of Joy." I'll be using my own experience with comparing my oldest with my best friend's kid who is the same age, how my gifted kid cured me of it, and things I have picked up talking about comparisons with other parents (and especially how it applies to parents of gifted kids.)
  13. Janette Oke More Francine Rivers (LOVED Redeeming Love!) Linda or L.L. Chaikin (The Silk trilogy is my all time favorite books.)
  14. You are her parents. You make the decision that is best for your family. Extended relatives don't get a say. They can say afterwards, if they want to be jerks, but that's it.
  15. I think that if the student is graduating from the public school then they should not be a part of the homeschooled kids' graduation. I'd be happy to have them attend as a guest/friend, and if there's a celebration party they could be recognized as another graduating student, but should not be part of a ceremony.
  16. My first one (emergency): I don't remember. My second (emergency at 32 weeks): I had a bad reaction to the anesthesia they used and I couldn't get out of bed without puking, fainting, or both, for over 36 hours. My baby was in the NICU for 7 weeks, and Dh took almost the whole time off, and my in-laws watched ds#1 a lot, so I didn't really have to do much. This one (and it WILL be my last) is scheduled for August; we'll see if it turns out like that or if I have another emergency. Have a good support system in place for help, cleaning, cooking, etc.
  17. This is a song (parody) that I made up a while back just for waiting for a package. To the tune of "Here We Come A-Caroling." Finally the day has come for your delivery. And here comes the mail man So fair to be seen! Books and toys come to you and a happy Box Day, too. And God bless you and send you your package real soon! Oh, God bless you and send your package soon.
  18. I just moved a few states away from my best (and only IRL) friend a few weeks before she bought a house that would have had her living 1 minute away instead of 5 minutes away from where we used to live. It stinks because it was so nice to have her just come over and hang out (she works part-time) and have some "grown up time" and to have someone to swap babysitting with.
  19. My aunt was a social worker with CPS for a long time and she left the whole state of CA to move to OR because she was so unhappy with the policies and attitudes in CA.
  20. Yes. Land will never be worth nothing.
  21. Another vote for a naked bottom, no pants or anything else, until he's regular.
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